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Everything posted by Celtic_soulja

  1. I still rock my Spikes Jersey all day long...don't care...ugly as hell new uni...player that promised the number one Defense and then packed his ish the following season...I have a moulds jersey...but it's BEAT lol...and I got two Jim Kelly jerseys that are way too small so I let my sons rock them...my boy is a bucs fan still rocks his Keyshawn to heheheh...we are the outdated who cares crowd...
  2. A worse O Line????????...because what they had a few less rushing yards....or YPC???...well we tied the Saints for YPC...are you saying our O Line was as good as the Saints....matter of fact only about five teams had a better YPC...so do we actually have an upper echelon Offensive Line???????????????????????????????????????? DID YOU WATCH THE BILLS THIS PAST SEASON AT ALL???... Well...thier worst O Lineman was Heyer that gave up 6.5 sacks...our worst...D Bell...gave up 4 in eight games...on pace for 8...or WORST IN THE ENTIRE LEAGUE...and if you watched the games...him in particular...you KNOW that's not unbelievable the guy is a HORRIBLE LT...Thier next worst was a familiar face with Mike Williams playing guard for 8 games and gave up 2.5 sacks...on pace for 5...our next worst was Jonathan Scott...started 8 gave up 3.5 on pace for seven....Chris Samuels was hurt all season, but gave up a couple sacks in his little time he got to play...kind of like our Butler thing...Then they had Raback who gave up 1 sack all year....Dockery who gave up 0.5 sacks all season....we had Wood, 10 games 3 sacks....Levitre ZERO BABY one of the few performers this season...They had Batiste in some little action for injuries gave up 1 sack in 8 games...Rinehart 1 sack in his short season to...we had Hangartner 1.5 sacks...Chambers 2.5 in 8 games on pace for 5....and Meredith ZERO sacks another keeper... So lets spell it out...if you average the sacks per offensive linemen that saw action based upon if every linemen that saw action played all season...you would get Buffalo 4.2 sacks per lineman...Washington 3.7 sacks per lineman...doesn't seem like much, but if you look at elite lines in the league they are around 2.5 sacks per lineman... If you compare probowls...yeah, they destroy us on the O Line... If you compare sack totals...we allowed more... My thought is that an offensive line is only as good as the worst starter...because it only takes one to get beat for your QB to be in a stretcher...our worst was D Bell...worst in the league...can't even line up correctly...sure as HELL can't block...thier worst was Heyer...I watched him...he wasn't very good...but he wasn't a complete disgrace to the Tackle position like D Bell was...the average time Edwards/Fitzy/Brohm had to throw? 2.4 seconds...Campbell?...3.0 seconds...just about average...so lets not pretend we didn't have the most disgusting offensive line in football probably EVER...I wanted to vomit watching these bummy tackles come in and disgrace the Bills uniform...except for Meredith...I beleive under the circumstances he provided very solid blocking...he's going to be something of an anchor at RT for a long time...D Bell and J. Scott were the most horrible linemen I've seen play in a very very long time...Heyer was nowhere NEAR as bad...
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZypDzW81-c...feature=related I cannot believe the same guys that want to trash Trent Edwards want to bring in Campbell...ridiculous....
  4. Only if I was playing Madden...because then I could make some other trades to fix the damage of such a RIDICULOUS TRADE...Campbell is a back up QB...Donte is a starter...bad trade IMO...
  5. What about meaningful games???...Fitzy lost games that meant something to other teams...Edwards stunk up the joint this year...but Fitzy didn't exactly tare the house down here folks...and Edwards MOST CERTAINLY HAS AN NFL ARM...he's going to win the job even if you bring in Campbell AND Bulger...bring em all in...I don't care....Edwards starts this season, I guarantee it
  6. Jon Linton, Darick Holmes, nice...I actually liked them guys hehehehee...
  7. Iupati....he's a beast...but no...not for us...Hangartner did alright this season...don't know why everyone's so down on him...he gave up all of 1 and half sacks last season... This entire scenario looks blah to me...I like the Gaither trade...but only if you can't trade up for Bulaga...and Campbell?...why not just stick with Trentative they are the same lol...both don't go downfield as much as these crazy bills fans like...anyhow... I wouldn't mind though...grabbing Gaither and finding a way to snag up Cody or even trading down further and getting Linval Joseph...plus a late round QB project...for fun...
  8. I predict you will not win... and this "why the team vote him the captain crappola is ridiculous"...like Rick Mirer wasn't the leader of his squad...and Ryan Leaf wasn't either????...ridiculous...doesn't prove a thing... Did ya catch the article about him flipping out over a loss and getting his azz beat?...I mean come on...no self control, his interviews are disgusting to watch...like car crashes...he will never take the heat that the media puts on NFLers...the only way he'll make it is by throwing for 300 yards and 3 tds in every game as a pro...and we all know that won't happen hehehe...so, bye bye Clausen he's a primo BUST I mean check him out during this interview after a harsh loss...
  9. ummm yeah...how bout NO lol...this is total horse hockey...they have a couple reasons to move him...One is of course Michael Oher...the other is Michael's Oher's contract size versus Mr. Gaither looking for a big pay day with bringing in the closer Rosenass...they can't pay two LT lucrative deals...well they could, but who wants to pay thier RT like a LT?...plus they pick up a high round pick to address a seperate need in a very deep defensive draft...which struggled this season...all the stuff you're saying is speculation...as is what I'm saying...but what do you believe?...they want Gaither to come to practice harder????...or it's about business and money YET again...
  10. Clausen is Ryan Leaf, Rick Mirer, BUST material at it's finest....yeah and someone said he was cocky...coincidently it was the guy who gave em a shiner in front of his girl hehehehee...he's a chump...listen to his combine interview and you can see him going nutty after a loss like Leaf did...he's crap and I guarantee he busts...
  11. Yeah Ryan Leaf got better and better...then he got drafted.................
  12. Leaf threw more Td's and more yards on a worse team...it's all about the horrible attitude....Leaf was constantly, ESPECIALLY AFTER BIG LOSSES, losing his cool in the bar or in an interview.... We all know Clausen does the same thing.... after a big loss, him and his girl "exchanging words" and BANG PUNCHED IN HIS PUNK AZZ FACE...Jimmy Clausen is a bum, bust, loser, stay the hell out of Buffalo...BUFFALO FANS ARE TOUGHER THAN NOTRE DAME FANS....
  13. Depends on who you get at 41....Cody?...trade down further to like 51 get Joseph?...both those guys will start for a long time... Trade up to 4 and get Okung or Bulaga...I've run the trade up threat before... And everyone says we can't afford it...yet....I still hold WHAT WE CANNOT AFFORD IS TO MISS OKUNG OR BULAGA THIS DRAFT
  14. What LT allowed the most sacks in the NFL in 2008?...look it up...you'll find out why we moved that fat lazy spineless useless BUM
  15. Yeah except when Trent takes them...then he is not trying to make a play he is just being Trentative right?...anyway...I lied I like Campbell a little more than say...Marc Bulger...lol...and a ton more than Tebow...but really that's not saying much of anything hehehehhehee...also...hate to bust the TBD bubble but if you think Trent checks down too much...you're gonna LOVE (thats sarcasm) Jason Campbell heehheheheheh
  16. Bruce got like 7 sacks his rookie year and 15 his second year?...sounds pretty special to me...maybe I'm just not seeing something
  17. They can bring in Campbell, they can bring in Bulger, they can draft McCoy, Tebow, Clausen, Skelton, Armanti, Pike, Lefevour or anyone else they want in this year's draft...Trent will beat ALL of them out for the starting job...you heard it here first...well even if you didn't hear it here first...you heard it here again
  18. Butler gave up a whopping 1 sack last season...maybe he's not the second coming and he wasn't gifted enough to play LT...but he was a good lineman...he was a solid RT that didn't get beat there...so why not sing his praises?...especially since D Bell was the LT and gave up a sack every other play and got a penalty on the ones he didn't
  19. hehehehehheheeheehehehheh that's what I was about to say...he isn't suited????...no, he doesn't want to, but he is definitely suited to do so...he doesn't want to because he wants to make plays not eat up blocks...he could do it EASILY...he's just spineless and a glory getter...maybe in THAT aspect he's not suited for it
  20. Ummmm...Bulger hasn't looked good in three years...he's old and crappy...I'd still rather have him backing up the future hall of fame Trent Edwards than some wet behind the ears rookie that can't play football like Tebow
  21. U sure?...I think Detroit takes Okung...and Washington takes Bulaga...KC takes Williams...then Davis or Campbell go to Oakland...if this is the case...and we don't trade up and get one of the top three tackles...might as well trade out of the first round all together and start thinking about next years draft because this one will be a FAILURE...and Davis or Campbell even if they make it to us aren't worth it...so...again you don't land Okung, Bulaga, or Williams...the draft is a complete failure...if you don't trade up for Bulaga or Okung but luck out and snag Williams...it's an OK draft... Unless we bring in Gaither in a trade
  22. Dare I say YOU WISH...Flutie knew how to throw a spiral...and he had speed better than TeSlow...anyhow...excellent game...Gabe Northern days hehehehehe...Dickie J for defense...ehheheheh...nice
  23. Bulaga doesn't make it out of the top five...so...yeah if he slipped to 9 you friggen take the guy...I think we should trade up to get him...clausen is garbage
  24. 60% 3000 plus yards 20 plus td's 10 picks???...he did alright my friend...not that I wanted him all that much, but he's still nasty... That being said, I HATE that he went to a team that picks before us in the draft because it decreases our chances to land Bulaga
  25. Washington wanted him more...dude people are failing to realize that Gailey does not mind going to war with the current QB's and a draft prospect...
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