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Everything posted by Celtic_soulja

  1. I think we should trade up regardless...I say trade with Bucs or Det...to hop ahead of Washington in hopes to land Okung or Bulaga...but if St.L acts all stupid and passes on Bradford, you DEFINITELY grab him before Okung or Bulaga...then you make whatever trade necessary to steal Gaither from Baltimore...
  2. I have to say Philly will be fine without D Mac...not that he wasn't a great QB...but I truly loved what I seen out of Kolb...he can run that offense just fine...but they did make Philly better...if they steal Bulaga like I think they will because Buffalo are too boneheaded to trade up and snatch him...you'll see a COMPLETELY different offense out of the Skins this season...and everyone will say see they pick up D Mac and look...if buffalo grabbed him blah blah blah...when in reality it will be because they have a stud at LT and can keep him upright
  3. I'mma have to go notherScrub on this one...Armanti or Skelton...Campbell sucks...I like Edwards over any of them...
  4. Now you have to put it in stone the Skins take Bulaga 4th overall...we're screwed if we don't trade up....
  5. TBD is Too Damn Harsh.... Donte is a good safety and will be much better if he is used in an attacking scheme...you guys are the same crew that thinks George Wilson is an EXCELLENT SS...not so...Donte is better suited for a TRUE strong safety and you'll alll be able to see that this season...he is far from a bust... The only true busts on that list are Flowers and Big Mike....the last two years you can't make ANY assessments... JP Losman was ok and didn't really have enough time to develop IMO...but I could see labelling him as a bust....and McCargo has just had too little playing time to show if he's good or not...you get flashes but with all the injuries he's had its not like you can say he sucks...at least I couldn't say that... Alll the other players have done good things...you cannot control them running away from Buffalo after a few years...you can draft them and sign them, but it's up to them when they become free agents where they end up...
  6. Do you remember someone named Rick Mirer or Ryan Leaf????...Clausen is a punk...he'll bust...no way I grab him...and to rate him over Bradford shows NO football intelligence at ALL....
  7. First....Hangartner was near the top in the league with giving up sacks...only gave up 1.5 sacks this year...anything under 2 is pretty damn good...then our RB's averaged 4/carry...which is also pretty good...Levitre was AWESOME and named to the All rookie NFL team...didn't give up any sacks I could find...Wood gave up 3 which is pretty decent for a rookie...Cornell Green only gave up one sack last season...that gives us a pretty solid four...but then you have the LT position...D Bell in his 8 games gave up 4 sacks...which would put him among the league's worst projecting 8 plus sacks in a full season...Jon Scott was not much better with limited starts giving up 3.5 sacks...Butler only gave up 1 sack :0( COME BACK....Gaither gave up 2 sacks last season...COME TO BUFFALO... So you are looking at an OLine that was victimized by the poor play of the Tackle positions...the interior held up just fine...Hangartner, Wood, and Levitre make up a really good interior...Levitre can also play Tackle I am sure...so I wouldn't be against bringin in Iupati...anyway back to the point...so we have a C and two G's that can play some football...I believe Meredith can be something good at RT behind Green while he develops...Green is a solid starter for now...but we are still at a loss for LT...D Bell is horrible...he gets beat by EVERYONE...and can't even line up correctly...he stinks...BAD...our O Line looked like hell because of that one real weakness at the Tackle spot...so...we bring in Gaither and/or Draft a decent O Lineman and the rest of the line will look like monsters all of a sudden...the thing that makes an O Line so complex is it's only as strong as the weakest link...one guy getting owned consistently makes the other four irrelevant...but we only need one IMO to make a complete turnaround on our OLine and subsequently our offense in general.
  8. Joseph may be gone in the 2nd that's why I'd be trading up and down the boards like I was Bill Bellichek hehehhhe...I'd swap picks with Detroit, Bucs, or Washington...give my third rounder to do it...land Okung or Bulaga definitely...then I trade down in the second to pick up a mid third rounder back up...snatch up Linval in the mid 2nd round and then go DE/OLB tweener if a good one is still sitting around in the mid third round...if not I go QB...
  9. I think Linval is there early third...if I were the Bills...I'd be wheeling and dealing...I'd trade with Washington...Move up to 4th pick...give them my 3rd rounder for the swap...then move down in the 2nd to pick a mid third back up and take Linval in the second...third I'd take Pike unless there was a smaller DE that was worth it on the Board that could play OLB...or a big OLB that can rush the passer... I'd love to see that scenario play out...too bad I wasn't a Pats fan, then I'd have faith we could pull it off... Okung, unless he goes to Det...if he does I get Bulaga at 4...then I get Joseph...and the future QB or outside rusher...I'd have them Bills dominating next season
  10. Alabama thought the same thing...because out of HS Cody showed up over 400 pounds...but never missed a game due to his weight...he gets way outta shape during the offseason sometimes...he's a 1st and 2nd down tackle...people say he's not worth a high pick because of that...but...NO RUNNING BACK HAS EVER GONE OVER A 100 YARDS WITH CODY PLAYING...period...THAT is worth a high round pick regardless of how many downs he plays...he dropped from 378 to 345...to show the NFL teams he could do it...just watch tape instead of the combine and the ESPN analysts and tell me he isn't worth a high round pick...
  11. Cody is weak right now because he was not staying in shape...but he's a gamer...just watch tape on him...everyone must have known that he would do horrible at the combine...he also went from 378 to 345 in like minutes lol...but you watch this kid play and you'll have your answer...he pushes the pocket without breaking a sweat...he's the PERFECT anchor for the NT in a 34...he IS Ted Washington... All that being said, I say we pass anyway because Linval Joseph can play NT...many keep saying DE in a 34 but the kid is 325 and is easily strong enough 39 reps at the combine...and not only does he push the pocket but he gets off blocks to make plays himself to...he's the total package and could be available a round later...he's faster and stronger than both Williams and Cody...this kid is the best NT in the draft...IMO...plus he's got a mean streak a mile wide...I like that in a DT... I say we trade up for Bulaga or Okung...and get Joseph...we're beastin in 2010...
  12. You're wrong about Merriman...they are spinning that in SD because they don't wanna cough up the dough for him...he was playing the last two seasons with injuries...he's healthy now and poised for a surprise comeback...plus he comes with that cool dance...if you could get away swapping picks for him YOU'VE MADE AN EXCELLENT DEAL... Gaither is the product of having too many good Tackles...he's a bonafied starter with probowl potential...both are excellent players...I like Gaither ALOT...but still I'd rather get Bulaga or Okung...if they are off the board...most definitely trade for Gaither...
  13. Gil...Tom B...ummm....Brian Holzinger hehehehheeh kidding.......damn....I can't think of anymore great rookies...Tyler Myers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. He can freestyle rap.......how hasn't he shown he is something special heheheheh
  15. 2nd round for Gaither would be well worth it, but they have already said that a 2nd round pick will get the convo started...so that means they would probably want a little more...and did Merrimen even sign his tender yet?...no clue what's going on with that...we would probably offer him an obscene amount of money and still he'd be worth it...we should be working on that NOW... My dream draft wouldn't involve Gaither though....I say make the move for Shawn...and then trade up to draft Okung or Bulaga...then in the third we draft Linval Joseph and call it a day...don't care who else we get...we get Bulaga, Merriman, and Joseph and we are IN the playoffs THIS season...Edwards or not
  16. I say we cut em all then resign the same players...it'll send a message...what message? I have no idea...
  17. If we miss both Okung and Bulaga, it will much more costly...by far...we are the WORST team in the NFL at LT...BY FAR!!!!!!!!....if we miss putting in a premier OT, this draft is garbage no matter how many picks we make...period
  18. Dan Williams is a bum...he had one good season...and he can't get off blocks...and can't push the pocket...so yeah a 34 Nose is to take up blockers...but I've watched tape of him getting pushed downfield by ONE center and no Guard help...he sucks...and if he goes to Buffalo I will vomit all over my TV set...B U M BUM....the BUMS will always lose Danny...the BUMS WILL ALWAYS LOSE
  19. I don't want Tebow...I've stated this a million times before...I don't care if Jim Kelly says he's the best or not...because while Kelly was a great QB, he is not a scout... That aside, I will say again if we exit this draft without Bulaga or Okung...we've failed miserably... With that, if we happen to not have to move up to get Bulaga, then I don't mind Tebow at 41 because I believe we can get linval Joseph in the 3rd and we're pretty much good to go and got everything we really needed minus an edge rusher...but we do have Maybin and he MIGHT turn out to be something special at OLB...we'll have to see...but if we fail to get a dominating NT and a top notch LT...our GM and FO SUCK PERIOD
  20. Stevie and Hardy will be better than expected this season...considering they are expected to do NOTHING...lol...talk about nobody covering them heheheheh...Steve got skills and Hardy is just a monster I think highly of both of them and I believe they will be good... I'm glad he likes the playbook...also FYI Edwards put in many many MANY good words about Stevie and how he was happy with the recievers going into last season before they signed T.O....he always brought up Stevie first...he likes him and with him as a starter I think the chemistry will be there...and good things will happen
  21. Who do I draft at nine because of an early run at tackle?...nobody because i traded up with the Skins to get Okung/Bulaga...if they miss any of these two...this draft is a failure period end of story
  22. We will land a LT and a few other key players in the Draft...no QB...but we go 10-6 make the playoffs and lose first round...because I think Gailey's streak of making the playoffs continues and his never winning a playoff game streak continues to...
  23. My retarded booty was missing all the games on VS because it wasn't listed on the A to Z channels lol...THANK YOU FREESTER
  24. Buddy Nix...just listen to him talk...and you'll find out quickly who is going to have the most say in that war room...he's like a taller bigger version of Hank Hill's father from King of the Hill heheheheh
  25. No Direct TV here in Bloomington Illinois has no versus...just checked....so NFL draft it is lol
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