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Everything posted by Celtic_soulja

  1. I know I know, just me...but hear me out first... Okay, first...he's only started 32 games and is one of the most sacked QB's in the league because of our horrible O-Line...going first on statistics...has he been that bad?... Trent Edwards: First 32 starts....61 comp %...........5498 yards....24 tds/25 ints.......3 percent of his passes are picked Joe Montana: First 32 starts.....64 comp %............5456 yards...35 tds/22 ints.......3 percent of his passes were picked Tom Brady: First 32 starts......63 comp %............6,613 yards.....46 tds/26 ints....4 percent of his passes were picked (and yes Brady threw LESSSSS than Trent has in his first 32 starts making his int percentage a bit higher) Steve Young: First 32 starts.....53 comp %.........4,467 yards.......24/24.......3 percent of his passes were picked Phillip Rivers: First 32 starts.......58 comp %.......5,111 yards......33/18.......2 percent of his passes were picked Drew Brees: First 32 starts........58 comp %.......5,612 yards......28/31.......5 percent of his passes were picked Okay so they are pretty comparable numbers to some GREAT QB's...now I'm not suggesting that Trent is ANY OF THOSE...but what I'm suggesting is that we still haven't seen enough evidence to say he isn't either... Outside of statistics...he has a fluid motion and is still young in the game....he has a decent arm and when given time can do some damage...his two concusions have him gun shy back there, but who can blame him?...now enter Chan's offense...run first presumably because we cannot draft a stud and there are none available unless we pry D Mac from philly...so a run first ball club will rarely throw it around to millions of different wide outs...one deep threat and TE's and Backs out of the backfield....that's Trent's staple isn't it?...he never got on the same page with T.O....and since he's gone....I don't think Trent will be pressured to throw it more than twenty times a game except on rare occasions... He is the ultimate efficient QB...to a fault sometimes...but in a run first defensive team...isn't that what you want?...I think it would be a mistake to draft a QB high in THIS draft, and I think with a Run stuffing DT and a couple OT's...you have a whole new ball game where Trent is concerned...he's intelligent and just needs to get over being gun shy...which I think he can do...now, again...I am not saying he's pro bowl material, but I think he is capable...and I think that we do not have enough evidence to criticize him yet...not when his numbers are comparable...his win loss is comparable as well to some of them...and I think he can be much more effective with a better O-Line
  2. Todd Collins lol...whew...sure miss his golden arm hehehee
  3. But his slow release, slow footwork, and floppy duck arm are not to be applauded and drafting him at nine is an Oaklandesque type of pick... He's like the next Russell with no arm...and a killer smile
  4. So shall we start Edwards another year?.... I've been calling Matt a bust for two years now lol
  5. While we're at it lets draft a RB with the 2nd pick and a wide out with pick 3...and we can do what we've been doing for the past ten years...MORE SKILL GUYS WITH NO ONE TO BLOCK OR STOP THE RUN...genius plan
  6. Hasselwack is washed up...don't want or need him in Buffalo
  7. This is not going to pass...don't care what they say...if it does there will be hell to pay you just watch and see...the Democrats are quiting retiring and jumping to the other party quickly...democratic districts are going republican...and the remaining democratic majority are scared schittless
  8. Bills need to draft Linval Joseph...
  9. No he put up numbers against other teams to...but did you watch the games????...I mean his throws are dorky and ugly and slow...his arm is not the calliber of arm you want...Troy Smith is another one...oh he won the Hiesman...blah blah blah...yeah but not based on the kids arm...which is inevitably WHY you draft QUARTER BACKS
  11. Two round difference is the difference between getting a second round NT or OT and Pike or Skelton...or getting Tebow and then a third round NT or OT...I like it the other way around...and in our offense, we need a strong arm quarterback because of the windy days late in the year...no, just an arm isn't enough to be a hall of fame QB...but it's enough to get the job done in a RUN FIRST offense like we should be running with Jackson and Lynch And if Pike don't drop to round three at least...I wouldn't take him either...I don't take a QB any higher than the fourth round this year based on our needs and the talent at QB...I think Skelton and possibly Pike are still available and have great arm strength...something that would be useful in Buffalo...and reachable for us based on picking up a LB, Two OT's and a NT...something to that affect...
  12. Delhomme hasn't been in the upper half of QB's in quite some time...you want a good leader with no playing ability???? HIRE ANOTHER COACH
  13. Edwards is a playmaker...like Kordell Steward style though...I wouldn't compare him to Vick...he doesn't have the arm...
  14. I love Stroud...I'll be upset if they trade him...and Williams to...I believe they both fit a 3-4 scheme at end...even though I get trashed because apparently you have to be "this height" to be a DE and Williams is too short...but I think you get Cody or Joseph...and you got a fabulous D line in rotation....1st and 2nd down you get Williams Cody Stroud....passing downs you get Edwards Stroud Kelsay....and you can change it up as fat boys get tired...
  15. No he won't fall out of the First round...I don't think anyway
  16. They were telling me that they should've traded Brady instead of Cassel while i was back home in New England...I was like ARE YOU SERIOIUS???????? They are a fickle bunch of tards out there
  17. Jake Delhomme is a bum now...nobody in Carolina followed him near the end...they follow guys that can play and handle the limelight when they do play...leadership ability is meaningless if you can't go out and play well...people will like ya, but they won't believe they are going to any SB's if you're throwing five interceptions...and let a guy that can't do his job grab me by the throat...I'd punch him in the teeth and tell him, when you stop throwing interceptions, I'll follow you through whatever door you want, but until you stop doing that...keep walkin pal
  18. He seems like a nice enough guy...good solid statistics coming in...should be an instant plug in...Davis Veek Poz Stroud Edwards....five of the front seven set...Maybin needs to prove something...and Cody needs to come to Buffalo
  19. If the Pats draft Pike I'm going to beat someone's face in...
  20. Because they have a private workout to see IN DEPTH that he can't throw a spiral...and then they will Draft him and be like...wow, he still can't throw a spiral...at least he can scramble...oh wait...way too slow...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO another Bust...another Bill
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