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Everything posted by Celtic_soulja

  1. Okay...first let me see if I can remember all these "valid" compliants Chef: yes the property taxes I already posted are 10.43 per thousand and the CDC will pay the taxes out of the 500/month so it's not added onto the payment it was already figured in Anchorage: Palin, woman with a gun in alaska, not the reason I said it though........came on with a bonehead comment...kinda like Palin's ENTIRE book Magox: For the record I feel the same...you're an elitist, but you do tons of research so I was hoping for some constructive criticism or some actual beefs that are prudent...because it's fun to argue about things...again, you're an elitist, but what's worse is that you're an elitist here that plays high and mighty on a message board, but wouldn't even approach a crew like mine in the real world...so who is full of ****? DC Tom: I should not have said scam, what I should have said is that the numbers does not make it prudent for me to get home insurance...I'm not investing enough money into the property to get insurance on the property and since the client owns it, it is thier option to pay for insurance and not mine...the banks don't pay for property insurance when they sell it to you do they? no, you pay for it...I would do the same I was doing for the taxes but it would be too expensive for me and not worth it for the over all price I spent on the house...is it risky? yeah, but you have to keep it all in perspective...I am going into a town that is a small town without real issues of flooding...they just had a major flood and they is not going to be another for a long long time...only 0.004 percent of houses in the U.S. burn down yearly and if you multply that over twenty years that is still too small a number to be worth the 5,000,000 it would cost to insure all the properties over the 20 years...so no, insurance isn't a scam....it's just not worth it for me to pay for it.... DC Tom and KD: again about the "WC" insurance you guys keep saying I'm spending 120k on...it's not WC insurance...it is insurance to make a remediation team attractive so that I can take on state remediation projects for the CDC to earn money after our houses are rehabbed...I could probably get WC insurance at first until our houses were remediated and fixed, but I know, as you guys do not a remediation team used by the state that is 8-10 people in size can earn 3 million a year in profit remediating sites....but you guys obviously already knew that...the 120k is an investment...it's the minimum amount of insrance for hazmat remediation the state will allow for state projects...again this was going to a vague outline...but you guys keep calling out some details to "justify" certain costs...so it's getting more detailed...I still refuse to post the entire business plan and refuse to tell anyone names or locations of where this is being done...but there it is...look it up for a remediation team...that's not just taking out asbestos, I'm talking hazmat remediation...cleaning groundwater, remediating soil...we have a poluted river and we are an old mill town, there used to be plastic fabrication plants along with old companies that used to dump thier crap in the back yard screwing up the environment...it was all legal to dump before the 80s so...there is a ton of crap to clean up hazmat style...I am going to make more money for the city and CDC with a remediation team...thus the 120k for insurance...but good call, you'll probably call it WC insurance a few more times before it's all over because you guys dont listen or simply don't get it...
  2. Yes we understand Magox.....Paying yourself from creating an illusion on paper = good Paying working class people for blood sweat and tears = bad Goldman Sachs = good Unions = bad we get it...let us laugh at the man who brings up articles from service worker unions............to prove a point about workers being taken advantage of.... Isn't that the same thing as you quoting Goldman Sachs for the great things they've done for the economy...or using sites that are Wall St. media outlets about how WONDERFUL the banking industry is??? Get real...
  3. it doesn't matter the site...that one didn't work anyway...but at any rate...yeah I read a wide spectrum of material... I'm not like most ignorant Americans...probably like yourself....and when I hear the word Communism, I run like hell...I read it and give reasons that kind of government doesn't work...but whatever...I know your type You can give me all kinds of mortgage numbers...but your the guy that mispells socialism and draws hitler stashes on Obama hehehhe...yup...immigrants are terrible for the country...but Palin...she's the answer...hehehehheh GOOD LUCK
  4. That's cuz they are taking over everything aren't they???? Oh my...these illegals...ooohhhh....they are just destroying this nation aren't they???...give me a break... GIVE ME A BREAK
  5. When it comes to immigration laws, I am alll the way on the side of open borders...this is ridiculous... You guys are obviously living with the illusion that the guy who steals 10000 in taxes with free school is much more a burden than a guy that steals a trillion dollars....so, it's probably your upbringing...you were just not from the same places I was from... Yeah I'm sure you're just like scrooge chef...working with so many illegals, I'm sure you're just swimming in the money...your worse than a real rich dude...cuz you're the kind of worker that is on the rich dudes sach hoping one day he'll tea bag you
  6. Yes my crew maybe not the most positive of images...but all good guys...300 pound mohawk in the hood wearing irish working class heroes...big bald non arab muslim "power to the people" activists...clean cut shady smile hispanic politicians...packing thier legit AR-15s to :0)...we are the ones that are going to push these high class wannabe elite politicians and bankers out of our city...take it over legally...we may look like barbarians...we may talk like barbarians...but we understand how to legally retake and then rebuild our city...and everyone else can walk it out...it's like the rebirth of machine politics but with a reformer platform...it's a hybrid system that will work for the working class...tired of gettin bent over by bankers and politicians...time to become the bankers and politicians and show a little class by not screwing ourselves over...by rebuilding the city...by making the best of what we got here in our city...and doing our best to blackball the financial system...force slumlords out and give the property to the working class so we can learn to take care of our own crap...that's the plan anyway
  7. I didn't even BRING UP what I want to do to "reform" property taxes through my city connects heheheh...that would really piss everyone offf
  8. Okay Palin...it's probably becuase "us" people are not capable of rebuilding our own cities...right?...it's a slum because landlords and bankers let them get that way by not properly assessing what these properties could be if marketed to the right people...and establish responsibility and accountability...
  9. + 1 finally someone gets the costs being too high to do something like that and is just not worth it
  10. ^ singing and dancing ^ I represent the ghettos across america, and you represent the hood...so hands in the sky...I'm soooo hoood...I wear my pants below my waste, and I never dance when in this place, cuz you and ya man is plannin to hate...I'm soooo hooood....and I got these golds up in ma mouth, if you get closer to ma house then you know what I'm talkin bout...I'm soo hoood...if you not from here then you can walk it out, and you not hood if you don't know what I'm talkin bout.... I am also giving them financial plans together for free... But my ends has working class america owning thier own hood...the banking industry has people being foreclosed on and losing everything...so I think it's more noble
  11. maybe I like being the evil banker... or maybe I'm just not an evil banker because I'm going to appreciate the ghetto and not depreciate it...and I'm going to appreciate it for the working class that live there not for some executive or shareholder...maybe that makes me think I'm actually not evil, but the opposite becuase I'm not using that money for private jets but for more puffing up of prices for my working class brothers in my own hood...maybe...just maybe....if you lived in the ghetto maybe you would understand more what I'm trying to do...and it's far from being an evil banker... or is it muhahahhahahhahahah muahahaahhaahahhahhaahhahahah...no it is different I'm playing
  12. Even if I break even...I'm cool with that...and considering I will own the property outright unless they buy it and keep it, I will always break even...I'm only trying to milk a measley 30k a year profit...after all overhead is paid...I sincerely believe that if I will be able to pull that much profit out of flipping 80 or so properties...that's not in the slightest bit ambitious...it's not THAT unfeasable...honestly...people make a helluva lot more flipping property than 30 friggen grand I mean I could just keep the properties and rent them out for 700 a month and most of them are two family homes, that is WAY more money...I'm taking the loss...looking at it that way, but I'm passing on the value to the client in the most fair way I can to keep the CDC running...I'm not hiking up costs to them...I'm taking it out of what money I COULD be making...that to me is noble and will be effective
  13. My crew runs that town anyway...regardless of whether they got mad or not...I'd be alright safety wise...but it's not going to go down like that...I'm buying my house the same way...through my CDC...because I believe that it will work...and if not, whatever, my money went to rebuilding the town and putting people in thier own houses...
  14. If by "right mind" you mean people that couldn't afford to buy homes at the prices the bankers sold them to them for, then yes, you are correct... and they have poor credit scores because they missed payments on crap they couldn't afford like when the banker or broker told them yeah, 30k will cost you 200 a month...they put together thier little finance stuff and said, oh yeah I can afford that no problem...then next month they were like...did we say 200? well the interest just went up, we dropped your insurance so now you insure with us, and the tax assessment is on the 23342258342948370987432397 that the house is worth now....you monthly payment is now 1400 bucks...sorry charlie...and don't tell me they don't do that crap, because I've seen it FIRST hand
  15. If I buy up 80-100 houses...and then sell them for 120k each...I am selling them what you can sell them for...obviously or I wouldn't be able to sell them....and they couldn't get this phantom loan on a 30k home to live in on thier salary...so that's a pointless discussion...again...the banks are not looking to finance these homes, they are looking to unload them like yesterday because the market crashed and they need work...and they are not fit to hold onto so many properties...
  16. Don't lie you'd love to be there...hoping they would riot and chase me back to central illinois heheheh but it won't happen I am giving them something they couldn't get anywhere else...because nobody believes in them or the neighborhood
  17. If I hang myself fine...but I'm not selling the homes using the same system...and I will have buyers because I'm tapping perviously screwed over clients...the loan payments were too expensive during the boom...the loans were terribly written...where we truly differ in opinion is that you blame the mechanic that bought a 700,000 home with an interest only loan because it is irresponsible to try and buy a home for that price when you make 50k a year...I blame the banks for designing an interest only loan and then marketing it to a mechanic instead of the investor that could use the loan... If I sell a home at above MV but keep the payments very low...keep the price under what I KNOW these houses are worth, not what these ridiculous bankers are saying they are worth becuase they can't find credit scores good enough to want these properties...there is no harm in rebuilding the neighborhood using these tactics...honestly, I believe the working class clients I will take on feel more like me and less like you...they feel if they can get a payment as low as thier rental payment but own the house...the overall price is not that important as long as it's not ridiculous...which seeing as how these houses sold for 300k a few years ago...once we fill in the ghetto with owners again, the market will rebound there enough to make the price I sold it for worth it to the buyer...if it is affordable, and they own it, it is nothing like 2006
  18. exactly when you buy the house outright...you can call the shots...finding a market that will pay, I've already explained...so wish me luck on my fantasy of bringing the ghetto homes and the ghetto buyers together for a ghettoghettoland investment bankers need not apply
  19. Those immigration parameters hold true in so many different nations...that's the main b*tch I have...do not mistake me saying we should accept immigrants with open borders as mexicans are better than chinese or european immigrants...to me they are all the same, no matter where they come from...and they all contribute in thier own way...immigration makes our country stronger not weaker...and anyone who doesn't get that needs to read some books...and not the WSJ or TBD...real books...
  20. Yes I understand comparisons of homes in the neighborhood...these are not exactly what foreclosed homes sell for however...AND...you're not getting the big picture...if I find buyers at 120k...they become comps for other properties in the area.....you get that don't you? Now, as for finding a buyer to pay 120k for the homes...I have explained that it will come from within...people who are paying more per month to own nothing...at the end of the day the working class gets this very simple plan... I get to own the house? Yes you do I pay about two hundred dollars less per month? Yes that is right I pay monthly payments for less than 30 year mortgages? Yes that is right Umm...what's the catch? Well I got it dirt cheap because it was foreclosed on, put in some work... Okay, what does that have to do with what I'm paying and what I get? Well, I bought a bunch of homes for less than I'm selling them to you for, but when I get all of us in these homes at 120k it will restructure the value of our neighborhood...there is a risk that you will overpay If I overpay, do I get kicked out? No, you just can't sell it for 120k But I still only pay 500 a month, and I can do what I want with it, and after 20 years I don't pay no more rent? That's right Okay what's the catch again? I can't really find a detrimental catch...but if you go on TBD, there are plenty of elitist bankers that can tell you... Okay is his name DC Tom? hehehehehehheehee chiding
  21. People who would otherwise rent for 650-750 a month and own nothing...the people financial wizards don't care about...my people... people that don't care about how much I paid for it...only about what it is appraised at and what THEY pay for it...people who are not as greedy as yourself...people who realize that the money is going right back into the next house to rebuild it...people who care about the community they live in...people who, like me, will celebrate that these investors will stay out of our neighborhood to let US invest in it...people who work hard for nothing...people who don't respect your financial system and realize that all the pricing is relative and is worth what WE say it's worth, not what Y'ALL say it's worth...just like anything, once the buzz hits that properties are being bought up like wildfire in my neighborhood, everyone will be looking to buy and reap the benefits...and the money flowing in, increases the value...not for me, who sold it for 120k but for them who bought it already...not five years ago these homes were selling for over 300k in this city...but the crash destroyed the value...now it's time to buy em up and remake the wave...this time with no mortgages and finances that will bankrupt us, but with honest straightfoward value...
  22. If I sell it for 120k and sell the worst properties in the city for 120k and sell 25% of the previously foreclosed houses for that...that is quite a bit of on record sales that will push up property value...it's not dishonest...it's business...and I, unlike others in the financial world, am doing it to make ghetto citizens the money,...not pocketing it myself...I am rebuilding the ghetto...not taking the profits and buying a private jet
  23. I got this house right..............
  24. yeah initially...but I KNOW I can sell them for 120k...to my urban brothers...which will increase the property value...buying them up will depress the value because of what I'm getting them for...but after I've bought them, and then I sell them for 120k which I know I am able to do with the deal I am giving them...it will rebuild the housing market in my little pit :0)
  25. Alright I lied...DC Tom you have given me some constructive criticism... But what I'm saying is that market value is relative to what the houses can sell for...that's all...just because it doesn't adhere to what the banking industry wants me to sell it for is irrelevant...we are taking back our city FROM bankers...not like they want it anyway...I am putting people the banks don't want to do business with into homes banks don't want to hold on to...the costs are going to be there...which is the ONLY reason for the appraised prices being above what I am stealing them for...
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