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hondo in seattle

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Everything posted by hondo in seattle

  1. Herm's an animated guy. Terrible coach, but he actually makes a good point here. He's upset that players aren't more professional and put their own egos ahead of the team. Was Shady really unprofessional and egoistical? Looking at the totality of Shady's behavior since coming here, I'd say no. But his remarks about Chip should have probably been saved for private conversations with friends and family. Herm's right that players should think about their fellow players in the locker room before opening their mouths to the media. But Shady's case is far from the worst.
  2. Yeah, he was. That's why I'm conflicted.
  3. All our futures are in limbo. Is Whaley's job less secure than any GM's job? There's no indications to that effect. Vic's failure to gather any meaningful information shouldn't be read as a lack of confidence in Whaley's future with the Bills. It's irresponsible journalism to claim Whaley's future is "in limbo" just because someone who doesn't actually know anything didn't tell you anything.
  4. I'm conflicted on T. Davis. He had four good years. That's it. And those were the years when anyone Denver put in the backfield was going to get 1,000+ yards. Olandis Gary did it the year after Davis' 2000 yard season. The next season it was Mike Anderson. And then it was Clinton Portis.
  5. This is a little off-topic but that's why OJ's 1973 season was so impressive. Defenses were built to stop the run in those days and clubs made an extra effort to stop OJ but couldn't. Because defenses are built to stop passing attacks nowadays, maybe the smart thing is to run. And then throw deep to back the defense off and keep the nickel corner on the field in place of a run-stuffing LB. Kind of like what Roman is doing.
  6. This is just dumb. Vic doesn't name his source but I'm guessing it was not Terry or Kim. In other words, he asked someone who has no idea if DW will be retained or not. I'm pretty sure that if the Pegulas decided to let DW go, they wouldn't be sharing that information with DW's peers and subordinates at OBD. They may be NFL neophytes but they are not stupid business people. The person who did answer Vic gave the typical non-answer that the Bills will evaluate everyone after the season ends. It was probably a standard response - nothing more or less. But Vic implied it might have been a hint. And now PFF has DW practically fired.
  7. Sundays in the NFL are unpredictable. There are upsets every week. Key players get injured. Refs make questionable calls that decide games. Etc. There's just no way to guess how this will all play out. So I just hope the Bills win this week. And then see what happens.
  8. I, for one, was very worried about our OL this year. Even now, I'll say Henderson hasn't been great and Miller - when healthy - often looked like the rookie he is. And yet Roman has put together a very nice running attack. In fact, despite starting an inexperienced QB, we've been putting up points. There are calls and tendencies that you can question. But, overall, I think we have to be happy with Roman. The offense is doing better than expected while the defense is doing worse. Let's worry about that if we worry about something.
  9. It only goes to show that what we may think is going on behind the scenes - and what the media says is going on behind the scenes - isn't terribly accurate.
  10. Agree. Vic asks someone other than Terry or Kim Pegula about Whaley. They give a non-answer. Who cares? I imagine only Terry and Kim know what they plan to do. For all we know, they love DW. Vic's article tells absolutely nothing.
  11. Their both pretty young in their positions but I have to agree. Whaley has improved the level of talent on the squad since he's been here. Rex took a Top 5 defense and made it mediocre.
  12. Good summary. Two of the pros stand out. If not for those two, we wouldn't be talking about him. I don't care when he comes out or where he signs.
  13. I've only been to a few Bills games in road cities. My best experiences... Miami - great weather and the fans demonstrated a hatred of all things Buffalo which made it fun. San Francisco - the 9er fans around me were conversational and welcoming.
  14. Good speculation. He's probably smarter about the Eagles after that embarrassment then he was before. And not to make excuses for him, but did he suit up that game? I wouldn't want the guy as a DC but as long as he's been in football, he might have some useful insights.
  15. I thought Bills fans were a band of brothers - united by our love for the team and the shared misery of our history. We won't always agree, but I think we can agree to disagree civilly. IMHO, ad hominem attacks have no place on TBD.
  16. Both opponents are fighting for the NFCE division crown. But both opponents also have losing records. If we don't beat both these two teams, we don't deserve a playoff berth.
  17. I love the optimism! Personally, my hopes crashed when the last second ticked off the clock of the KC game. I've already come to emotional terms with the idea that we will miss the playoffs yet again.
  18. Maybe so... "There is even a Hollywood movie, “Concussion,” due out this Christmas Day, that dramatizes the story of my discoveries in this area of research." But his points are valid nonetheless and I think the safety of children playing high-impact sports deserves a national debate.
  19. If Tyrod threw 507 times, teams would use different defenses against him.
  20. Roman was always been better at coordinating the run game than the passing game. We put up 30 yesterday. Roman's game plan worked. But you do have to wonder what our O would look like if we had an OC that utilized all our weapons.
  21. I spent weeks being angry. But I'm moving beyond that now. I started the year thinking that we'd probably make the playoffs this year. Now I think the playoffs are improbable this and next year. Rex just isn't the savior HC I thought he would be. I'm personally moving to Stage 5: I accept that Rex isn't the defensive mastermind I thought he was and the the play of the Bills D will not excel under him. I accept that Roman will always do will with the run game but struggle developing a potent aerial attack. Denial — The first reaction is denial. In this stage individuals believe the diagnosis is somehow mistaken, and cling to a false, preferable reality. Anger — When the individual recognizes that denial cannot continue, it becomes frustrated, especially at proximate individuals. Certain psychological responses of a person undergoing this phase would be: "Why me? It's not fair!"; "How can this happen to me?"; '"Who is to blame?"; "Why would this happen?". Bargaining — The third stage involves the hope that the individual can avoid a cause of grief. Usually, the negotiation for an extended life is made in exchange for a reformed lifestyle. People facing less serious trauma can bargain or seek compromise. Depression — "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"; "I'm going to die soon so what's the point?"; "I miss my loved one, why go on?" During the fourth stage, the individual becomes saddened by the mathematical probability of death. In this state, the individual may become silent, refuse visitors and spend much of the time mournful and sullen. Acceptance — "It's going to be okay."; "I can't fight it, I may as well prepare for it."; "Nothing is impossible." In this last stage, individuals embrace mortality or inevitable future, or that of a loved one, or other tragic event. People dying may precede the survivors in this state, which typically comes with a calm, retrospective view for the individual, and a stable condition of emotions.
  22. I don't think there's any debate that TT's numbers look pretty good so far for a young QB. But before we get too excited about those numbers, let's add one more: the Bills passing offense is ranked 28th in the league. While TT has been efficient with the ball, he's hardly leading a high-powered aerial attack. I think most of the debate about TT isn't about the numbers anyway. It's about his ceiling. Some out there are convinced he just doesn't have what it takes to get better. They say he's too short to find open receivers. He's too slow with his progressions - or would prefer to run if the primary isn't open. He throws the ball after the receiver breaks and lacks anticipation. Personally, I've seen enough good in Tyrod that I'd like to roll with him next season. I don't want to potentially waste a draft pick on another QB. I'd rather build up the rest of the team and give TT a great supporting cast.
  23. Pettine should have never taken the HC job. Feel for the guy.
  24. Gotta agree. Marrone left the D to Schwartz who did a great job and got us some wins. Marrone's pathetic offense didn't win us games.
  25. Yikes. And we've had so many!
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