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Everything posted by Celtic_soulja

  1. Property taxes and fees/licensing/tickets etc...NOT INCOME TAXES...NOT GOODS TAXES in most cases... Property taxes...biggest revenue by FAR...and this "investment" into community development INCREASES property tax revenue...THEREFORE...it is an INVESTMENT not a HANDOUT...it will increase both the value of homes in the city around these run down properties...THAT WILL INCREASE REVENUE...and it will provide MORE ownership THAT PAY MORE TAXES... Our estimates is that tax revenue will increase about 3% to our city...and then another 15% payback from CDC to city over the course of time...brings the total budget down (during the pay into the CDC years) 10%...increases the budget after two years CDC begins to pay back the pay out...and the budget increases to five percent higher than it is now for the next twenty years...and that is not adding the increase in property tax revenue INCREASES from higher property value...that is going on current appraisals of all property...we can't really effectively know how much property value will increase before we actually fix these properties up, only that it will be more and equal more revenue for the city...but a five percent increase in the budget for the long term by cutting the budget 10% over two years is a very easily sold plan
  2. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.p...toryId=95577970 hehehehe The sheer amount between rich folks and illegals is ridiculous even to compare...this entire argument is irrelevant...even if the illegals were taxed it wouldn't be a drop in the bucket...that's why wasting MILLIONS on kicking them out or beefing up the borders is just a stupid waste of money time and in some cases lives...that's the bottom line
  3. That makes no sense...as a Mayor with two council members I have a working relationship with...we can budget to give to the CDC...i don't need people to "give"...like the average dude to give me money...we will give from the city budget to rebuild the city...wow new concept...I am not drawing some ridiculous salary from the corporation...so the IRS can look me up and down, like I am sure they would...considering it will look like I'm "stealing" money...but they won't find any problems because I'm not a banker I don't need private jets or a million dollar bonus...it is barebones and if I am drawing a modest salary of 30k from the CDC I will put the Mayors salary down to 1 dollar like NY does...if I am drawing the salary as Mayor I will not draw one from the CDC...at any rate I'm not going to be paid personally more than 50k in a combined salary which is lower than what the current mayor makes now...I am sure I can sell the idea to my friends in city hall especially if I am there as the Mayor
  4. What GG points? Okay so you know that CDC's are formed as a private entity and they can recieve funding from anyone that is willing to give into the CDC...that includes federal state and local...the city budget is the biggest investor because they stand to gain the most from revitalizing the city...I know both the next mayor and two council members...they are wanting me to run for mayor myself and if I do that and win...then it's SO on...if not, I can persuade the votes I need to get funding from the city...considering the benefits...so that's where the funding is coming from...local...not from you the average dude in east chuckayaknowwhere...
  5. Local as in City Budget...as in a CDC...do you know anything about CDC's? how they are funded and how they are run?... And I am a full time student and work part time...so yeah I don't make much money...so what?...and maybe I won't pull it off...probably not on my best case scenario that I posted, but who cares...if I can only secure the 46,000 from the state and my own 30,000 or so I can muster up myself...and whatever my knockoff Acorn guy can come up with...I'll do it small scale...and work my way up...if it all goes to hell like you think...I'm out a whopping 30,000...whoopie...at least I'll fail trying...that makes no nevermind to me...I've failed before...and I'll most likely fail a few more times...but I got the sack to anti up and try again...you don't need some elaborate scheme to make life worthwhile bro...you just need enough sack to get out there and so something...which is what I'm doing...
  6. Yeah health and life...not property...and property IMO is a scam if you invested less than 50k don't you think?...exactly
  7. They ummmmmm BANK it lol...they hold onto it...they are fiscally responsible aren't they? they wouldn't be where they were if they weren't...so they don't spend it as much as say...some other less fiscally responsible members of society...
  8. I might be A butthead, but if I was THE BUTTHEAD...I would have said uh huhuuhuhuuhh...that's all I'm saying... and what makes me a butthead anyway?...that I admit that I'm of average intelligence and I'm trying to point out certain very simple facts about the world around us?...oooooooh, better stop me from doing that...there is no place for my matter of fact thinking and simple minded straightforward do the work yourself mentality?...at any rate....any self proclaimed geniuses, elites, or high tax bracket people who hate me on this board is a GOOD sign considering what I am trying to do and WHO I am trying to appeal to
  9. I like to post vague plans up to get people that want to TEAR them apart...in debating them, especially with unbiased opinions on a blog spot...you CAN come up with major faults and research them to see if you can plan around certain obstacles...it is not like I am letting bloggers design the business plan...I've done that with political activists, an urban development official and an ex mayor of the town I'm doing this in...I just like to put it out there so people like DC Tom can point out how naive I am and maybe I'll learn something from someone...an angle that hasn't been seen...it's not like people don't talk about EVERYTHING on blog spots anyhow...any forum is good enough to post and get feedback...I don't see why people are like "why would you post that here?"...ummmmm because I felt like it...wanted to see what other people thought about it...obviously...its not like I posted it on the Stadium wall or in the Political section...it's in Off The Wall...where you just talk about whatever...seriously I don't see a problem with me posting here...and I actually respect some people's opinions on here whether I agree with them or not...I named them in the post...the more they trash the plan, the more I can research obvious problems that I am too young or "wet behind the ears" to see...I can see how strong the plan is by defending against people I respect...I don't see a problem with arguing about anything on the blogs I hand around...
  10. This is a good read...you all should get one and stimulate your mind :0) heheheh http://www.amazon.com/Let-Them-Case-Open-B...s/dp/1592403492
  11. Don't get all puffy bro...I am not getting much from the federal government...most of it is from the local government...that is not COMING OUT OF YOUR POCKET...it's coming from our local revenue that is, people who live in the city and will directly benefit from the CDC plan...so cool your jets dude...
  12. if you mean by rain...illegal immigrants are of a different race...and by wedding day you mean immigrants and nonimmigrants are the same...then yes...you should have been thinking that when you read it... but the word CAN be used by stating that I meant by coincidence, since I pointed out that immigrants cost no more, and he replied that I want to spend on americans not immigrants, that the only factor seperating the two is race...and I asked the question...can be considered ironical...by emphasizing that the seperating factor between those he wants to spend his money on, and those he doesn't are seperated by race...and not actually that he is a real racist but that his statement coincidentally could be construed as racist considering the underlying factor of wanting to piggyback one and not the other is in fact race
  13. In the very few games he played....if I remember correctly 5...he gave up 4.5 sacks...that is not at all good...not even mentioning the penalties...he was not good by any stretch of the imagination
  14. Insurance depends...case by case basis for me...if I haven't invested more than 50k I'd rather take the loss and sell the lot to recoup losses of any real damage... I can see getting a lawyer to draw up the contracts...for a fair price and I do have someone that appraises homes...so I will not buy homes that are going to cost me 20,000 to repair unless they are well worth it...on top of, like I said 20,000 grand to repair for most is 10,000 for me becuase of my corporate connection with material suppliers and labor deals I will get from volunteers and CDC workers... Insurances are not my fortay, but I will at least contemplate insurance...though considering what I am investing in these properties I doubt it'll be worth it for me...considering that less than .0004 percent of houses experience being burned down per year...times that by 20 years and it's still a little less than one percent...even if I lose one house I invested 50k into...it beats the 255,000 per year in insurance costs if I insured all 85 properties... If they want insurance, they can pay for it...it won't be required though...
  15. MIA @ BUF W Miami sucks BUF @ GB L GB is nasty now BUF @ NE W they havent' gotten much better this offseason, we have we already were close to knocking them off last year NYJ @ BUF W Jets are garbage JAC @ BUF W Jacksonville is garbage BUF @ BAL L Because we won't win four in a row and they are pretty good BUF @ KC W KC is a joke CHI @ BUF W Chicago is a joke DET @ BUF W Detroit is a joke BUF @ CIN L because we wont' win four in a row Cincy is pretty good PIT @ BUF L Because we need back to back losses in a season BUF @ MIN L Because we need a reason as Bills fans to jump OFF the bandwagon at some point...three losses will do that CLE @ BUF W Because the Browns are crap BUF @ MIA W Because the Dolphins are trash NE @ BUF W Because I want to sweep the pats BUF @ NYJ W Because it makes my 11-5 prediction accurate
  16. Bell would be a better linemen without legs anyway...at least then he'll have an excuse to get beat so bad and he won't get called for lining up in the backfield
  17. Oh, believe me, I'm not stupid...I ain't no genius (hehehehee how ya like THAT grammar)...but I did score a 1700 on my SAT's have a 127 IQ...I'm slightly above average...but I'm not some brainiac...the sad thing is I wrote a book...imagine what the publishers thought of getting a 500 page manuscript from a guy like me????? heheheheeh...I had a personal editor go over it of course, but still...needless to say, they haven't published it yet hehehehe
  18. What's the difference to you? are you racist?...one struggling person is as good as another in my book...and no, you've never had a say in how your money is being wasted...Congress gets a lifetime pension of like 80,000 a year after serving a single term...that costs more than these undocumented workers...
  19. Oh, and 1:37 read it and know I'm going to change that...
  20. Average Appraisal...and I'm getting them cheap because it's cash upfront for foreclosed houses that nobody wants...after estimated damages are repaired (none more than 10,000) on thier listed estimated costs...the market value is the appraised value of the home...
  21. still...you don't always have to cut jobs to cut spending...though our ridiculous government have no real management skills...on education alone you could cut at least 20 percent in being more efficient without cutting 20 percent of the teachers on salary...but they are not business savvy enough to make those kinds of cuts...same with defense spending...if you spent less on technology you'd save 987093218745098347098347509138470598 exactly lol...there can be cuts in spending without cutting it alllllll out of salaries...they just needs some conservative leadership that knows what they are doing...you don't make cuts to a budget without telling these people where those cuts need to come from...
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