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Everything posted by Celtic_soulja

  1. Okay Okay...you have Big Ben from Pittsburgh to win it in his second year....other than him...NOBODY...THEY ALL HAVE WON WELL AFTER THIER THIRD YEARS IN THE NFL...so get off Trent's back...PLEASE...the kid hasn't had ample time to prove anything one way or the other...he hasn't solidyfied he's a franchise QB... BUT NEITHER HAS HE PROVED HE IS NOT...
  2. So then Aikman was injury prone and Steve Young as well...both injury prone...and MULTI SUPERBOWL CHAMPIONS... And his arm strength is more than adequate...you guys are just hating on the poor guy becuase you're so starved for a championship that after two years you're ready to try and develop another guy for two years...throw him away...grab another for two years...then look back and say dang...we just wasted eight years developing...or should I say ruining guys careers because they can't win the SB in thier first two seasons...shall I go research them statistics for you?????
  3. I'm all for taking a QB rounds five through seven...but above that is not worth it for a team with NO TACKLES and a team that CAN'T STOP THE RUN...those are priorities right now... With the way the league don't let QB's play with broken fingernails...they NEED TO BE ABLE TO PLAY UNTOUCHED... Also, stopping the run allows your offense to get on the field...without these two things...a QB is useless...also, it gives my boy Trent Edwards to play his third season and show all these Bills fans that he is the real deal
  4. People keep talking about being "injury" prone, but what they don't realize is these darn NFL doctors are all about not letting a player get into the game with "concussion like symptoms"...that means the games Edwards missed with his "concussion" was nothing more than "doctor's being precautious"...it getting ridiculous...back in the day these QB's could play through it and nobody would stop them...is Aikman braindead now?....how about Steve Young?...both played through many concussions...so YES O LINEMEN NEED TO BE PERFECT NOW...or your QB willllll miss time
  6. Okay...lets look at some QB's that have been proven winners NOT taken in the top ten...or some even not in the first round at all.... Kurt Warner......undrafted Tom Brady........6th round Jury is out on Cassel but if he does something.......7th round Matt Hasselbeck, don't like him but I've seen a bunch of Bills fans wanting him now even as old as he is.....6th round Tony Romo.......undrafted Jeff Garcia........undrafted Marc Bulger, ehhh shouldn't even be on this list IMO lol but if y'all like Hasselbeck y'all probably like him to.....6th round Jake Delhomme, not a fan now, but he had his days in the past.....undrafted Jay Cutler.................round one pick 11 Ben Roethlisberger.......round one pick 11 Daunte Culpepper, not a fan, but some like him.........round one pick 11 Drew Brees....................2nd round Matt Shaub...............3rd round Aaron Rodgers............round one pick 24 Joe Montana..............3rd round Joe Namath...............round one pick 12 Dan Marino................round one pick 27 JIM KELLY.................round one pick 14 Roger Staubach...........10th round Bart Starr....................17th round Warren Moon..............undrafted I mean the list goes on and on and on....there are far less top ten QB picks in the Hall of Fame than QB's picked beyond that mark...trading away a whole bunch of picks to get into the top ten to get a HOF QB is ridiculous and idiotic...if you believe there aren't more QB's picked later than pick ten who go on to illustrious careers...take a look at that list, and then if you want to play a game...name a QB that was picked in the top ten, then I'll name one that wasn't....we'll see who runs out of names first....
  7. Also to address all the Tight End wishers...I believe that we have a guy in Nelson..if he can stay healthy we'll be alright...completely healthy Trent's game looks so much better with Nelson... And as for him being "injury" prone because of his concussions...there have plenty of concussion QB's in the past that have done just fine...what makes him look like such a kitty is how they baby concussions now...so Jim Kelly and you fans can say all the things you want, but the docs don't clear them to play with concussions anymore...like when Aikman threw two td's and couldn't remember....or Kelly came in seeing stars and still won the game...THEY DON'T LET THEM ANYMORE...can't do nothing about that
  8. Okay, number one, those stats were not saying EDWARDS IS DEFINITELY GOING TO BE AS GOOD AS MONTANA...they were to iterate that the jury has to still be out...what I failed to mention is the good and bad QB's separate themselves from the pack during games 32-48...so until AFTER this season we shouldn't pull the trigger on Edwards... To answer you.... J P Losman...completed less of his passes...had a 1000 yards LESS than Edwards...and had an interception percentage of 6 percent...so WHATEVER DUDE...after 32 games Edwards per attemps threw only 3 percent interceptions...and 1000 more yards after 32 games....take that how you want, but I think we pulled Losman a little early to...but when Edwards came in and did what he did, showed the cool calmness and intelligence he did...Losman knew just like we knew his days were numbered
  9. Exactly...Chan Gailey will pound the rock like we SHOULD HAVE BEEN DOING ALL LAST SEASON WITH NO TACKLES TO BLOCK AND OUR QB'S LAYING ON THE TURF...I was just telling my buddy that the Bills have to be better this season...even if we decide NOT TO DRAFT ANYONE...a 3-4 defense is better than the Tampa 2...and Chan will run the ball...that ALONE will make us better...not good but better...
  10. Yeah Draft Skelton...let the four guys fight it out...I bank on Edwards but if Skelton or Brohm come out with some promise, I'll be all about them...of course I didn't mention Fitzy becuase his arm doesn't match his brass pair...unfortunately...you give Edwards the courage of Fitzy or Fitzy the arm of Edwards and we got a pretty good QB...
  11. Blue on the other hand is the color that represented St. Patrick himself...they changed to green because of his teaching of the trinity using the shamrock and we are all so darned drawn to symbols for hollidays green became the color... At any rate...St. TeeeeeSlow stinks...I would only wear blue and orange if he promised to stay out of Buffalo...lol
  12. Toooooo mathematical lol...I understand the argument but slower LB's can still do thier job...not saying Spikes slow...but slower than the average LB... Spikes ran the forty like a DT...Linval Joseph ran it faster and he's 330 pound...he didn't look slow when he played though...I still wouldn't draft him...
  13. TeSlow is not a good QB...he's a good person...good people without skills should be coaches not players lol...sorry he's too young...not worth the money...not worth the risk for a franchise already in deep doo doo...
  14. Wuerfel is a hall of famer I thought???...c'mon...lets not make the comparison...Danny could sling it WAY better than Tebow can if fans and media could WILL this guy to be great...he'd be the next Steve Young...too bad so sad...maybe he'll be an excellent back up water boy somewhere...with that attitude he'll rise right to the top...
  15. Yeah Chan is known for building offenses around guys...sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo why not draft the milkman lizard boy??? he'll play for flies...and we can build an offense around delivering milk???...hmmmmmm cheap to... He built an offense around Thigpen...AND THEY SUCKED
  16. I love it...my kids were all too young to see the Bills in thier prime...they think of me as a lunatic rooting for them as bad as they've been...they don't believe my stories of the glory days of the team...then I got the replay of the Bills Houston come back game...all three boys are now Bills fans hehehehehe...talking just like thier old man...this year we're gonna be good again...
  17. I think he sees what everyone else sees...one good QB in the draft and NO FA's good enough to do anything with...so take what you can get and hope for the best
  18. Yeah but if he did that...how would he have yardage comparable to the many great QB's I put stats up for?....only Brady had substantially more yardage...and Trent has more yardage than Montana, Young, and Rivers through the first 32 starts... It's too early to tell...that's my opinion anyway...yes he needs to stop being a scared little girl...but the talent is there and Kerry Collins went through this with his second concusion then came back and brought the Gmen to the SB...so...I mean...I'm not willing to throw away two and a half years of development on another Rookie that will take three more years to develop...not until another season goes by and we see what we got You say about the rule changes..that's why I have Rivers and Brees in there as well...same rules...similar numbers...we're judging Trent too harshly IMO
  19. Yeah you dump it off so they can make a play hehehehehheeheh I know what you mean...I get frustrated watching him sometimes to...but I try to look at the big picture and be unbiased...the statistics as a whole...giving him the benefit of the doubt because he's only started 32 games...equivalent of only two seasons...like I said, his long term career I feel the jury is still out and I can't say definitively that he won't become something of a good QB...
  20. Yeah, I was comparing Clauson to Leaf and everyone jumped me lol...I was like, not that he will bust like Leaf, but all the reports coming from his teamates were oh, he's a great leader and it's confidence not an attitude problem...yet if you watch the pre draft interviews the similarities in mannerisms are creepy and he gives me that wierd...LOOK AT ME I'M A BUST feeling lmao...but like I said in the other post...I thought Manning would bust and Leaf would be the next Jim Kelly...woohoo
  21. If you want Tebow, why not just wait till the sixth round and pick up Armanti Edwards...at least he's got break away speed... I'm with you on Tebow just not having the raw skill for QB in the NFL...I hope he does because he's really a good kid, but I just don't see it happening...
  22. Well we got a punter that can run a 4.4 forty and boot it 80 yards...sweeeeeeeeeeeeet...maybe he's our Franchise QB and we just don't know it...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... Scrambler like Vick????...he can probably throw it better than Tebow...c'mon give em a shot coach!
  23. I don't think...and by don't think....I mean I hope that it don't happen....Clauson slips to us...IMHO The ONLY QB worth a first rounder in the top ten especially is Bradford...the rest are not worth the risk.... And while some may be disappointed with a mid round QB pick, I think it works out in our favor and Trent opens up some eyes...you're right, he has been banged up pretty easily...but he takes alot of punishment to...if he can stay healthy MAYBE we can truly assess what we have in the dude
  24. Wanna hear bad judgment on draft day???...I was jumping for joy when the Charges got Leaf and Manning went to the Colts because Leaf was a stud lmao...and the Colts were still in our division at the time so I said he'll bust and we'll be whipping him all day twice a year hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....good call....and I said Bledsoe would save our team...and That Trent Edwards is the next Brady....hmmmmmmmmm....not so good with the QB's Now LB's that's a whole different story...and DT's as well...and I'm pretty good with OL to...I guess because I played DT I know big guys better?.... That being said...LINVAL JOSEPH IS A BEAST...IUPATI is the best linemen in the draft...raw but best talent...I WISH we needed a guard not a tackle...though I think he could play ANYWHERE HE WANTED TO on our line...
  25. Hehehehe...nice...it was a secret play...honest...
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