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Everything posted by dailar

  1. Why is Byrd not getting any love? Top two free safety stats wise in AFC in tackles sacs and forced fumbles. He's turned into a complete safety now.
  2. Of course. It's 2.24am where I am and I have a two week old baby here too. Tired is the excuse I am using. Sorry.
  3. I disagree as they play different positions. Byrd is second in the NFC at his position in tackles. Not that there are big numbers anywhere in the NFC but he is joint top in the NFC in sacks and is joint second in forced fumbles. I think he has been brilliant.
  4. Simple question. Is there a better safety tandem than Byrd and Wilson in the league right now. I can't think of any. Wilson is getting all the plaudits (and rightly so) but I think Byrd has been as good as anyone in the league. He's going about his job quietly but does everything thats asked of him.
  5. I cant even find it using google. Does this thing really exist?
  6. So proud that everything is respectful. Mr Davis, You are a man without equal. My thoughts go out to the raiders fans but also to the Davis family. It was a pleasure. Arglwydd dyma chi.
  7. Gentlemen, if you able, watch it at 12.28 in the first quarter and watch Maybin. Even the commentators were laughing at him on the replay. Yesterday was a tough day but I must have watched that clip about 40 times and I am in hysterics.
  8. hahaha My link
  9. Hi guys, me and my wife are starting to think about moving from the UK to Ontario. I'd be lying if I said the Bills weren't a major factor in where we are moving. With this in mind I was wondering if anyone here has any advice as to nice area's to move to in Ontario. I know there are a few forum members on here from Ontario. We enjoy the quiet community life so anything like that would be great. If this is in totally the wrong place I apologise.
  10. I wouldnt write anything like that personally but she is playing us! She can say what she wants, publish responses she wants and we are idiots arguing about her still. For Goodness sake forget about her! Thats what would really hurt her and her paper. Terrible article by an below average writer. Treat it as what it is and move on. Lets stop this thread guys.
  11. I saw, more willing than I was back then to say what you thought. I was all brand new then However as I said my point is if you read that post most people were very down on Fitz being anything more than a back up. Some people need a little time.
  12. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/109767-fitzpatrick/page__p__1788692__hl__dailar__fromsearch__1#entry1788692 There you go. Haha quite funny to see everyones attitude towards fitz including me. However my point is people are too quick to give up on players. Chill.
  13. I didnt miss it at all. Against the colts he was excellent in the snow. I remember him laying out a massive block on one run. I even brought it up. Dont assume!
  14. Guys I think there was no-one here thought Fitz should have played before last year. Back up was all I heard. I remember not long ago people were saying to trade Kyle Williams as we were going to a 3-4 defence and he was a 4-3 DT not a 3-4 NT. Freddie Jackson was a nice back up etc etc etc. Last year Spiller wasn't ready, he wasn't patient enough. Spiller played well against Oakland and is not makig serious numbers because he's not getting the carries. Why? Because Freddie is on fire and according to Michael Irvin "the best RB in the World". Freddie is getting the carries. Spiller is the RB here for the next ten years. You are too quick to call someone a bust.
  15. My wife is due to have a baby in 4 weeks. I thought it might happen today the way we were jumping round. Truly the best of days!
  16. Personally I hate the word. There is no retort to the word. Once someone is tarred with that brush then whatever they say from there on is not taken seriously. However that's not the point. Let's get this discussion back on point. The Bills are better than you think but I agree there have been so many false dawns it's hard for some people to get excited about where we are going. It takes all sorts!
  17. Directly no, but you did brand a large group of people idiots for getting excited about our start. My mother told me idiot was a nasty word. However I don't think we can resolve this. I'll stand over my side of the fence with the idiots and you can stay over the other side with your chicken little friends waiting for the sky to fall in. If it does you can hold your head up high and proudly look at us idiots and say I told you so.
  18. Haha that's just plain wrong though. But for a terrible decision to run the ball out of the end zone in the final seconds of the game in New England we would have beaten the Pats 2 years ago. Hell we should have won a few of the games with a terrible team. To steal a line "if you want to crown them, then crown their ass". The Pats are a good team but that's it. Their defence is average and let's be honest about it, minus Brady and they are the Indianapolis Colts.
  19. I am not saying we get to the play offs. I am not saying we are going to win the whole show. However, I am sure in 99 when the rams were voted worst team of the decade they had guys saying that could be their year. I am sure they had their own share of moaners saying they were crap. I am not saying we are the Rams but.... we could be. I have already spoken to the OP and though I see why he's down on the Bills I also see that he would LOVE to be wrong. You or I do not KNOW how this year will play out. NO-ONE does. Why not enjoy it while it lasts instead of being down on those who are? Why not be an "idiot"? You may just like it!
  20. Facts are this could be the goddam 99 Rams! You don't know and neither do I! Things change, teams evolve. I am a glass half full type of guy, I think we have a shot against anyone we play. That was shown last year with not such a good team as this. We can also get whacked by the better teams, this was also shown last year. However, I would rather think of the team in a positive light and be disappointed if we lose than be thinking the worst and come on here to be a smart ass and tell everyone I told you so. My word, the last ten years have been miserable enough. Why wait for us to lose again to say you were right? The facts are this team is improving, it's young and though we have no "names" yet its maybe just that! YET!
  21. Haha thanks man! Means a lot
  22. What a condescending ignoramus. Come on here trying to falsify the appearance of intelligence by using a thesaurus and pretending you have an extensive vocabulary. Being able to speak well doesn't make one clever. I would rather speak like a common man and know a fool when I see one than regale you like a king and know sweet F all. Gentlemen, we have had nothing to be happy about for a long time. If this is the end why not enjoy it anyway! 2 and 0 baby!
  23. I am in too. Started when the pre season games started. Picture will be forthcoming.
  24. You may laugh about it now but it wasn't that long ago McFat-one was considered a bust in Oakland. Give CJ time.
  25. Look yourselves. Tried to be nasty but in the end he was shocked. http://twitter.com/#!/TBNSully
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