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Everything posted by Celtic_soulja

  1. We can do what we want because we are America. We can do everything and anything. Well except copy systems that already works. If we didn't invent it, it sucks. If we did invent it, it's the best ever whether it works or not. If you don't feel that way, you are obviously a Canadian.
  2. I don't think there ever should've been a cap, you break you buy. Retroactive is funny to me though. Yeah, no you only have to pay 75 million if it breaks...I mean 10B. What but you said...oh no, I meant 10 Billion because we are way too broke to help you out there brohammer.
  3. People are notorious on this board for totally misconstruing what you are saying. I have to learn to just make things up and pretend that is what they said.
  4. You're a moron. Since the first newspaper in our nation, the media has been an outlet used to advertise. Whether it was political views, or philosophical stand points. It was never a source for unbiased facts. Journalists are supposed to put spin on thier "evidence" depending on the outlet they are working for. CSPAN is a good example of no nonsense news, there aren't reporters, just cameras. Ratings are less than stellar. Ratings are what makes media outlets money, not facts. Everyone can get facts, but people like it with a side of sensationalism with a lefty spin or righty spin. Media outlets are businesses, not some benevolent outlets of knowledge. This is not something recent, this is how it has always been. Americans like you, are just too lazy to do your own research or make up your own mind, so you pretend the media is all information no opinion. It caters to your lazy personality of "not having the time" to get the facts. I wasn't acting like I was 12, I just couldn't beleive you actually believe the media is unbiased
  5. You can't even say Moore is a little right, man. The liberal cooties will infest your mind if you start thinking like that. heheheeh The threat is there, our response to it could not have been more Anti-American. More guns and more freedom is obviously the answer. Not some far reaching governments. Less government would work. Our response time was too slow, but not by much. So what did we do? Add more levels of bureaucracy. Our response to Katrina was even more pathetic, showing that we are getting even slower than we were pre 9/11. More guns, more freedom. Let us carry guns on airlines, on a bus, in a taxi, teachers with guns, soldiers that can carry guns on a base. More guns more freedom
  6. You don't live in Japan, or you don't live in Vancouver?
  7. Well you have to first tell me that you actually think it is thier jobs to report facts.
  8. I lied Canucks are still losing 3-2 Japan has the best HC system
  9. The Canucks just tied it up 2-2 uh oh. Japan has the best HC system
  10. What is thier job then? And if you say reporting the facts you're not worth the time of explaining where you are wrong.
  11. Those that support the constitution have become "extremists" to the general public. Those that support the constitution are now on the list of low level terrorists. Our political system is becoming a major joke. Republican or Democrat makes no difference, both sides wipe thier azz on the constitution. It's not something new.
  12. Because it is the media, and it is thier job. The worse things sound, the more people tune in. The more people tune in, the better the ratings. The better the ratings, the more money they can get for ad time. It is thier job to sensationalize.
  13. I think we need to either upgrade or abandon the public school system. If we upgrade the technology and material, we might be able to make the public school system more efficient. If we just keep going the way we are going, it's a complete waste of money. Privatize the school system and let the market upgrade the system. I like the homeschooling method myself, much more effective.
  14. Yeah, what sounds worse 5,000 barrels or 210,000 gallons?
  15. I know my thoughts are cyclical...like life. heheeheheeh My point is that the immigration laws were screwed up by the fear of terrorism, and THAT is the reason for all this backlash. The work visa idea obviously didn't work to the benefit of the United States and therefore we should come up with a better method of keeping the threat of terrorism in check. Beefing up the borders is crap and causes nothing but increased government spending, increase in casualties at the border, and this political mess that is going on in AZ. Americans should be our defense. Do it ourselves. Deregulate and let us handle it. Did anyone else flip out that a terrorist could be stationed on a military base and go on a shooting spree before a friggen cop had to come and take him down? Were there no guns on A MILITARY BASE? If soldiers can't take out a terrorist and have to wait for cops, what does this say about our citizens in America? This reliance on the government for security is making us a complete joke, similar to how the welfare system makes the poor even weaker. Our policies need to be reconstructed with a little faith in the American people.
  16. I'd agree alot of the backlash we are feeling in our nation is politically charged from our sticking our nose in other people's affairs. But what is the point of bringing it up now? And what if we didn't poke our nose where you don't think it belongs? There are some things we have to do that piss people off. There are some things that we made huge mistakes for getting involved before knowing what was truly wrong and screwed ourselves. But at the end of the day, it is what it is now and we still have to deal with and not ignore it. So because you and other liberals think we have it coming, we just are supposed to sit and take it? Ignore it? Pretend the threat is not present like Moore likes to say? Gimme a break.
  17. Yeah again. It was followed by the worst because of a number of reasons, but one is the restructuring of our immigration policy due to the terrorist threat. From 2000-2005 more than half of our immigrants were coming here illegally, because our borders were beefed up. Then, because Bushie part duex didn't want to take our security problems out on the mexicans, he made it easier to get work Visas, this didn't help the economy. It helped make it more common for mexicans to come work and then take the money home. Another problem that is now entwined in this immigration debate.
  18. Well rest assured if I was president, like Magox said, I would NOT be designing engineering miracles for Nuclear power. I would HIRE YOU heheheeeh...
  19. I actually agree with both you and Chef on that. I think the majority is not like that in the ghetto, but I don't think it is a landslide majority. I know a good amount of people that live in the ghetto that don't care about the community, but I think if you mobilize the ones that do they can be stronger than those that do not. Like I said, I could be wrong. But I have reason to believe that the ghetto is held captive by the azzholes, and those few give the ghetto a bad name. I think we can revitalize those that want to live in a better world, and we can stand up to those that don't. I think if you give the good majority that are just irresponsible for the lessons they failed to learn, a viable option to work with what they have, there could be real change. Just like you said Chef, many come out of the ghetto and "make it". I know two lobbyists, a doctor of pharmacy, a corporate lawyer, and a medic that will be an emergency response worker when he finishes his 20 years in the military all that I grew up with. They left and never came back of course. I am looking to pursuade as many as possible to come back and work within the city, as well as come up with city plans that can retain some of the talented minds that our ghetto chases out every year. If I fall on my face, and the city just don't "take" to the face lift, then I will join the lobbyists at the state house once I finish my degree. Unfortunately that is much more realistic, but I think I owe it to the city to try and use all my resources to change the city for the better before offering my services and education to another city.
  20. heheheheheheh Not to mention more workers for the rebuild. More votes to secure the funding. More tax revenue for the city. More money going to local businesses. Yes YES more people, more money being made, more needs to be met, more private businesses to meet those needs. I'm a fan of people in general. Like I've said before, 1990 Bushie softened the immigration laws, and the decade that followed was the best decade in financial history. Security measured had to be taken because we have to "feel" safe from foriegn terror, less LEGAL immigrants. More than half were illegal, and the country was driven down by those that take advantage of illegals. Something they couldn't do to legal immigrants. Domestic citizens suffer because now they must compete with salaries well below the minimum wage standards, something they wouldn't have to do if the laws were softened again. A larger salary for immigrants would push more money into the economy because they would have more to spend. The problem is there are still terrorists. So what is the answer to keep our borders fairly open while keeping our nation safe from terrorism. I am a soften the gun laws kind of guy, and have the citizens self police the issue.
  21. Just like in anything, the more freedom the better something works. I am a fan of open border policy. I think the restrictions on immigration is what causes all of this bull. If you go back to the immigration act of 1990 by George Bush, our system goes back to running the way it should. Let immigrants move MORE freely and they won't trash up the lands of the Ranchers. Let immigrants move MORE freely and border patrol won't have to dig out hundreds of bodies a year or have to shoot so many people or get shot.
  22. Well we will see. I mean I don't think it's far fetched for you to feel that way. I do think there is underlying problems in the ghetto and it isn't the people that live there. I could be wrong. Everyone rents property in the ghetto, therefore there is no sense of pride. They don't care about the property as much as they would if they owned it themselves and were forced to fix things they broke. When things start breaking, landlords dont care either. Slumlords and irresponsible renters are two major factors that I am targetting to "put lipstick on a pig." I feel like I'm doing much more than putting a fresh coat of paint on the hood. It isn't exactly shining a turd.
  23. Unfortunately ranchers, cops, border patrol, and mexicans are all casualties of a sh*tty immigration policy. The cost is ridiculously high in human life and needs to be changed.
  24. Like I've said, it's NOT a viable solution. I'll repeat it, so dumb azzes like yourself can understand. It's NOT a practical solution It's NOT a practical solution It's NOT a practical solution It's NOT a practical solution It's NOT a practical solution It's NOT a practical solution c'mon one more, you got it, push push push It's NOT a practical solution.
  25. That Economy Inn on Busch is DISGUSTING. I stayed there one night when I first moved down while I looked for a place, it's ridiculous. Roaches EVERYWHERE, Prostitutes working out of there, I can't believe a person could stay there a week, nevermind with 12 friggen kids, that's just gross. Those kids don't have a shot.
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