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hondo in seattle

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Everything posted by hondo in seattle

  1. I agree, its BS. But that's how it's playing out. Unless the NFL figures out a fair way to complete the Bills-Bengals game, the Chiefs have more wins, a better win percentage, and thus homefield advantage. I don't know if extending the season by a week to allow the Bills-Bengals game to be completed is logistically realistic. If so, great. Otherwise, you have to assign wins and losses as they happened. I'm hoping for a KC loss this week.
  2. I sat in Arrowhead last season, wearing my Allen jersey, when the Bills demolished the Chiefs in regular season, surrounded by Chief fans. They were nothing but class. They asked me about our team. They complimented our players. They congratulated me on our win. They were unerringly polite. Saying their fanbase is "complete trash" is silly hyperbole. Like teams everywhere, they have good and bad fans. My personal experience when I lived in KC is that they're mostly good.
  3. I admit I'm greedy. I want Hamlin to recover and the Bills to win the Super Bowl this season. However, if I could get just one, it's not even close. My hopes and prayers are with Damar.
  4. I feel the Bills-Bengals game should be a no-contest simply because that was what it was. Circumstances beyond either team's control caused the game to end in the 1st quarter. Neither team earned a win or loss. The playoffs should be determined by win-loss percentage as normal (with the Bills and Bengals having each played only 16 games). There's nothing random about this. Each team will be evaluated against the record they truly earned.
  5. Cancel the game…. Bills and Bengals only play 16 games.
  6. This is why I was against the OBJ signing. A team can only afford so many big money contracts.
  7. Bills prevail in a tough battle 27 to 24.
  8. Yeah, it's interesting Rex is telling this story now when Geno is finally playing well. If true, why hadn't he talked about this before?
  9. If we want to tie into the old days, how about James "Cookie" Cook. "Lookie, Lookie, Here comes Cookie..."
  10. I cut cable years ago and stream my Bills games. Mostly the quality is good.
  11. KC is tied for the AFC lead. They have Reid for a coach and Mahomes for a QB. I don't think they're overhyped. Vegas still has us - with the same W-L record as KC - as the Super Bowl favorites. 538 has us as as the AFC favorite to reach the SB. Cinci made the SB last year and are strong again this year yet aren't getting much love. Maybe we're overhyped?
  12. Why post here. We already know. You should post on a Fins board.
  13. If that's true, you need a good defense to negate the other team's offense.
  14. Fingers crossed. We started the year winning pretty and lately we've been winning ugly. Good preparation for postseason. If we get reasonably healthy for the playoffs, especially Josh's elbow, we can make a run!
  15. Exactly. This is one reason I don't want OBJ. With only so many cap dollars to go around, I'd rather spend on a bodyguard for Josh that can double as hole-makes for our backs.
  16. I haven't posted on this thread till now. I don't hate Jerry. But a long time ago, I decided to stop reading him. He never had inside information. He never provided deep analysis. He simply whined. Of course, there was a lot to complain about during the drought. Some of his criticisms were accurate. But even when the Bills beat a more talented team, he'd find something to complain about. He could find a dark cloud even on the sunniest of days. I didn't find his writing to be either educational or enjoyable. So I didn't bother with him. As for what he said about women, it was clearly misogynistic and an offense to many good female Bills fans who deserve better.
  17. I'm hoping the Bills get lucky and either Smoke or Beasley plays like the Smoke or Beasley of old. We need more guys who can find ways to get open. And then actually catch the ball. While my hope is that one of them shines, my expectation is that they both become capable backups. I wouldn't be terribly surprised if one or both of them struggles to achieve even that. They were both unemployed for a reason.
  18. In his prime, when healthy, he really was.
  19. I remember when I was 9 years old. A year seemed like an eternity. Now a year seemingly passes by in a couple of weeks. Time accelerates as you get older. At this rate, I'll be dead next Tuesday. Tempus fugit, brother... Carpe diem!
  20. My advice to McD would be: Please don't behave like a simple-minded 12-year-old. Instead, sit down with your OC and develop an offensive game plan that takes advantages of our strengths and our opponents' weaknesses. And I'm sure his response would be to thank me for my brilliant, non-obvious insight.
  21. I'm hoping they tough out some ugly wins to close the season and enter the playoffs comparatively healthy. Not having Von is a huge loss. But we can still make a run to the SB if the rest of the stars (particularly Josh and his elbow) are feeling good.
  22. The bolded is speculation. Though I'm sure you're right: people talked to Josh about ball security. But how much of this goes back to his elbow? How many picks were the result of the UCL? We may never know but certainly some were. And how much does Josh trust his elbow? If he's damaged, he's not going to admit it publicly and inform our opponents. But maybe he has a twinge of pain effecting his release on 1 of 3 throws. 1 of 5. That might make him 'gun shy' too.
  23. I don't see them being the team that takes the AFCE crown away from us this season or in the foreseeable future. But I also don't think they're going to give us two W's each year. Saleh has done a really nice job with that defense. And these guys play harder than previous Jet squads.
  24. The played us tough twice this year; beat us once. Without that loss, we'd effectively have a 2-game lead on KC.
  25. Josh started looking off in the 4th quarter of the Green Bay game. I think maybe his UCL started bothering then. But whether it did or didn't doesn't matter much. I just want to know when he'll get better. Didn't he say somewhere that the docs wanted him to rest for 2-4 weeks? By not resting, he's going to - potentially - prolong the injury. But Romo seemed confident that Josh would return to form in the very near future. Does Romo talk with Josh? Does he know things about Josh's recovery that the rest of us don't?
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