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Everything posted by Celtic_soulja

  1. I want the Sens in the playoffs...I want to dismantle them....I want some payback...I HATE the Sens...my buddy is a huge Sens fan so he's been feeding me crow for the past little while...all I got is the darn sweep back when we had Hasek lol...I need some new beat downs to feed him...GO SABRES
  2. We need to trade for Mike Vick....Chan Gailey made a crappy untalented scrambler look good a few times in his coaching career...can you imagine Mike Vick with Gailey???...we'd be the number 1 rushing offense easily...probably have 3 1000 yard backs :0)...Vick can throw alright to...not the best by any stretch of the imagination, but arm strength is CERTAINLY not a problem...running as much as Buffalo would with that style offense...all he would need to do is honk the ball down field once in a while to Evans... alla Losman...it would be a perfect match...Vick has way more skill than Kordell...and we could get him WAY cheaper than D Mac pick wise I'm sure...Plus Vick is much more humble than he once was and only wants to go to a team that he can have a shot to actually be a starting QB...put him in the mix here and I think it's perfect...not to mention he has 6-8 years left instead of 4 like Donovan or less like Hasselbeck or any other old timers that I've seen posts on here beggin the Bills to bring in...
  3. Lol...I think it's because he doesn't realize that he can turn a team around himself...he feels like his skills are deteriorating and he needs a WR core like AZ to make a SB run...I tend to disagree and the running game here in Buffalo would be just as effective in making our sluggish offense much better...adding a probowl caliber QB like D Mac and fixing our O Line would put us in the upper half of the league...with a solid defense we are contenders in the playoffs...and if we trade for him and go 11-5 then you're looking at him signing that elusive extension...
  4. Well it is difficult to rate OL on anything else really...unless you actually watch tape...which is why I am not a huge Peters guy...I didn't like what I seen in Buffalo and wasn't upset when they moved him...since his me me me holdout he was playing like crap...and I didn't see many games of his Philly stint so far...so many times I just say he was in the Probowl so he must have done okay...
  5. I have sources deep within the NFL says that if the Bills get McNabb the refs will not be against us anymore...
  6. Those ratings are crap...they have Free and Deim rated worse than Peters..if you watched any games for yourself you will see how well Deim and Free played last year...and the only reason everyone's upset about Peters being gone is because of the GLARING weakness at OT that we ended up with...but Peters' play had deteriorated and the trade was fine with me...
  7. I don't know about all this hooey...Spiller in the first for the Bills???...are we REALLY going to draft yet ANOTHER RB we DON'T need...just because he wowwed people in college??????...c'mon...when will it end????... Buddy better not do the Donablow...
  8. Vick...trade for Vick...you could get him cheaper and get more years...he is the better fit
  9. Round one Iupati if Bulaga and above are off the board...two I like Cody to still be there...three I like Linval Joseph...four I snatch up Capers...five I grab Skelton/Pike/whoever is left...we still don't get an awesome pass rusher though...they missed the boat on Porter unfortunately and unless we are willing to forego a first round tackle we won't get one that we need...in that area I wouldn't be completely upset if they don't draft Cody and instead grab Sergio Kindle...but I am thinking he'll be gone :0(
  10. I'd do it...still pick up a stud OT in the first and Linval Joseph in the 3rd...doing this will of course put immense pressure on Maybin turning into a stand out OLB though...so it's a huge risk...one we dont HAVE to take, but I'd do it...I like D Mack...now I'd rather see Vick come to town though...I think he's got more left in the tank and would fit a Gailey Offense better...
  11. I don't think there are many fairweather Bills fans...seeing as how there's never any fair weather in Buffalo or in being a fan of the franchise...hehehehe...don't matter though...I once tried to abandon being a Bills fan for my hometown Patriots...yeah that last one week...it was disgusting trying to root for them...just gross... Also, I'm not all sentimental about it...I came into being a fan when Bruce and Kelly were taring it up...I was around 12 and since I am one of those ghetto single mother things...had nothing to do with a father son type thing...it was dude, the Bills are a football machine...sweet...I'll like them...and I never stopped cheering...I bought my Tod Collins Jersey and my EMO jerseys and my Flutie Flakes and a Rob Johnson jersey...and of Course TKO...I have my Bryce Paup poster...and my lucky Bills hat that isn't so damn lucky...I can't wait to destroy the league again like when I first starting watching football...I miss them days
  12. Staged and disingenuous are good words to describe his interviews...I don't think he's worth a top ten pick if I'm looking to build a franchise...only Bradford is top quality in this year's QB's...other QB's will do great things, but they aren't top round billion dollar picks...
  13. I don't think the Bills are out of the hunt already...they can field a team good enough to go 10-6 easily...they aren't as far off as everyone seems to think...they say TE sucks...not really...we have two VERY good backs that were COMPLETELY under used last season...Freddy got a whopping 14 carries a game last season and Lynch had less...give them both 20 carries and see what happens...On defense we are fielding solid players to mix in with the playmaking talent in the secondary...we are not nearly as bad as people think...if we stay healthy we are a playoff team...we gave the pats everything they could handle this season, as well as the Jets...the only team that beat us handily in our own division was the one game with the Phins...then outside the division we didn't get slaughtered very often either...Browns, Saints both come to mind with a few plays we win...I think we're going to be very competitive and saying we NEED a different QB right NOW...is just stupid
  14. Honestly I think we have a pretty solid team...even at 6-10 with a better offensive gameplan we win a whole lot more games...I think with a run first coach like Chan we go 10-6 this season...
  15. I was BEGGIN them to draft Clady...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr bringing up old grudges hehehe
  16. It was a great game...they were puttin the beat down to the Habs through the first two periods pretty good, just couldn't get anything passed Price...dude always shuts the Sabres down...the third period looked like they were packin it in...then two minutes left and bang...we're in the Shootout...they sure like drama don't they
  17. Donte is the best SS on the roster...Wilson is a great backup...Donte has more skills and leadership qualities...and he's younger...Donte and Byrd starters...IMO...I think Wilson is a good player as is Scott...we'll see...I like em all anyway...
  18. Anyone who thinks they are TOO good to be on a team is a virus...he slacked off and he got what he wanted...a ticket out of Buffalo...good for him
  19. Wow someone who understands what the difference is between FS and SS....geez...I read these posts like yeah Wilson is a strong safety...if you're playing soft zone THE ENTIRE GAME...a SS is a guy who gets 90-120 tackles a game for run support...makes the hits in the open field...like the Rodney Harrisons...what Donte is SUPPOSED to be...his first two years...when he was a true SS even in the wack cover two scheme racked up 90 and 100 tackles...then with injuries and this and that they had him playing corner and FS...all over the joint...this kid can play...and in a NORMAL fricken defense he'll make an EXCELLENT SS...Byrd and Whitner...backups are Wilson and Scott...
  20. I've already said that if the stars align, yes the bills could be a good team THIS year... For example, if a top notch LT falls to them at nine...and becomes a force...with our two guards coming in with a little experience under thier belt...Green is allllllllllllllright at right tackle...our o-line is a little above average instead of a complete joke like last season....we got a coach that likes to run the ball and will utilize our two backs that are both of high quality...this will tilt the time of possession on our side...with decreased pressure that comes with a solid line and a run first mentality, TE is efficient enough to complete passes when need be...offense could be in the middle ten teams in the NFL... Then on D...even if we fail to nab a standout NT...we can still play Stroud/Williams at nose and Edwards and Williams/Stroud/McCargo for LDE....still not a bad D-Line...then you have Davis/Mitchell/Poz inside all very capable of making waves in an attacking scheme...outside you utilize Maybin the way he should be a speed rushing OLB...he is good for a bunch of sacks not having to deal with OT's putting him out of the play every down...then you shred Kelsay out or Shobel comes back and both become great pass rushing OLB's...again an attacking scheme could be terrifying QB's next season...we already know we have capable men in the secondary...so our defense could be among the top ten next season... However, we are the Buffalo Bills not the New England Patriots...so it's more than likely we draft a first round tackle that looks ridiculous for at least the first year...Wood comes back late...our line is in shambles...Lynch shows he doesn't want to be here and runs half azzed...Trent is under so much pressure he dies before week five... Defense...Stroud gets tripple teamed because and Edwards doubled...our LBs look confused, our outside LB's of Maybin and Kelsay are horrible....Maybin doesn't know where he's supposed to be and Kelsay is too slow to get there...Our secondary is left out to dry for another season...and we can't stop the run... That second scenario is MUCH more likely...because I've been watching the Bills for too darn long to have a different opinion...we don't get LUCKY...we have to be the unluckiest team I've ever seen... So is it possible sure it is, but nowhere near being probable...
  21. Peters was a good LT...no doubt about it...but the level of play compared to what he wanted from Buffalo was too crazy IMO...we got something for him and that was good...if you actually watched him play, he wasn't playing NEAR as well as he could or should have...holding out for more loot with three years left on his contract just because we signed Dockery for more????...he's a selfish lazy guy...he had all the talent in the world, but he showed us all he didn't want to be here and didn't care about how the team performed...THAT is enough for me to cut ties with him
  22. I thought Obama was the great bipartisan unifyer?????...this is the most polarized I've seen in a long time...they are taking him to court all the time...he's made fun of the Supreme Court and after putting the Bill together without ANY input from the Republicans they had to use dirtybag tactics because they were confused why the Republicans were pissed....HEHEHEEHEHHEHEHHE yeah he's unified the two sides alright...this is ridiculous... Clinton got little support, but got some Republican votes on his agendas...even FDR got some Republican support on Some policy issues...Obama sucks and the Pelosi is worse...the Democrats are a joke...
  23. No, Jim Kelly didn't miss that many games...kelly played 160 of 176 or about 91% of his games....D Mac played 141 of 176 or about 81%....he's still better than anything we've seen in a long time though...
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