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Everything posted by Celtic_soulja

  1. Wood looks HUGE...I love it...he's a monster...very promising for an early return...back by the summer and punishing D Linemen by season's start...welcome back mr. WOOD... No Green, but he's an old dude, I ain't worried about him...ML...ugh...get it together man...I want to be excited when he gets the ball again...he looks lazy, high, and not in the least bit focussed anymore...I hate it...kid has so much talent... And take out the TV's and anything else...everything you get you should have to EARN...I like the work ethic and new training methods...something has to be changed...we've been filling out the IR with a better team than our active roster...and people look confused out on the field...
  2. I really had high hopes (no pun intended) for Lynch...he's crazy and I like that about him...beast mode...ghost riding carts all over the place...just having fun...I liked that about him...but I mean that's not enough of course...I'd like to see him stop dancing for a minute and run...he looked more tentative than Trent in the backfield this season...and slower to...now he's missing a chance to get back to Buffalo and transition??? ehhhh...at least we got F Jack...I hope Lynch worked hard this offseason is all I can say...shed a few pounds and got his focus back...but I'm VERY skeptical...and MUCH more in favor of the idea of bringing another RB in...even though I said earlier I'd throw my TV out the window...I'm sick of these punk players not wanting to be a part of the Buffalo Bills...if you don't like it...GET OUT...I want to see players on the field with some damn pride...these ridiculous idiots need to read into Jackson's humility, pride, and work ethic...or Wood or Levitre or Poz or or or...you know what I'm saying...I don't mind attitudes...I even like them...but follow it up with some heart and work ethic...PLEASE...I loved T.O. but he puts in work to dance around and act a fool...
  3. I liked Edwards presser...showed that he can be nice and still throw everyone under the bus...attacked the media, critical fans, coaching regime, and cited injuries on offense I.E. the O Line...it's nice to know he's not oblivious to the facts and is holding EVERYONE accountable..."it's a team game"...damn skippy...cited his own injury problems as well...and I don't exactly know how you "stay healthy"...other than training...but his "I should've avoided the big hits"...I don't think he had much of an option most times...but whatever...if he stays healthy, he's a franchise QB and I can't WAIT to rub it in to all you haters...of course at that point you all will be talking about always knowing he had the skill set, and you're so happy for him...cuz yooz a slick hata yooz a slick hata...
  4. Edwards is the man...I don't care what anyone on ESPN says...I don't care what none of these no talent fans say...Edwards is the number one QB on this roster and if they don't trade for D Mac...there isn't a guy in the draft that will beat him out and he will remain the number one QB on the roster...he will be afforded another year of development and he will give the Bills all the reason in world to address another different need in next years draft becuase Trent can play...period...you will all see what I mean next season... I mean if the guy doesn't say anything crazy, he's too calm and not confident...if he ghost rides the injury cart, he's too crazy...it's just the prototypical nobody is worth anything on the Bills roster because we didn't make the playoffs
  5. Maybe he hasn't addressed the starting QB issue yet because he wants to watch them play a little with the new coaches????...ya know...normal kind of thing coaches do... Short time?...maybe that's all he needed to say to himself "wow, this kid is NOT the QB I want"...he did look mighty funny when they brought up the throwing motion hehehehehe...I laughed my azz off when he talked about bodies flying around... I like Chan and Nix...they are going to be just fine
  6. Exactly...Vick would be a great QB to throw into our mix...but my mancrush on Edwards has just been rekindled by his presser today...so I think he'd beat Vick in a QB competition anyway...but for a 4th I'd still bring him in and I'd still consider a 3rd for him...I still think he's worth it...plus after Edwards goes down from getting sacked 75 times in game three...Vick can run in like a rednose pit waiting to rip a defense apart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Gailey didn't seem too enthused about Teslow...I don't think he'll be Buffalo's choice...but we will just wait and see... Not so much what he said, but when throwing motion was brought up, his face was priceless...had "that boys mechanics are a train wreck" writte all over his face heheheehehe
  8. Yes it's voluntary...but come on...if you LOVE your work and have an OPPORTUNITY to meet the new leaders that you will spending with you don't pass up the chance...I am hoping that he gets to work soon...voluntary or not, if you love your craft you're there... I'm a huge Lynch fan, but he'd better get his azz to work soon before I start threading about drafting Spiller heheheh...GO BILLS... Off Topic: ERIC WOOD IS A BEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I happened to LOVE what Edwards said...the biggest beefs with him was his confidence and I think while he held back a lot...he hinted to NOT being the problem...sounds like confidence to me...he was diplomatic about it...like saying too many people were contradicting what needed to be done on the field from the former coaching staff and when he relays the information to the other players...he looks like a dummy when the coaches say something different to someone else...I liked that he said F u to his haters as well... He talked about taking hits he should have avoided...which would be nice...and he talked about his horrible fall apart line without throwing them completely under the bus... He sure sounded FAR more confident in taking the starting job than Fitzy...GO BILLS GO TE
  10. It'd be great if we had a stellar season without him...make him feel stupid for hanging it up so early... and I agree...if any billboards come up it needs to be for BUTLER...
  11. Yes Gaither would be well worth the pick...but it says a 2nd round pick gets the conversation started...how much more would they want?...and is he worth two picks in this deep draft?...for us I say yeah...but then we're definitely looking at question marks on the defense...so...we'll see...but I would definitely be jumping for joy to get Gaither in a Bills uni
  12. No uniforms make the team...it's better to look good and lose than be ugly and win
  13. Yeah, I see a lot of him in Tebow to...like the arm strength?...nope wait...the partying badazz swagger?..nah not that either...ummm...I know Pocket Passer not a scrambler?...no Tebow does scramble...ummmm...maybe they both eat steak.....
  14. Nice little fantasy but he is WAY more like Rick Mirer and Ryan Leaf than Kels hehehehheh....
  15. Yeah well Tony Dungy said the Bills were interested but Philly wanted too much for him...so Nix and Gailey DID want him...just didn't sack up and get him...
  16. It didnt happen...that's my point ugh.....Lynch has never had 300 carries...and Jackson???...of course he has never been close either...so yeah... And 16th...ranked...wooo...other teams are getting 2500 yards rushing...we ranked in the top ten in YPC...WHY THE HELL DIDN'T WE CARRY IT MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ridiculous...oh, no I'm sorry I remember...T.O. came and we just had to throw deep more than ten times a game or EVERYONE would cry like girls
  17. My offense....20 carries for 85 yards Lynch...20 carries for 85 yards Jackson....Vick 7-12 for 100 yards passing and 8 carries for 50 yards rushing...Bills win every game 24-13
  18. No someone already pointed out I'm Trent Edwards...what I really am is a VERY poor QB analyst...hehehe...I like all the wrong guys...so if you go on that you guys should be all for drafting TeSlow...he'll probably be the next steve young because I absolutely think he will bust...
  19. LMAO @ Jackin fools for $20 bills...TRADE FOR VICK, TRADE FOR VICK heheheheheh Honestly, I have a love/hate relationship with TeSlow...I think his attitude...smug or not is superior to others in this draft...he seems super mature and intelligent...he's magnetic and knows how to interview better than everyone else I've seen...but just the fact that he ran as fast as our burning daylight Trent Edwards is scary considering he's a scrambling QB...I am pretty much sold on his iron will to win and do his best...but he can't even throw a spiral...ugh...I don't know...I just don't know...he's a very scary pick...
  20. He looks kinda slow in the CFL clips I watched...he definitely is nothing that will really help this team...is this a Nix draftee that he wanted to look up or something?
  21. Ugh...Tebow in the second is a horrible move...IMO...but of course I will be saying that Tebow is the next Randal Cunningham if we draft him...because I'm THAT kind of Bills fan...
  22. The first time I seen him start he completed like 80 percent of his passes for 235 yards...I knew at that moment he has what it takes...a first time guy in his rookie year just doesn't do that if he sucks...Matt Ryan didn't throw for over 200 hundred yards until his sixth start and never threw more than two td's his rookie season...and got rookie of the year...Edwards tossed 4 tds against miami his rookie season...I'm not saying Ryan isnt better than Edwards...I'm just pointing out that there are few young QB's that have done things that Trent has and I believe THAT is a sign that he CAN be a superstar given the chance
  23. Yeah I have to admit he looked like "ghost" mode this season...never really got into the groove...but he also only carried the ball 120 times...over the span of twelve games that's ten carries...far too light to get into the groove... I do not agree Jackson is the better back...nor will I say Lynch is better than Jackson...they are EQUAL almost perfectly in ability... and YES Lynch can throw to...watch some college clips...he's got an arm... I also agree he lost focus...but shoving the ball down his throat 20 times a game will get him focussed in a jiffy...and I'm not against the two back system...I think Jackson should get 20 carries to...yes I want both of them to carry it 20 times a game and rack up 300 carries a piece...DOMINATION...seeing as how a decent offense gets 60 plays...you throw it 20 times to...not bad...ooooooooohhhhh if only I was an OC...I'd have Beast Mode, Jacked Up, and Playaction alllllll damn day...the defense would just quit they would be so sick of getting smashed in the mouth over and over and over again...F Jack and Lynch would each get 1300 yards...it would be BEAUTIFUL...
  24. Tebow is like Vick without the speed or arm...sweeeeet...at least he don't fight dogs though right?...and says a prayer...that is neato...
  25. All valid points...I'll give that to you...many fans were drooling at T.O. and I was definitely one of them...should have openned up the underneath routes...which it did and landed Edwards the Captain Check Down nickname...also an above 60 comp percentage...but that wasn't good enough...we were losing still...and after week three our line was in shambles... The sack thing you posted only tells me in 16 games our QB's were sacked over 40 times...did Edwards get sacked more?...yes, but he had D Bell instead of Jonathan Scott which IMHO was bull...and Meredith out played Bell as well...both later in the season after they had gained thier bearings...at any rate...both QB's ended up on thier butts far too often... And T.O. has been on camera pointing out the QB everywhere, that should hold no water...he said McNabb sucks, Romo sucks among others...so...that doesn't mean anything but T.O. is just T.O. Edwards still hasn't had a "fair" chance...he's not played enough to merrit a "bust" tag or a "star" tag...the jury is still out but we've seen...well most of us that are watching has seen that TE has the tools...can he develop into a superstar?...I believe he can...two seasons is not long enough...not everyone is Matt Ryan or Joe Flacco...
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