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Everything posted by Celtic_soulja

  1. Exactly...I think the biggest problem in professional sports is not guns..but cell phones...and homes...they should be like the old gladiators and be imprisoned until they are ready to play on sunday...we let them out and then chain them back up... although, Maybin should really build up his friends, because if this OLB thing don't work...he'd better have some other plans in place...he showed NOTHING last season...I was quite upset lol...
  2. what you meant to say was "yeah, you're right, you're a football genius... "
  3. Chris Johnson 358 carries last season....Thurman Thomas...all the SB years...never less than 288 carries...Peterson 314 carries...all the great RB's get 300 carries or pretty close to it...and do great things...we run the ball 300 times with Lynch...we win...period...end of story...QB this QB that...Defense this Defense that....Lynch gets the carries...we win...guaranteed...Gailey gets him the ball enough and gets Freddy 200 carries or so...we are 11-5 easily
  4. we didn't give this guy 300 carries...only 120 booooooo....
  5. We should draft a back up to replace Fitzy or Brohm...Trent Edwards or Michael Vick ARE the answers to our QB problem...
  6. I think GB raises some valid issues...but overstates them in Shock Jock fasion....I like many of his points and I like to research them for myself after hearing about them on GB...some of it checks out and is a little disturbing...but this END OF THE WORLD type rhetoric he uses is ridiculous
  7. Trent Edwards is a HOF QB....TRADE FOR VICK
  8. Arm strength...you said nothing about his arm strength...nor did you credit him as being the mobile QB on the roster... As far as swagger/confidence..."He's not cocky, but he's confident, you can see that..."...."He's california mellow, but he gets the guys going when he needs to".............. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTfmCaEFe-w and a little CLUTCH anyone?????... Please...this guy can be a stud Maybe I shouldn't have said swagger...I should have said cool calm collective and confident...no he probably isn't like Leaf, Clauson, McMahon, Namath, or like that...he's more like Joe Cool, Petyon Manning, Tom Brady, with that cool calm and collectiveness that silent confidence that can't be rattled...DID NOT PLAY LIKE THIS LAST SEASON...but there were different circumstantial factors...he was leaned on more with the pressure to go downfield to T.O....he was playing for not only his own job, but for DJ's job...he had the pressure of not having a tackle on the field that he even knew coming into the season...all culminated in him running for his life and Coach Dick and Terrell expecting miracles...it was ridiculous...no stain on Edwards in my opinion..
  9. I'd be cool with Iupati...he can play Tackle...people say he is iffy there, but seriously...the guy had the frame and ALL the skills he needs...he's sooooo raw not having played many years of football...but he's got that certain something nobody else has...he simply does not give up sacks...his hand speed is incredible and his power just as ridiculous...I seen him do blocking drills against Suh and was SOLD on Iupati...as good as Suh is, Iupati made him look silly... after that, the second round choices aren't close to what I'd like to see...and third I'm going with Linval Joseph...second I'd scoop up another tackle...Capers maybe...fourth I'd go WR/QB...depending on what's out there...we still need an edge rusher but we get what we can get...if after pick one we can steal Kindle in the second that's perfect, but he won't fall that far...
  10. Yeah in a communist country it is... Now, they can ASK you to get out of the car if they think there is a HAZZARD to thier safety otherwise... They cannot even search your vehicle without a warrant...or consent... Remember they didn't pull Porter over in this case...he drove up to a cop to start trouble... The cop was obviously pissed off for being made a fool of...NOTHING MORE.. I think we should stop letting our cops do whatever they want to anyone they want...not so much talking about Porter here, but I've seen this crap in action...Racial profiling...unjust searches...bull...it's true bull...and crime rates continue to rise...I'm gettin the NWA song stuck in my head right now heheheheh
  11. Really?...never had confidence out there huh?...hmmmm...did someone become a Bills fan just THIS season????... now watch the last TD throw...announcers..."Man can he throw the deep ball or what?....45 yard from the LOS"....kay...so that's more than accurate...he's got arm strength as well...next... quick release... also ran the forty in 4.72....Fitzy? 4.86....yup he's faster as well....after thirty games Trent 24 tds....Fitz 21...okay so..maybe the coaching staff did say they could do more with Fitz...but maybe that's why they are out of a job now...
  12. DAMN RIGHT!!!!!! SIMON I'm tired of these no football sense idiots talkin about Edwards like he's a bum...what happened to ........ ...........people think that OT's from OTHER people's practice squad had nothing to do with this season's abortion...c'mon...then they are like yeah what about Fitzy he had the same line blah blah blah...and yeah he did...and he got his butt handed to him as well...for HALF A SEASON...KEEP HIM IN THERE FOR ANOTHER SEASON SPRINKLE IN A FEW CONCUSSIONS AND SEE HOW MANY TIMES HE LOOKS DOWNFIELD... TRENT EDWARDS WILL SHOW THESE PEOPLE SOMETHING...the MAIN reason that Gailey hasn't gone after anybody with a sense of urgency... And unless they trade for Mike Vick TE keeps his job...Fitzy doesn't have anything on Trent...Vick though is a Gailey QB...by that I mean a RB that can throw
  13. I'm sorry to hear that...I will be praying for you and your son tonight...and I will keep your family in my prayers...I will pray that God gives you the strength and courage it will take to make it through these dark days...I will pray that your son and your entire family touched by this event will be blessed with the strength to not let the darkness define you...God will bless you and your family...that is a promise
  14. He smacked the dudes hand...cop was just bein a p*ss...AND the cop had no right putting his hand into Joey's vehicle...he had no just cause to go after Joey...smelling alcohol is not just cause to get inside someone else's vehicle...if smacking his hand is assault...then there are plenty of parents assaulting thier children and all need to be brought up on charges IMMEDIATELY...or at least called loser punks... All that being said...Porter is a dumb azz for putting himself in the situation to begin with...who drinks and drives then pulls up to an officer and starts crap with him???....I mean really...what an intelligent football player heheheheheheh...I wanted Joey Porter in here pretty badly...but this guy is a maniac...maybe thats why he's a monster on the field...hehehehhe
  15. We need Luck...we've had such terrible luck, maybe if we draft him things will change????...I figure no matter who they draft they will be eating Edward's dust...after he throws 24 td's and 3000 yards this season...this poll is meaningless
  16. Yeah, Trentative is like a deer in headlights out there...but you win a couple games, you run the ball efficiently and all of a sudden you get your swagger back...you can gain confidence just as easily as you lose it...
  17. A good O Line make Qb's and Rb's look awesome....a great D line makes LB's look ridiculously good as well...just the way it is...you build from the trenches out...always...no exceptions
  18. I think Wright was ehhhhh...but still our defense was horrible against the run back then...I mean 3.3-3.9 a carry isn't terrible...but whatever, I still want a four million pound NT...Williams is a bad azz but I'd rather see him at end on running downs and NT only on passing downs...
  19. ANY QB can flourish in the Gailey running offense...look at Kordell Stewart...1997 first year starting with Gailey threw 21 tds and 3000 yards...ranked sixth in the league on offense...Stewart never threw for more than 20 td's again in his career...then he went to MIA had Jay Fiedler...threw for 20 td's in 2001, never again threw for twenty td's in his career...went 11-5 back to back seasons and landed the HC job in Dallas...Thigpen in KC threw 18 td's and probably won't be a starter anywhere again...all of these guys Thigpen, Stewart, and Fiedler were not very good QB's at all...and without Gailey it showed...Trent has far more skills in the passing game than any of them...he'll throw 20 td's this year easily...
  20. Like I give two chocolate and peanut rolls if you THINK I'm conservative...I am conservative...just not the intolerant ridiculous jaggoff kind...I'm the kind that is conservative in spending, praise efficiency, believe in smaller government and more citizen responsibility and accountability...not the kind that goes gay bashing, burns crosses, thinks becuase Jesus died for our sins that we need not take any responsibility for our ignorance or actions...I know I know...being a thinking conservative I would not be allowed to your Tea Klan rallies...but that's a gooooood thing...because if I were there, I doubt I'd just hold a sign ;0)...AND....what is the reason you doubt that I am conservative...is it because I married a black woman?...or because I said you shouldn't make fun of a sick guy....????? YOU'RE A COMPLETE REJECT INBRED LOSER hows that...is that fiery enough to get my conservative card?????...or do I have to throw dollars???
  21. Okay...how about three touchdowns in like thirty plays this year...that's like a TD every ten plays...pretty good for a guy who's been out of the game coming in cold and not staying in... I'm sorry I think he's served his time for torturing fighting dogs...I would LOVE to just put these PITA dudes in a cage with a Pit and see how much they wanna love and cuddle with them...I don't care if the guy owned a dog fighting ring...he is paid in full for all of it as far as I'm concerned and he OVERPAID... EvilBuffalobob....He can throw alright toO...my bad Mr. Bob...or should I say the fault is surely owned by myself good man...and the Alla you're looking for is Allah...but you're the expert so I am sure Alla means something somewhere doesn't it?... I am sure your mispelling of Allah, proclaiming Michael Vick should have gotten a life sentence for animal abuse, and wanting people who mispelled toO to serve a life sentence as well...you are of the most ignorant caliber of human being in the United States...if this is truly the case...please cut your own throat and save everyone from listening to you run your mouth like you know something...oh, and while I may have mispelled some words on here...I'm also a professional writer/political researcher...so I didn't exactly skip English class...but I do employ a personal editor...maybe I'll have her read through my posts from now on...but only if you promise to shoot yourself in face
  22. Bash Bledsoe all ya want....he made the probowl with the bills and threw for 10,000 in three years...
  23. He had four good years...all the years he started the entire season...and it wasn't his fault that the Falcons had nothing but him...furthermore...his best season was the last season before he got the "Rico" or as I call it...the "we don't have nothing but we're bring you down" charge...the Rico act is a JOKE... Either way, with an opportunity to start I'll take him...and I wouldn't give up much to get him either, but a 3rd is not too high for me to bring him in...
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