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hondo in seattle

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Posts posted by hondo in seattle

  1. Vince is a born leader




    Just because he played on some winning teams doesn't mean he was a born leader. Those teams won despite Young's lack of leadership ability - partly because of his athletic ability.


    Regards him being a cancer, I doubt it. The worst scenario is that Fitz plays bad, gets hurt, Young comes in and plays well and then Fitz become the starter again after recovering. That scenario could potentially lead to a divided locker room and fan base. But it's an unlikely series of events. I suspect VY will be a good team player and faithfully play the role that Chan gives him.

  2. Buddy Nix has won over a lot of fans (myself included) by establishing what appears to be the foundation of a much more competitive football team. I became curious about the Charger's success in San Diego relative to the time that Buddy was making most of the draft-day decisions, so I did a little digging.


    The Chargers were pretty crappy when Buddy arrived, and continued to struggle for three more years. In Buddy's 4th year, the Chargers jumped from last to first in the AFC West and remained perennial AFC powerhouses for the next six years. Of the players that Buddy drafted in San Diego, 3 went to the Pro Bowl in 2005, 6 in 2006, 11 in 2007 and 8 in 2008 (source: Wikipedia).


    It feels like Buddy is taking us down the same path. I'm not sure if we're ready to leapfrog the Pats* this year, but the Bills are ready to make some noise. How cool would it be to have 11 Pro Bowlers on the Bill's roster?


    I've attached an image of the Charger's records relative to the Buddy's time with the team.


    It's hard for us fans to know how much of San Diego's rise can be attributed to Buddy and how much to Butler, AJ, etc... But nice research. Reading this reinforces my optimism. I think the sun's finally coming out for Bills fans after a long winter.

  3. It's been a great offseason for sure. But there are still a lot of question marks.


    Can Glenn be a good LT in the NFL?


    Will a WR step up and prove they deserve to be the starter opposite Stevie?


    How will our LBs fare in Wanny's 4-3?


    Do we have anyone that can shut down Gronk and Hernandez?


    Has VY matured enough to be a solid backup?


    Will our injured players be 100% on opening day?


    How good are our 2012 draft picks really?

  4. FINALLY!!!!!


    Chan and Buddy are starting to come around to the truth about their 59 million dollar man.


    By signing Vince Young their statement was clear:


    IF there's even a remote chance that Young has matured from his past colorful experiences and can perform at or even near his former physical abilities, he is absolutely in the hunt for the starting job in B-lo. Oh, they may deny it, but clearly Vince impressed SOMEBODY at his workout last Wednsday. -Unlike Fitzfudgestick, who showed up to mini-camp looking like the Pilsbury dough-boy.


    To be honest, I wish that it wasn't Vince Young. I'm not really a fan. -Not yet. I think for a grown man playing a contact sport, Vince is a bit too emotionally Fragile. -I was really hoping for Jason Campbell.


    What's important though is the message. Now Fitzpatrick has competition in TC, and can possibly be benched for a better alternative if he flounders during the regular season.


    On scale of 1-10, I give this FA sgning a solid 8.


    I recognize that you prefaced your statement about VY starting with a big "IF" but I have to mention that VY was beat out by TE for the #2 spot in Philly. It's hard to imagine that VY has matured so much in one year that he's now ready to compete for a starting job. But, I guess, stranger things have happened.

  5. I think when Nix said that Young was signed to compete for a backup position, he meant it. I don't think the Bills are looking at Young as a potential starter. Young is not nearly as smart as Fitz and therefore isn't likely to run the offense the way Chan wants. He's not as emotionally stable as Fitz. He doesn't have Fitz's leadership skills.


    I only see Young in a game if Fitz gets hurt. But if that did happen, it's possible that Young could play well and create a QB controversy - at least amongst the fans. Young does have the physical tools to play well when his head isn't up his butt. Despite his erratic background, I'm glad we brought him in.

  6. Skip Bayless tweeted this:


    "Vince Young eventually will be the starting quarterback of the Buffalo Bills, who'll start causing problems in the AFC East."


    If memory serves me, Skip once similarly said that VY will beat out Vick for the starting job in Philly.


    What do you guys say? Will VY ever start ahead of a healthy Fitz?


    Personally, I don't think so.


    By the way, Bayless is not a guy who I think is very accurate or knowledgeable when he reports on the NFL. Nonetheless, I did like reading that the Bills will "start causing problems in the AFC East."

  7. Ummm... the Wildcat was never designed to fool anyone. It was designed to get one extra blocker against the defense, to give the advantage to the run blockers.


    And Brad Smith can throw the ball, and throw it well. Gailey was actually surprised at how well he could throw when the practices started, and said so, which is one of the reasons why they decided to not even keep a #3 QB on the practice squad most of the year, let alone the active roster.



  8. I believe I remember hearing Nix mention, right after the draft, that he planned on Glenn starting at left tackle - that he'd have to earn it - but, that Nix and Gailey considered him 1st round talent, and they didn't draft him to be a backup. So, yeah, in the Bill's eyes, Cordy Glenn is supposed to show enough talent to unseat Hairston, who will either become the backup/swing tackle, or will then move to RT. Either way, with Hairston at RT or with him as swing, that would make our line much, much better. I really believe Nix has the pieces in place for this O-line to be dominant right now - as is, they just need time to gel.


    Yeah, I remember Nix or Gailey talking like this. I expect Glenn to start at LT.

  9. I`m for one worried about our run defense. I think we are soft in the middle, with the mlbs. Sheppard seems to not be the thumper we need. He has small shoulders and small upperbody type. Maybe being a rook, with not much training camp hurt. He just didn`t seem to fill the holes and shed blocks very good . This is my biggest concern going into the new season. Their isn`t too much at this position to be thrilled about.


    We have 7 in the box and you're worried because our 1 MLB seems weak to you?


    How much faith do you have in the other 6 guys?


    How much faith do you have in Wanny?


    While our run D didn't look good last year, we have a new DC and a new defensive scheme, as well as some new players. And Shep was only a rookie last year. Rookie's don't often look good. As eball says, Wanny seems to have faith in Shep and, for now, that's good enough for me.


    I won't begin my worrying until the preseason.

  10. cmjoyce, you seem knowledgeable on this issue. So what's the answer?


    Kurt Warner says he might not let his kids play football. In another thread, folks here on TBD are predicting that our grandkids won't play football because it's too dangerous. Is that really the road we're on? Or can we find ways to make the safety of football acceptable?

  11. The 4-2-5 look could be a game-changer in the pass-happy NFL if you've got a stellar D line. It would appear the Bills now have the horses to show this look. In order to protect against the run, I'd envision Scott as one of the five DBs.


    Didn't Wanny or someone actually say this? That they'd use Scott this year as a hybrid? Maybe in something like a 4-2-5 where he could either function as a DB or LB or something in-between?

  12. For what it's worth, my high school team ran a 5-2-2-2


    We had five down linemen, two LBs, two "inverts" and two DBs. Depending on the flow of the play, one invert moved up to play more-or-less like a LB. The other would drop back to play centerfield.


    We went 8-0 and I think only gave up 2 TDs all season long running this D my junior year. My senior year, though, we went 2-6.

  13. I actually think we are missing the point and going in the opposite direction.


    ...go back to leather helmets.


    It is my understanding that someone could tap you on the head with their finger and you'd feel it all the way down to the soles of your feet.


    I have a feeling a good number of players would reduce their head first game of attach.


    For that matter no more pads, just padding in thick jerseys.


    This is an unrealistic proposal, unfortunately, but not a bad one. Lots of us have played football with and without pads and know that people hit differently - play differently - without pads.


    I have had several concussions and have talked to mark at great length on a number of occasions on just this topic. I have also spoken to several helmet companies as well. Everyone I have spoken to gave me the same answer: these helmets aren't safe. They spread the blow rather than absorb it and they cause great strain on the neck which caused a second concern. Because of this you will never see this helmet again. At the time it was the best option, now it's not.


    There will never be concussion proof helmets but there are cooncussion preventative helmets. Riddell and Schutt have better products yearly that are helping this. The NFL is doing something about this problem it's just not a problem with an over night solution.


    How was this helmet a good idea when Kelso played but not anymore? What's different now? (Btw, I'm wondering what number you wore?)

  14. Intriguing prospect. I like signing guys like this as long as we don't waste draft picks. Work-out warriors (Erik Flowers, anyone?) often disappoint in the pros. Even world class athletes like Renaldo Nehemiah don't necessarily make good football players. I wish this guy luck but would be surprised if he ever played much. Great athletes aren't always great football players and great football players aren't always great athletes.


    Btw, I kind of saw Graham as a workout warrior - picked primarily because of his 40 time but Nix and Gailey keep telling us he's a 'football player,' not a track runner. I guess we'll find out. In any case - like Nehehmiah - he'll be useful in stretching the field.

  15. Maybe because it had a direct quote from Wannstedt. That's authoritative enough of an endorsement for me.


    Coaches can be guilty of happy-speak sometimes but Wanny's endorsement did sound genuine. And that makes me feel a little better about MLB.


    Who cares if the quote was found on BR???


    Shep might indeed be the break out player of the year. But I also might pick Aaron Williams. I'd be thrilled if it was Chris Hairston.

  16. And the run defense was pathetic, but I still blame Chan for a lot of the loses last year. Over both games he never made any adjustments other than calling excessive pass plays. And yes, Matt Moore looked like Marino against us :(


    Chan is using the passing game to open up the running game. The reason both our backs averaged over 5 yards a carry was not because of our dominating offensive line, but because (1) we do have talented backs and (2) Chan's play-calling.


    If Turk Schonert, for example, was still the Offensive Coordinator, FredEx and CJ wouldn't average over 5 yards a pop and people would wonder why we run so much when the run game is obviously not working.

  17. Like another present-day QB, currently playing for the Jests, whose legend is somewhat unjustifed.


    I once did an analysis of the stats for the year of Homerun Throwback and if I recall, the Bills offense under Flutie scored something like 13 points per game average for the season. What got the Bills to the playoffs was the Number 1 or 2 (forget) ranked defense in the NFL, that not only held opponents to like 10 points a game offensively, but often scored TDs as well.


    By that season, teams had figured out that to neutralize Dougie, they merely had to maintain rush lanes, get their hands up, and take away his scrambling opportunities. Plus, a LB assigned to spy on him in case he did escape. This also helped make our O-line look better than it was.



    Yep. As I remember it, Flutie's "magic" often happened in the 4th Quarter after he stunk up the first three quarters but thankfully our Defense kept us in the game. The Defense won games back then, not Flutie nor Johnson.

  18. It looks like he and Stevie believe in this team enough to give home town discounts.


    It's either a hometown discount or that Freddie's age reduces his market value.


    Either way, I'm happy he's locked up for a couple years more.


    And it was pretty cool that Fitz showed up at the press conference wearing a "FredEx" t-shirt.



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