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Everything posted by Celtic_soulja
really?...a team that couldn't score ran more???...ohhhhhhhhh see I was thinking that because we ran the ball a hundred or so carries LESS than a successful team, that your argument is flawed....ahhh what do I know...
Illegal immigrants living in AZ
Celtic_soulja replied to Keukasmallies's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
My ENTIRE argument is that the money immigrants send home is NOTHING compared to the top one percent milking those very same immigrants...that the cost to go after these immigrants is a complete WASTE of money...there would be a very tiny benefit to the tax paying dude if they catch them ALL and send them home...that in comparison where all our other money is BLEEDING is much more detrimental than friggen immigrants for cripes sake... -
That insurance also covers remediation teams that will work with harmful chemicals in case of possible hazardous material remediation...it covers EVERYTHING...and makes my CDC reconstruction team marketable to state rehab projects as well
Federal Reserve chimes in on Wall Street
Celtic_soulja replied to Magox's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Yeah, because it's in distress...once "rescued" and resold for 120k, which if I get buyers to pay that THAT becomes market value no?...ahhhhhh now you're catching on...and the value of homes in the previously blighted areas...INCREASE....ahhhhhhh ohhhhhhhh now I get it... And it isn't profiteering if I am not eating the profits...if I am pouring those profits into more blighted neighborhoods and driving up property values of urban towns...that IS noble no?...or is that only cool when the mortgage companies do it in whitey neighborhoods? -
What kind of jerk calls themselves a moron?...I am getting constructive criticism from more than just you for one...and there isn't much constructive criticism coming out of y'all pie holes anyway lol...it's more idiot dolt moron...which is all good...but still...again...lets try to wade through the BS flowing from your mouth... I am NOT buying THE ENTIRE TOWN...I am buying the borded up blighted buildings...when you buy a foreclosed home for 30k and fix it up...then SELL IT FOR A FAIR MARKET VALUE...the new SALE IS 120K...the property value will be positively affected, not negatively...brainiacs...
Federal Reserve chimes in on Wall Street
Celtic_soulja replied to Magox's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
You are missing the point thanks to your tunnel vision...if I finance a house for market value, I can't turn around and sell it for what I paid for it...interest is drummed up and there is no product to recoup your money...not a real investment unless the market falls in your favor HEAVILY....again a 200,000 home financed costs 500,000 on a good mortgage...you can't sell it for 500,000...it's still worth the 200,000 of the list price...I'm going to try to help you understand again... I am buying foreclosed homes that need work...in current condition the bank will not finance a joe shmoe for the home...they would possibly finance an investor dhead that wanted to flip it...but not some guy that wants to live there...again, they cannot finance at 12 percent to live in these homes...these are investor specials...I am using my resources to rebuild a community...to give people homes at the fair market price...they can turn around and recoup ALL the money they put in, maybe more...I am not taking money just because I am me, like the banks do...I am not selling convenience...I am selling property at market value, no more, and I am doing the leg work to make that happen...I'm not making any excess profits like the banks do...I am not across the board marking up the properties 200%...I am looking for houses I can make that amount on...and still be fair to the client...when you buy something, do you care how much they paid for it, or how much you will be able to resell it for?...that's the bottom line... If I came to you with a collectors item and said I paid fifteen bucks, but it's worth forty thousand...in ten years it is supposed to be worth fifty thousand...I'll take thirty nine thousand for it... Or I got this item that I paid fifteen bucks for, I'll sell it for twenty bucks, but it's not worth twenty it's worth fifteen bucks.... Which item are you going to buy? -
Have you ever dealt in foreclosures?...and it's not WC because they suck...it's a private insurer and it covers EVERYTHING without a hassle...that's the top what it pays out for injuries...if they sued for like 1mil it wouldn't cover...but if three workers got hurt each for 200,000 they would be covered...do you understand now?
If I used a business plan that you guys devised...jeez...I'd just be another heartless banker that didn't care about the inner city or the working class...so it's not exactly designed by these "yahoos" on a message board...I just like to see what kind of arguments are out there...like...oooh you can't find property selling below market value ...or what happens if a guy falls off the roof ...because I don't have property insurance, I'm toast lol...or even better, you're screwing them guys that couldn't get financing and can't afford the monthly bill if they could, you're giving them property at a value they could sell and recoup all thier money they invested into the property...I'm such an evil scoundrel and it isn't YOUR government that's handing me 2 million...realistically NO government is HANDING me the 2 million, they are getting a return on that money AND increasing the over all value of the city...AND increasing tax revenue...but it's OUR government...not YOUR tax dollars...I don't want a DIME from YOU chef...the 5,000 you pay in taxes won't come anywhere near me if I can help it...Super baller like you can think of way better ways to spend your money than helping people own homes
First...again they are my people...not some outside contractors...and you can get insurance FOR THE WORKERS that will cover it...not property insurance...it's 120,000 per year for a half million in coverage for the workers...oooooooh...that's gonna make me go broke for sure... And who the hell said ANYTHING about underwater houses????...I'm not going to NO to start this up pally...these are ridiculous accusations...ridiculous... and yes, foreclosed homes sell for BELOW MARKET VALUE everyday nationwide dude...use your brain before you open your mouth
Illegal immigrants living in AZ
Celtic_soulja replied to Keukasmallies's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
You wanted to call me a dolt...so I had to point out that the link was a joke and that the main point of the post you called me a dolt for was that what low end nondocumented immigrants "stole" in benefits is NOTHING compared to what the top one percent steals from the working class annually... -
Illegal immigrants living in AZ
Celtic_soulja replied to Keukasmallies's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
http://rationalrevolution.net/articles/ame...nprosperity.htm http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/walmart/view/ http://www.seiu.org/a/profilebofa.php maoist.ws/archive/economics/latinamericaunequaltrade.html http://global-labour-issues.suite101.com/a...er_exploitation http://www.iww.org/en/node/4002 Wrong? Keep trying? -
Federal Reserve chimes in on Wall Street
Celtic_soulja replied to Magox's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
You keep saying that but you fail to prove that I am "soaking" them for more than the bankers...I am selling them a product for what it is worth...what I bought it for does not change the simple fact that they can buy it from me, and sell it for the same amount or more...that's a real asset not a liability like a friggen subprime mortgage -
They failed to mention we averaged 4.4 ypc not too many teams did better...we CAN run block...and with Spiller's ability, good luck stopping the guy...as far as fantasy is concerned though, too many backs to be worth it
Illegal immigrants living in AZ
Celtic_soulja replied to Keukasmallies's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
But it's okay for a nation to capitalize on another nations weak labor force?...what we "give" away to free education we MORE than recoup by using nations people to build things at ten cents a year -
I'm not using some big ticket contractors number one...I'm using my own people...so I would be suing myself...number two, property insurance versus insurance to cover my workers are two different things
The local funding is from the city...not the Obama tree...although I will shake every tree possible...and at ten percent investment of the city over two years will be 3.4 M after the first year it will be 1.2 M income added to that figure works out to just over your 4.2 and that is not including the fundraising, state, and federal money that may or may not be available..it's a two year pay in and then a twenty year payback to the city...and all of the houses are not 50k there are some that are 20k there are some that are 30k and so on...there are a couple that are 12k...at any rate...the cost of capital is about 10% if I get it from the city...but with the increase in sales from 12k-50k buying to 120k selling will MORE than cover expenses considering I am not looking to make any kind of BIG profits... Also, the appraisal and list prices are so widely seperated because these are foreclosed homes that the banks are just trying to recoup what is still owed on the property, not what they are worth...
Federal Reserve chimes in on Wall Street
Celtic_soulja replied to Magox's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Thanks Booster...I am a little crazy...I mean I could flip houses and make way more...but I'm not a big money fan hehehee..that in itself shows I'm naive and crazy...but I hope it works out to...nobody else is clammoring to rebuild the ghetto... -
I know enough about site remediation...and these foreclosures have nothing like that...maybe lead paint but no asbestos...and the removal isn't all that ridiculous...these buildings are pretty old...average home in the town was built in the 60s but...really its not that big of an issue considering most of these homes were foreclosed over the past five years meaning they were most likely updated already...and again, I have the workforce and materials to get it done without spending ridiculous sums of money, especially since I'm getting them at bargain prices
Illegal immigrants living in AZ
Celtic_soulja replied to Keukasmallies's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Doesn't that seem a bit harsh though?...lower taxes so we can vacation because we don't educate "thems illegals chuldrins"???...I don't know man...I think kids that come here and get education is fine considering that first generation immigrant children are 90 percent likely to stay in the country...they kind of become citizens don't they?...they don't go home...and then what about the hospitals?...they are full of everyone all the time...and the couple million immigrants isn't crap...it's like 1 percent at best...give me a break...the top one percent of our society steals FAR MORE than our bottom 1 percent...get over it...point the finger in the other direction for once... -
Federal Reserve chimes in on Wall Street
Celtic_soulja replied to Magox's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
No, I'm not taking the same programs built for subprime borrowers...subprime borrowers pay so much more per month than they can afford if they are even approved to begin with...which is the MAIN reason they default...because they are not "qualified" to get fixed rates...they are sold ridiculous loans that they couldn't possibly pay off...they are "renting" from the banks, but at a much higher monthly payment than I will give them...this is why financial guys don't understand the plan...it's because they haven't been in the struggle and don't understand why people actually default...when they are late, they get more fees..."sorry you couldn't afford your monthly payment this month on time, dont' worry sir we added on another two hundred dollars to make it more affordable"..."sorry you can't afford your arm loan anymore because we added on a few points and your monthly payment increased 300 dollars, as a homeowner you should know that it is bound to happen...GET OUT."..."I'm sorry I gave you a loan that was interest only, we really thought you, being a mechanic, were trying to invest and flip the house and not live there...now you're upside down in your mortgage...I thought we explained it very well in the 9000 page mortgage agreement we sent to you...too bad for you...GET OUT and STILL OWE US MONEY."...catch my drift?... My plan differs in that there is protective mechanisms to KEEP THEM IN THE HOMES not kick them out...my plan is different because the monthly payment is CHEAPER THAN RENT...not twice as much for those that make less than the average salary...my plan is different because whatever I sell them, they can resell for the same amount or more...meaning they INVESTED ALL THIER MONEY...not spent it on financing fees... Even if they do default...it will not be that costly...I LIVE WITH THOSE "TENANTS/BUYERS" whose financial history makes you financial guys cringe...I KNOW why they default...I KNOW that they are not some deadbeat shmuck that just doesn't FEEL like paying thier mortgages...I KNOW they were suckered into horrible mortgage loans because they had a dream to actually OWN something...I KNOW that given a fair shake, they will do everything they can to KEEP thier investments...I worked for a man who was in the same area, not exactly the same area, but only one city over from my target city and I painted and fixed the homes for him...he owned 15 properties...in ten years he had one eviction...these are just low income renters about 3 per property...that's no different than the foreclosure percentage in America...very close...that's a group of hard working low paid citizens versus the generally approved buyers of property... Even if I have to evict at a slightly higher rate, just because I'm soooo very unlucky to attract more "deadbeats" than the landlord I worked for...(highly unlikely considering same neighborhood same low income and low credit scores)...I would still not rack up this outrageous debt from lawyer fees...filing an eviction notice is fairly cheap...proving it is fairly easy considering I will have the agreement spelled out pretty clearly...also, I am working to keep them IN the home...so I will be much more FORGIVING...of those that are struggling...if they have say two years of ontime payments and get laid off, I will work with them to make sure they stay...forgiveness, that's alot different from those subprime programs y'all put together now isn't it?... On top of, if they do just have to move to a single bedroom rat hole becuase thier life changed so drastically they just cannot muster up the 500/month anymore, I will work an agreement out with them personally...WITHOUT COURT...so that they may recieve percentages of what they paid in while another person moves into thier home...at any rate...if you do the footwork yourself...most evictions can be avoided...and the small amount that cannot be avoided are not that costly...go to court and fight a few and you'll see what I mean... -
Federal Reserve chimes in on Wall Street
Celtic_soulja replied to Magox's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
No...all the profits will go into buying more low end property to keep the ball rolling and so we don't have to keep getting funding from outside sources...I will never be a rich man doing this...I will never be a rich man period...that's not my goal...I just want to do something worthwhile...and earn a decent living doing it...I will never draw a crazy salary...not anytime soon, not anytime down the road...I will always live in the urban inner city with my house paid for and low liability costs...I don't have expensive taste and as long as my family and I are able to eat, and pay our bills on time I am a happy guy...I will never draw a salary of more than 50k no matter how large the CDC gets -
National Guard may be called into Chicago
Celtic_soulja replied to WisconsinBillzFan's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
The Daley machine...wooot woot -
Wait till you hear my local government plans...you'll flip your wig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Illegal immigrants living in AZ
Celtic_soulja replied to Keukasmallies's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I BELIEVE...there was some laughter after the link DOLT...whatever dude...read what I ACTUALLY said MORON...or can you read whole chunks of statements?... -
Federal Reserve chimes in on Wall Street
Celtic_soulja replied to Magox's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
It's a small crappy little city...the current taxes are 10.50 per thousand about...and for commercial property it is around 12 I believe...haven't looked into the higher end property taxes really, just going by memory of the taxes I scanned over to find what "my" tax rate will be