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Everything posted by Celtic_soulja

  1. couldn't pass?...he averages 2500 hundred yards and 16 TD's throwing the football and 800 yards running the football and 4 rushing TD's....I think he does alright...you guys talkin about Hasselbeck has similar throwing stats but can't run...yet everyone is all about bringing that bum in...He's got a strong arm and he doesn't and won't throw the ball 50 times a game...we would be the number one rushing attack in the NFL...that would open things up downfield for a knockout punch every now and again...play good defense and Vick/Jackson/Lynch takes it home...all day all day all day...we'd have a shot to win the East...
  2. Our PP is just insanely terrible...and Miller is fighting the puck...we are gonna get smoked...I should stop watching to...
  3. THE SABRES POWER PLAY IS A JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...grrrrrrrrrrrr...and what is up with THAT goal????...they are so friggen LUCKY...get with it boys!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I can say he's a good player because he is a good player...86 yard TD pass...starting getting his legs going late in the season...he is ready to go now...last season you could see the rust...but he started getting it together late in the year...I think he's ready to go..and I think Buffalo could steal him and make some heads turn... If you guys think Thigpen looked good in a Gailey offense...think of how good Vick would look
  5. Of course...and a helmet holder for his belt so he don't lose it...
  6. Jamal Brown...Doug Free...Gaither...any of those would be AWESOME...too bad none of them would happen...
  7. TE will win back the team...and win us 987108934018937401328750134875098134709587034879032875 SB's...all in only four years....that's my prediction
  8. hehehehehe...well I figure if we go back to 1990 we can kidnap Norwood and they will have to sign a new kicker...then the confidence of winning the first SB we can keep rolling but to make sure I'm going to also kidnap Aikman
  9. Lynch would go into BEAST MODE AND YOUR CAR WOULD BE TORN IN TWO...........then he'd light up his super gorilla finger....GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  10. Yeah that would be perfect to power my time machine that I have...c'mon guys we're all goin back to 1990...and we're going to CHANGE history!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Oh please the whole dog thing again???...they bankrupted the dude and took everything from him for a couple dogs that were trained to fight...woooooo...he was attacked harder for this dog incident than any cop that shot a kid in the ghetto wasn't he?...he has paid more in "fines" than any other murderer in history...just shows we value the life of a dog more than a person...was a crappy thing to do?...of course...poor puppies...but c'mon at the end of the day they were still just dogs...and to be ridiculed more harshly than someone who murders another human being is just an example of just how azz backwards our society has really become... Meanwhile you jaggoffs smashing Vick are quick to say draft the chester Tony Washington that nailed his sister...please...I know you like dogs more than black women...but at least try to cover it up...
  12. "So you got an opinion, does that make you a politician?" hehehehe...yeah no, these tea baggers are getting way out of line...I'll continue to vote for Ron Paul...but in secret
  13. this is going to get really ugly...reallllly ugly...the animosity of the right is at a fever pitch...the government is ignoring the people...it's getting ridiculous...
  14. that guy needs it....I watch the beat down in that infamous game before alll sens games hehehehehe
  15. yeah he was totally hijacking them...did you see him will thier money out of thier pockets...possessed that jerk so he would throw his money at him???...it's those magical mind bullets of the liberals...you know and the teabaggers know it...
  16. EXACTLY...I'm a conservative but I shake my head at how these idiots are making me look bad...I mean, really...and not that they are any better in government...I felt so abandoned by the republican party with Bush...it was ridiculous...there is no compassion or tolerance...so far from where we need to be... Liberals are uniformed and conservatives are just too intolerant and ignorant
  17. There may be more leftist extremists but they are much better with shutting thier pie hole until the right time...
  18. what's wrong with Vick?...dude is a good player
  19. Well yeah, you have extremists from all sides...but it's just a public perception that the Right is FULL of extremists...like there are no moderates like myself that represent republican/conservative politics...and it alienates the intelligent conservatives...this is why you have such a big "blue dog" democrat wing...they are just republicans that need to distance themselves from these intolerant rejects
  20. If that reject owned 600 stations he'd bankrupt half of them and a conservative would scoop them up and broadcast again...the radio don't control the nation...our nation controls the radio...the money makers are the ones that have the biggest fan bases...so this is a ridiculous beef to be discussing
  21. I think the Tea Bag dudes have a lot of political platforms that I tend to agree with, as I consider myself moderate but on the conservative side...but THIS???...c'mon...just another example why I don't go to Tea Bag rallies myself...to be associated with some of the really far right people is bad for my image...intolerance and ignorance destroys the movement IMHO...same thing like GB makes some good points, but does so in such a way that is so far and away over stated that makes him look like an idiot...truthers have done more damage to the conservative movement by far than any liberal ever has...it's all ridiculous...now you're getting death threats on congressmen to?...truthers trying to blast thier way into the Pentagon???...I voted for Ron Paul...but being associated with guys like Alex Jones is really bad for me...especially since I'm married to a black woman and have black children...so it's just becoming a very tough sell for me as a moderate to even give any credit at all to those intolerant azzmonkeys that make conservatives look like stupid ignorant racist jaggoffs that have no compassion for everyone...
  22. I think he meant in the non existent 9th round of the draft hehehheheh
  23. He had two hundred yards against Penn St....they are pretty good usually aren't they????...Hardy will be just fine people...get off his back...he hasn't even gotten a chance to smell the field...and even T.O. didn't put up any numbers in our offense last season...so yeah, it isn't that our recievers suck...our offense sucked and couldn't get ANYONE the ball...has been that way for a while...don't blame Hardy
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