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Everything posted by Celtic_soulja

  1. HEHEH EXACTLY...our country has been sidestepping the Constitution since it was written...you had upholders/protectors...and those "living document" types...nobody cares about the people...not in Washington... You have money and power grabbers...that's it...this is not a republican/democrat issue...it's a people/government issue....in this particular debate you had the Democrats representing insurance companies covertly....with Republicans voicing thier support for the insurance companies...so if both sides were representing the insurance companies...what side was representing us????... For those who question the Dems support for the insurance companies...look at the stock prices of the insurance companies now that the Bill is coming close to fruition....they are taking on 30 something million more clients now...THAT is an increase in revenue...
  2. Like TE with a heart????...he didn't even hurt his shoulder in the Championship game...that was WEAK...c'mon...the kid is a weakling...no arm strength...I was all about him until I watched him play...then I was like...he's lucky if he gets picked in round 3...he's a girl
  3. Brohm...who I liked coming out of college...proved to be a disappointment thus far...nobody wanted him...he couldn't make it off the practice squad...I dont know about thinking this guy is the answer now c'mon.... And Eric Wood is not a good opinion to go on...maybe we should listen to Whitner about grabbing Troy from Balt...or maybe we should ask all our players, who was your QB in college...you think we should pick them up????...hmmm...or no no no wait...I have a better idea...lets listen to QB talent evaluators instead...they might know what they are doing...but not QB evaluators like Bill Walsh...because he got lucky with the few QB's he got...lets go with a different evaluator... It tickles me that you guys are like YEAH WOOD SAID IT...but then downplay what Walsh said about Edwards...ridiculous...simply ridiculous...makes me question "the most informed and football savvy fans in the nation" statement by Takeo back in the day
  4. How good was that "pistol" offense in KC????...c'mon...they weren't a great team...I've said this before and I'll say it YET again....COULD Gailey design an offense around Tebow...YES...he could, he did it with Thigpen... He COULD design an offense around the paperboy...but that doesn't mean he SHOULD...it might be the BEST thing for TEBOW...but it wouldn't be the BEST thing for BUFFALO...
  5. I think we should be alright on D with a good draft...offense though...we are going to just get what we can get in the draft for a tackle or two...and smash the ball...nothing spectacular, but we'll be better than we were last year...maybe 9-7 10-6...we'll definitely see what these QB's are made of...I think they will all get a thorough look and we can better address the situation next year because we'll have the Line in front of them...our interior is good and hopefully we hit on at least one tackle...D Bell could probably play RT...if not I know Meredith can...so we only need to hit once and we'll have an OK RT, and OK C, and a couple good Guards and a good LT...if we still take 50 sacks...it's lack of pocket pressence hands down...so at least we can have a good evaluation there...I think we'll be fine...we wont be jokes like we have been....and that's always good
  6. The problem is Brees wouldn't do nothing in Buffalo...remember week two with some wind???...Brees couldn't throw a TD
  7. This HC Bills is for crap...it really is...is it going to end everything in this country...no, it's going to raise costs on some of the lower classes of the U.S. the ones who can't afford HC and are mandated to pay for it... That's my problem..they are FORCING people to get HC and then not offering the cheap Public Option...talk about a feeding frenzy for the Insurance Companies...this is stupid...if they want everyone to be covered they need a Public Option...like SF... Oh, and if anyone says they definitively KNOW what's going to happen are full of crap because I KNOW you haven't read it...so you're getting your information from either the doomsaying republicans or the sunshine and lolllipop Democraps...either way you'll probably be well off the mark...
  8. Yeah I'm aware of that DAN WILLIAMS is easily blocked...what does that equate to???...look at some tape and find out...it means he takes on ONE blocker because they don't need three....what does THAT mean???...guards come up and try to put helmets on MLB's...and thus you got 7 - 8 yard gains per carry again in Buffalo... Cody...pushes the pocket and gobbles up three blockers like you're talking about...hmmm...what does that mean?....well it means his middle LB is probably a top pick prospect...why becuase that LB is so fast right....no he ran 4.75....because he's so...well we can't explain it he's tricky....I'LL EXPLAIN IT CODY...
  9. Noll got fired?...thought he retired....Lombardi got fired?...thought he retired...Landry got fired? though he retired....ridiculous...and Siefert had Joe Montana before Steve Young...Young was better than Montana??...hmmmmm....And Belichick???...Bledsoe was so bad that he had the Pats ranked number one in Passing offense...and they were 22nd when Brady came in... This post is LAME...unresearched and just spouted out like they know something
  10. BEAST MODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Not really a joke I don't think...I mean Hasselbeck has 26,000 yards and 165 TD's...no SB wins.....Dilfer has 20,000 yards and 113 tds....what's fifty TD's between friends????...hehehehe... Still Hasselbeck only threw 17 this season...Trent Edwards could do that...what's the point?...I thought we wanted to UPGRADE...Hasselbeck is nothing special...especially not anymore
  12. Dude...he's had three complete seasons in 10 years...I don't think he's all that mobile anymore... Still I'd be all for letting him come in and compete...but he wouldn't win and he wouldn't make the team...so maybe a waste of time even working out a deal...lol
  13. wow...ridiculous...guns and sports don't mix...GUNS AT A GUN RANGE IS A SPORT...hmmmm...I don't know...maybe I'm seeing this all wrong...can I borrow your hood mister? maybe that will change my perspective and Donte on a gun range will look like 50 cent a little more to me
  14. Clauson and Damian Williams
  15. Could be Dancing with the Stars I guess lol
  16. BEAST MODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. In 1993 the Buffalo Bills and the Dallas Cowboys were top flight Passing offenses...they were in the 90 million viewer range for the the first time in eight years...Cowboys again set the mark in 1996 to higher levels...The NFL was shaking and moving...then the 1999 Rams set a new precident for Pass first offenses...and the conspiracy began...muhahahahaahahaha... From after the 1999/2000 Rams...the Ravens came along, and let the decline begin...the the Pats...but not the Brady throws 50 td's Pats...the 22 ranked passing offense pats...then the Bucs...then the Pats again...and Pats again...still the pats that were barely in the top half of the league in passing...then the Steelers...then...THE COLTS...highest grossing...then the Media..."QB DRIVEN LEAGUE QB DRIVEN LEAGUE"....THEN EVEN THE COACHES "QUARTER BACK DRIVEN LEAGUE, QUARTER BACK DRIVEN LEAGUE"...like it was the way to win...however, Running Defensive teams still win...then the Refs...New Rules...Payoffs...Giants and Pats...new highest grossing...THIS is the 50 tds Brady...then the Steelers Cards...new highest grossing...Kurt Warner...ridiculous numbers....then Saints and Colts...TWO PREMIER PASSING TEAMS... It's all about money, no integrity...I still like my UGLY football and my mean teams over these mainstream cupcakes ALL DAY LONG...and those teams STILL win more often
  18. That's right BOB...OLine, then evaluate...you cannot do that in reverse...and our run game can be great...they are already good...but with effective blockers they'd be great....
  19. The system does not need to be changed, the players do...the culture has to be changed...
  20. Okay this left versus right has been at it for three thousand years before Christ walked the earth...starting, maybe even before, Aristotle and Plato... But where everyone gets it wrong is in thier belief in ONE or the OTHER...there is a reason that Benjamin Franklin said that anyone that is not extremely and vehemently moderate needs a kick in the teeth... Okay, so starting with Capitalistic pigs...these are the bain of Marxists and other socialists everywhere...they take more than they need to the point of sucking the middle and lower classes dry. In our society the top 1 percent of people have an equal amount of wealth than the bottom 95 percent...this is a ridiculous testament to the greed and fear ridden system of our Capitalism here...it's grotesque...while someone making 50,000 a year, twenty years ago would be living comfortable...now are not able to afford to buy a house...the middle class is being sucked dry...and they all believe that it is going to welfare for the bottom ten percent...bull...only five of the bottom ten percent even apply...that being said...if you delve into economics and wealth creation tactics (studied finance/business/economics for 5 years and worked for the largest financial firm for three years) you will see the obvious scandal of stealing money legally...while the top one percent have so much money they could do whatever they want, do whatever they want...they know it is nothing more than a necessary illusion to keep thier power place in society...that the actual wealth itself is truly meaningless... The Socialist romance is this idea that "we the working class people" can "force" change through policy...we seen the best of this in our society with FDR...and the New Deal...or what I call "the Raw Deal"...why?...well, while these Capitalist evil men at the top laugh....and the socialist pass policy, what happens?...Any rich man will come out and tell you this as well...they simply side step these implements because they are much more crafty than the poor and middle class...they sell the American dream of home ownership...which is a legitimate dream, but with financing...so a working class person does buy a home...but pays 500,000 for it when it's only worth 80,000...the other 420,000?...goes into the pockets of the upper class bankers...this is the same with credit cards as well...then moving to taxes getting to the FDR point...90 percent income tax...fine...but did the rich pay 90%?....not really...they formed corporations so that they would shirk the taxes...corporations allow a person to be taxed on only what he uses and not what he owns..because essentially "he" don't own it...the corporation does and is in expansion...which they say is "job creation"...okay...so what happened then?...FDR and the socialists said "we're not gonna take it...90% tax..." and the rich said "f*ck you buddy, you aint' gettin it"...but the middle class they paid...and paid and paid...it happens with all these socialist policies... A wise man once told me...the middle class in this country is being attacked...80 percent of our people are middle class...and they are being attacked by the bottom and top 10 percent...the extreme left and extreme right...and he said the ridiculous part is the 80 percent will lose to the 20 percent if they don't start openning thier eyes... Here's what needs to happen...you cannot put socialism into policy...it simply does not work...you cannot destroy a capitalist system...it provides the freedom to become compassionate enough to make socialism work...hard to follow...let me try to reword this...Capitalists are the minds...Socialists are the heart...Capitalism is not the problem, the system allows the full effect of socialist compassion to take place... There are employee run companies throughout America thriving in our economy even through the tough times...these are socialist companies...people in these companies are of the highest spirits and thus the most productive...the leaders of these companies are paid less but paid well than corporate pig out companies... Now this socialist set up was tried in Mao's China, and Lenin/Stalin Russia...did not work...why? because it was forced... If you give someone who needs ten bucks, ten bucks, you feel good about it...they feel good about it...if that guy TAKES your ten bucks, you get pissed and beat him...he feels guilty...same ends...different means... It is time that we completely adopt the MEANS of Capitalism, and adopt the ENDS of the socialistic compassion...until we become truly moderate and compassion the top ten or bottom ten will deteriorate the lives of the middle class...NO HAND OUTS AND NO POWER GRABS...it's time the middle class got up and not go to political fields...go to action...expand your small businesses by over paying your employees based on profits...share the profits equally with the employees...see your business grow...see your happiness grow...we need action not power politics
  21. I'm all for drafting a NT...but not Dan Williams...I hate this guy...he's had ONE productive season, and in watching tape he is not great at pushing the pocket and he rarely gets off blocks to make plays...I like Cody or Joseph much better and I believe we can snag Cody in the second, if not we can definitely grab Joseph in the third and he's actually the most impressive as far as combine and tape IMHO...guy is fast, big, and amazingly effective shedding blockers... Since I like Cody/Joseph for DT, I think drafting at 9 we either trade down if possible but only if Okung, Bulaga, Davis, AND Campbell are off the board...I might even scoop up Trent Williams there as well...there are too many good OT's available at this pick even if three come off the board I'd go OT...
  22. heheeheehhee that's a great plan...I think Mark Rypien is available as well, the colts cut him I beleive...
  23. heheheh okay thanks...I was beginning to think it was me heheheeeh
  24. See Fat men and Pretty boys for my complete opinion on this matter...we even go into comparing Franchise QB statistical seasons based upon OLine play and all the superbowl winners... IT'S THE OLINE....THEY WERE THE WORST I'VE SEEN IN ALL MY YEARS WATCHING FOOTBALL...THE TACKLES...the guards were okay...the tackles couldn't even line up right...how many times did D Bell get called for lining up in the backfield????...then how many presnap penalties did they get????...CAN'T EVEN STAND STILL OR LINEUP...NEVER MIND BLOCK...THEY WERE COMPLETELY USELESS LAST YEAR....then the injuries...and picking up guys that didn't even know who the Bills were in week one, now starting for them in week six...it was ridiculous and anyone who says "they weren't that bad" needs to WATCH A DAMN GAME...they could of only been worse by sacking Edwards or Fitzy themselves
  25. Garcia is washed up...you fill up the coaching staff with leadership and no playing ability not the roster
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