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Everything posted by Celtic_soulja

  1. That sucks...I personally liked what I seen from Incognito...he's a great run blocker...but we need tackles more than guards right?...so I guess can't be helped much... I'd LOVE to see Cody push Incognito five yards into the back field and eat Ronnie Brown AND Williams in one gulp hehehehhe
  2. If Levitre moves to Tackle we better draft IUPATI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm almost mad we are set at guard because of this guy
  3. I love sports because it's fun watching people abuse one another for no reason other than a shiny trophy...it's a battle...it's a competition...the passion of brutal power unleashed is ugly beauty...
  4. no....who are the leading tacklers on the teams around the league????...not DT's...good DT's take on blocks and sometimes sprinkle in 4 tackles a game...it's the MLB's that are supposed to stuff the run...and I'm not knocking Poz...the reason we stank against the run is becuase our LB's had to play freakin safety zones lol...it's like we wanted seven guys in zone and then hope Stroud and Williams could take on five blockers and still make the play against the run... STROUD IS DEFINITELY NOT OVER RATED...
  5. I say in the fourth or fifth round I would CONSIDER Tebow...anything above that is a reach for the Bills...there are too many Big talents in the draft at Tackle and NT to pass up for a project QB
  6. I'm going to have to say NO I would not be impressed with Dan Williams at nine...I know I'll catch hell for it, but did you watch tape on the guy?...he was unimpressive to me...I mean his stats are very impressive for tackle...but he rarely pushed the pocket...and couldn't get off blocks...a majority of his tackles were of two kinds...arm tackles with brute strength (because he couldn't get off blocks) or after the guy ran for five yards...I don't like him...on top of the fact he only put up impressive numbers in one year... Cody has more of a chance to be a game changer...and Linval Joseph is IMO the BEST DT in the draft...well in our reach...Suh ir ridiculous
  7. He is not all that good...but I'd bring him in to compete...why not...
  8. Pelosi is NOT going to get her just deserts in 2010...her district is the socialist headquarters lol...but she won't have any kind of majority to work with...and that's good
  9. I say add the guy...what's the worst that could happen...he stinks we let him go...we know the kid could play at one point...so he's a little mental...he'll get over it, he's young...the kid can block...our tackles can't...add him into the mix...see what happens...that's my opinion
  10. heheheh...I know, maybe we can............nope we can't...but maybe if we draft Tebow Trent will copy him...heheheheh most people draft rookies to be developed by veterans...maybe we can draft a rookie to develop our veteran????? heheheehe
  11. RESTED?????? talk about an understatement lol...Collins stinks...he has a few good games...at like four hundred years old...and the Bills fans are ready to forget the years of slaughter we took while flip flopping between him BJ and the Pill????? c'mon folks...lets be serious
  12. I think Nixon and Kissinger helped before Reagan...but whatever...Reagan did a bunch...along with England's Old Hag...the point is merely this...Reagan also began to change the Republicans from conservative to over spending scare tactics that culminated into the modern republican party and the Bush administration that outspends the world on defense from rock throwing dirt merchants...I'm a conservative/moderate....CONSERVATIVE...the word that has lost all meaning in the modern Republican party...nobody conserves ANYTHING anymore...is Obama not the worst...of course he is...but would McCain have spent much less...NO... That's why I voted for Ron Paul...and no I'm not a tea party member or a birther or a truther...I'm just a true conservative that ran out of options...REVOLUTION
  13. Remember John Holicek????...if that's how you spell his name...he was slow as a Tackle...but I thought he was solid...not some outstanding hall of famer but I was sad to see him go...he could read plays...that being said, I am SURPRISED that Spikes ran so slow...he didn't look THAT slow in college...he didn't really impress me all that much either though...I'd stay away from him, there are plenty of other LB's in the draft if you're hard up for one
  14. He should say WE'RE GONNA BEAT THE PATS...just so that we can get coverage like the Jets did
  15. As much as I think Tebow WONT make it in the NFL...I agree...he's a good guy so I HOPE he will make it, and if the Bills pick him I will be po'd at the pick but will yell till my lungs bleed for him to kick butt
  16. Yeah but now we got Mitchell Johnson Stroud AND Davis and Edwards...lol...we need an edge guy that is proven or get lucky with Maybin beign a good OLB and we'll be alright...we drop in a small man by the name of Cody at NT...and we could look pretty good...
  17. McCoy is better than Tebow...but he's a baby as well...I'm not sold on his arm strength either...Pike or Skelton are the best options for us...unless we could trade up for Bradford...which wouldn't be impossible if the Rams take someone else...but its highly improbably..and even still if we magically got Bradford, he'd suck because we have no OT's or DT's...
  18. I've always been a closet Collins fan hehehehe
  19. Yeah he's still incapable of throwing a spiral...but he got his teeth cleaned and did another commercial
  20. Anyone can request it from Hawaii and they send out like 20 of them a week for all you conspiracy birthers...I don't like the guy, I hate all liberals...but accusing what they are accusing embarasses me a bit...now if you have an issue about how natural born citizens are supposed to have thier PARENTS born in the U.S. you have a case becuase Obama's parents were not born in the US...other than that...HIS BIRTH CERT IS IRRELEVANT...
  21. At least Collins can throw a spiral...unlike Tebow lol
  22. Now because the data shows that he isn't cut out for an NFL quarter back you're going to personally attack those that point that out...good debate tactic...realllly intelligent...let me try All you Tebow supporters are just on his jock because you couldn't make anything for yourself so you are sweatin a kid out of florida that puts out Christian commercials about anti-abortion instead of learning how to throw... See how ridiculous and unrelated the two facts are????...irrelevant to the argument????...c'mon...he can't throw a spiral and you say that like it's a SMALL thing lmao...he is a quarter back...how about being slow and a scrambling QB??? lmao...
  23. He's over two bills...we'll just have Trent Williams hold him while he throws....Tebow is garbage...draft Pike and youll see a cold weather QB...
  24. yeah but Jordan didn't look like a fool before he tweaked it pal...Tiger Woods changes his shot to...but he knew how to shoot to begin with...tweaking your motion and thriving to be better is a great tribute to a players success...and yes, Tebow should be applauded for his efforts...but what he has to begin with is NO WHERE NEAR WHAT JORDAN HAD...so lets start being sensible about this...JORDAN WAS GOING NUMBER ONE NO QUESTION...they weren't like hmmmm maybe we'll wait to the fifth round and hope he's there and we'll work on him for two years before we start him...STOP IT...I LIKE THE KIDS ATTITUDE BUT HE'S NOT TALENTED
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