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Everything posted by Celtic_soulja

  1. I like TE converts....I miss Jason Peters
  2. I disagree that Veek is a liability at OLB...the guy has pash rushing skills...in an aggressive defense run in NY he was killing QB's...he just never got the chance here with the conservative defense we ran...he gets off blocks very well...and his speed is no where near as bad as people are saying...I beleive Shobel is a bigger liability at OLB than Veek...Maybin could be a liability anywhere considering his awareness last year
  3. I'd be all for that trade...we could then pick up three really good players a couple Tackles and a NT...there is depth at the positions we really need...so the more picks the better...that being said it depends on if the top eigth all grab big men, if there is a run we can't really trade too far back and get squat...but if there isn't some ridiculous run on Tackles I would go for it...we need a multitude of big guys...
  4. I am excited about the new defense...only because I truly believe we will at least be more ACTIVE with the front seven in this scheme...that being said, there are a few issues to be addressed... OLB for example is so far up in the air I can barely even see it...Shobel = Kampman...Maybin is a ????...I believe Veek could play OLB because of his great pass rushing ability...but what about the other OLB?...it's completely up in the air...I don't believe we have the pass rusher on our roster that can play OLB...maybe Maybin, but he looked no only to weak to play DE but confused...THAT is what scares me...if DE in a 4-3 confuses him...how about OLB in a 3-4...there is more to the position...I hope that he can do it...he's got the explosive speed, but what else????...he hasn't shown good awareness and he hasn't shown ANY good pash rushing moves...okay, I don't believe Shobel makes the transition, but he's a worker and I think maybe he could pull it off better than Maybin...and that's only IF he decides to come back... Then we have the D-Line...we don't have a NT...everyone can say what they want about who can play there...but to be a dominant 3-4 you need a big nasty mean NT...all of our DT's could play DE...so, we will need to draft a beast and possibly a dominant OLB or bring Porter in...if not...we have questions.... We have a great secondary and they will be fine and probably thrive because even with all our questions in the front seven they should produce more pressure than last year and be a little better at stopping the run... It isn't hard improving a Run defense that was 30th in the league last year...so we should be better this year regardless of what happens...but I am a excited...because it's a step in the right direction...
  5. Yeah, you can see the inconsistency of the offense game planning...I pointed one of these out to my friend during the first Miami game last season...we were going in with both starting OT's hurt...and with Porter and co I told my boy that if they throw more than twenty five times we'd get slaughtered...I said our interior is still intact...we should run it up the gut like 20-25 times this game if we expect to win...if Trent drops back he's toast...and what did AVP do?...we tried to go deep to T.O. and Evans all darn game and got whipped like red headed step children... I just plainly don't understand the logic here...and it wasn't just that game, it's been that way for years here...no matter who the OC was...it's like when we have an offense built for a power offense we try to run west coast, when we are built for a west coast we run the ball...there has been a completely improper assessment of what we have...I just hope that Chan Gailey knows a little more and we have to see...he's known for putting together offenses based on the strengths of the players...but so was Mularky...and I didn't see it...so we'll see...I'm sick of this, "well we can't run when they know that's what we're going to do" that is the ultimate slap in the face to our offensive players...on fourth and one and the defense puts 5994883 in the box...Lynch still picks it up...I've seen him do it...you don't always have to TRICK the defense...yes once in a while it's a good method to pick up a big play...you don't base your ENTIRE gameplan based on doing just the opposite of what the defense thinks you're gonna do...ESPECIALLY when the REASON they think you won't do it is because they WATCH tape and KNOW you are not STUPID enough to try it...ooooh nope we fooled them...with two practice squad OT's we'll still take seven step drops no matter HOW fragile our QB is...because we have OWENS ooooooh....ridiculous...
  6. Tony Washington's a pig
  7. Imprisonment for smoking????...or disobeying a flight attendent???...geezy creezy....
  8. So you could of summed this post up by saying...ALRIGHT NO MORE INTELLIGENT FOOTBALL CONVERSATIONS PLEASE...I'M TOO RIDICULOUSLY UNIFORMED TO UNDERSTAND IT...THE ONLY STATISTICS I CAN UNDERSTAND IS WIN OR LOSE AND I DONT UNDERSTAND ANYTHING THAT GOES INTO THE WIN OR LOSS...dee dee dee.... the last 20 superbowl winners had at least one probowl lineman except the 2009 Steelers...18 of the last twenty had more than one...pretty darned important if you ask me... Defense still wins championships...the last 14 of 20 champs had top ten rushing defenses... offense is a piece, but running outweighs passing slightly with 11 of the 20 featuring a better rushing offense than passing....14 of 20 had rushing offense in the top ten while only 11 of 20 had passing offenses in the top ten... Look, I understand that you are sick of hearing "its won in the trenches" because it takes away from your flutie flakes and jocking guys like Brady, who, I'll have you know, had a better ranked defense than offense in ALL his superbowl wins and only in thier years they missed the playoffs and lost the superbowl did thier offense rank higher than thier defense...I'm sorry to rain on your Brady, Manning, and Brees facade with empirical evidence proving games AND championships are won in the trenches... Brady had as many as three probowl linemen blocking for him in the hayday of the pats....and had a good rushing offense in all but the 04 superbowl P. Manning had two probowl linemen Brees had three the GREAT Aikman had four and one year he had five also a top five rushing offense and upper eschelon defenses as well the list goes on and on...like I said...other than Roethlisberger beating the Cards...and the Bucs beating the Raiders...all other teams had two or more probowl linemen...so...
  9. Don't tell me it is too long to read through
  10. RIGHT THERE....perfectly said....Haloti Ngata...HELLO Ray Lewis again....the big fat men eating up all the blockers for the LB's to run around and make plays...totally agree...and lets not forget Cody is that man for McClain
  11. Okay, so the Bills got the number 9 pick and everyone is praying for either Clauson to fall, or some even say reaching for a guy like Tim Tebow would be great. Thier reason? Well, it's a quarter back driven league and we need a franchise quarter back more than anything in Buffalo. My opinion is and always has been the Bills should draft the biggest nastiest blobbiest guy available, in other words an offensive or defensive tackle. My reasoning? Well the Bills give up more sacks than completions and they stopped the run about as good as eleven safeties could against a goal line offense. 30th in the league to be exact, and opponents averaged 5 yards a carry throughout the year no matter who we played. Alright, so what is actually the greater need? I compiled some statistics from the last 20 Superbowl champions to find out. First, I looked at the offensive lineman. In the past twenty years only 5% of Superbowl winners won without at least one offensive lineman in the probowl. Only 10% won a superbowl without at least two. 45% of Superbowl winners had three or more. So, this is a pretty good start for me I thought...well that proves you at least need one to probowl fat guy to win, and 90% of the time you need more than one... Next, I looked at Run Defenses of those twenty Superbowl winners. 70% of them had a top ten rush defense. Only 10% of them fell below 20th and that was the Saints and Colts. Okay, 60% of the SB Champs had top FIVE run defenses. So again, pretty evident a rush defense...I.E. Huge Fat Defensive Tackles are pretty important as well...a majority of the SB winners have them. After that I looked at Passing and Rushing offenses. Just to see really how important that Franchise QB really is to a championship team. Well at first glance you see the glamour of the QB and how an arial attack is fundamental to most NFL championship teams. I mean 55% of these championship teams finished in the top ten and 35% of the winners finished in the top 5. That's pretty important. Not as important as stuffing the run, but up there none the less...55% Passing offense versus 70% Rushing Defense.....35% Passing offense versus 60% Rushing defense...comparable edge to the Rushing defense...but still the champions know how to air it out. Now I've been crying and whining that we could win with Trent Edwards as long as we smash the ball in there and play defense...stressing that our running backs could lead us...I get yelled at all the time for saying I would run at least 2 times per every pass a 2-1 ratio...so in comparison to championship clubs...55% of them ran the ball better than they threw it...slight edge...70% of the winners were in the top ten in rushing offense...again a slight edge to the 55% of passing in the top ten..and even with the 70% of top ten rushing defenses. Only 20% of the SB championship teams finished in the bottom half in rushing....while 30% of SB champions finished in the bottom half in passing...a small 15% finished lower than 20th in rushing offense...while 25% of the champions finished lower than 20th in passing...and one of those were the 2002 Patriots just a little tid bit... So again...we have top ten placing rushing defenses winning 70% of SB's ...............we have top ten placing rushing offenses winning 70% of SB's ................we have top ten placing passing offenses winning 55% of SB's ................and we have 90% of champions touting two or more probowl offensive linemen... I think it becomes fairly clear enough for even you Tebow fans that we are much better served picking up a slob with man boobs instead of a kid with a great smile... While I DO agree a QB is an important piece of the puzzle, the statistics show that all of those great QB's have at least two probowl linemen protecting them...that's at least four man boobs that has seen the probowl...Only Ben Roethlisberger didn't have a probowler blocking for him, and I think he brings his own man boobs to the big show anyway...the statistics also show that even those glory getting QB's...55% of them had better rushing attacks...and 75% of them pretty boy QB's had a better rushing defense than passing attack as well...so this should end ALL DOUBT that picking a fat man in the first round in this draft is our best bet to win... All hail the man boobs
  12. Cutler has a fluid release???? wow...we know YOU are not a QB coach...Aikman I'll give you....Marino not fluid???...only the quickest release maybe EVER...yeah really sloppy....and Elway sure...he was a pitcher...moving on..... Bill Walsh said some good things about Edwards.....hmmmm you or Walsh...yeah, I'll go ahead and stick with Walsh...just a gut feeling he knows QB's a bit better than you...anyway...again moving on...he reminds you of that guy in college because you were the nerd dreaming of getting on a football team...and well, he is...
  13. I think Incognito is a good offensive lineman and with a team that runs ALL the time like the Dolphins, he'll be starting and the Dolphins will be harder to stop this season...which really angers me...all the more reason to draft a 50000 pound DT
  14. And other QB's have Tackles that can block for them...
  15. Okay even still Brady and Ben...then you have Brees...been around awhile...Manning...both of them....then you have Brad Johnson...ancient by the time he won....Dilfer...don't even think he counts of as a QB....Warner....older....Elway...long over due....Favre...older....Aikman...older....Hostetler...another dude that barely counts as a QB but older....so in twenty years you show me TWO???? WHOOOPPIEEEEEE....I got another 18 SB's that have guys third year or older...hmmmm... Yeah Edwards isn't Brady....wowzers...there have been many NON-Brady winners in NFL history...or did we just not play SB's before him????...c'mon..
  16. I shoot myself in the face if they grab C.J. Spiller... Now, I would go DT if four of the top eight pick OT's and then two of the top pick QB's...That leaves only two picks left...that's a bunch of top rated people dropping to us at 9...DT's, DE's, LB's...all good at 9...no RB's QB's or WR's...no CB's or Safeties either...though there WILL be one safety taken before us and that only leaves one pick between us and a plethera of top rated LB's DE's and DT's
  17. Mitchell will be a great OLB in a 3-4...he's got the speed and the pass rushing ability to be a real force in the scheme...I love it...it is where he should be...then Poz and Davis inside... Just Maybe Maybin will have to step up because Shobel won't return I don't think and we won't go out and get Porter...if we did though???...dayum that would be a LB core to envy...
  18. Thank you...WE CANNOT PROPERLY ASSESS WHAT WE HAVE...becuase the entire system was fouled up on top of no O Line to speak of...
  19. MCClain is ridiculous..but only if he has Cody to make him work...so...I say go with the Tackle or NT at 9...all day every day...that's our biggest needs and thats what we'd better do if we want to compete next year
  20. UGH...are you serious????....our DEFENSE WAS LAST AGAINST THE RUN...WELL 30TH THAT'S CLOSE ENOUGH TO LAST FOR ME...yes we caused turnovers that helped keep us in games...great...wonderful...but it didn't help that the offenses could methodically keep our offense on the side lines averaging 5 yards a carry...EVERYONE ran against us...c'mon...we ran the least amounts of plays of any offense because of that...and then threw the ball a million times a game...which I talked about why Losman threw the ball less and Edwards threw an extra pick and still had HALF of the interception percentage as Losman And then you look at the win loss...if that's your end all stat then let me give them to you as well...grrrr... Joe Montana...........18-14 (Sat one full season) Tom Brady..............19-13 (sat for one full season) Steve Young............13-19 (sat for the first eleven games rookie year then thrown in) Phillip Rivers............22-10 (He unlike Steve Young Sat for two years before playing) Drew Brees.............11-22 (sat for one full season) Then Trent Edwards......14-18 (sat for 2 games his rookie year before being thrown in) Still yielding a better win record than Drew Brees and Steve Young....and was thrown into action much earlier in his progression than any of they were...so lets not pretend Edwards sucks...if you were the GM you'd probably have traded all of these guys except Rivers because he's the only one that came out winning...the others after the first year were terrible...oh, and that's not true, because you wouldn't sit a QB two years on the bench like they did with Rivers...so you'd probably have ruined him to...
  21. Yeah I was just pulling names of guys that made the probowl for the past five years and then thinking of QB's off the top of my head that were relevant and possible HOFers....and I wasn't saying that late round is the way to go to find a franchise QB...just that you don't need to pick them in the top ten...because people were saying we need to move up from our current position to get a franchise QB...with mid FIRST round picks...we have had plenty of opportunities to find THE GUY... Personally I think fate is on our side...I can see it now...we dont reach for a QB...go with Tackles for the offense and defense...then we go to battle with what we got...with a run first mentality and two great RB's Trent gets sacked less and becomes calm again...everyone jumps back on his bandwagon...(I'm saving thier seat)...and we become a force in the AFC again...all because we decided to wait till next year to draft a QB
  22. Trent Edwards will win four SB's with the Bills
  23. On top of the fact you saying I'm swinging from the guy's twig and berries when I ADAMENTLY stated that THE JURY IS STILL OUT AND I'M NOT READY TO PULL THE TRIGGER BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU GOT IN QB UNTIL GAMES 32-48....which if by next season Trent hasn't shown he can be a man in this league I would gladly say let him sit the bench...but until then...I'm not... also, FYI I was saying the SAME THING about Losman...though I understood more because Edwards came in and was mister cool...and everyone was amazed with his cool calmness under pressure which he evidently lost after being sacked 100 times in 30 games...but I hope that he can find again
  24. Really?...33 TD's in the first 32 games????? are you sure...I got 27....and hmmmmm....4,423 yard through the first 32 games is what I got...what do you got and more importantly WHERE DID YOU GET IT??? JP Losman.......56% comp.............4,423 yards...............27 TDs/24 INTS....6% of his passes were picked off through the FIRST 32 GAMES of his career... Trent Edwards....61% comp..........5,498 yards.............24 tds/25 ints....3 % of his passes were picked off through the first 32 games of his career...why does he have one more pick and less of a pick percentage????...because he threw much more often than Losman did...because when Losman was starting we RAN THE DAMN FOOTBALL SO PLAY ACTION WOULD WORK...and THAT IS WHY HE HAD THE EXTRA 3 TDS...IMO And Losman didn't have fifty five concussions like Edwards...we threw too often with Trent and we need that to change and now GAILEY is going to go run first...and TRENT IS GOING TO SHUT THESE BUFFALONIAN HATERS UP...and I can't wait!!!!! woohoo GO BILLS
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