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Everything posted by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead

  1. To see how NFL Game Pass is supposed to work, read the complete NFL Game Pass description here: https://www.soda.com/video/watch/out-of-market-nfl-games/ "NFL Game Pass is the most complete method for out of market NFL streaming. This is the league’s official streaming service, and it offers football fans a way to watch ALL regular and postseason NFL games online, without cable TV! There are no local blackouts – you can watch literally any game from any team, from anywhere in the United States! NFL Game Pass is for on-demand viewing only. Live streaming is not available during the regular season." https://www.soda.com/video/watch/buffalo-bills/
  2. I'm no expert on what's in-market, but that seems to me like you are far enough away from Buffalo that you would be considered out-of-market. I went back and looked at the NFL Game Pass website, and it appears that some sort of promotion is being run that allows you to stream games over the Internet "live" (i.e., without the roughly 3 hour delay) if you subscribe to BOTH Direct TV and NFL Game Pass. If you can figure out a way to contact a person (by phone or by email), tell them that you are NOT interested in the promotion that allows you to stream NFL games live, as they happen. You just want to be able to stream the games on a delayed basis. That doesn't require a Direct TV subscription. If you''re considered out-of-market for Bills games, you're supposed to be able to sign up to watch broadcasts of Bills games on NFL Game Pass on a roughly 3 hour delay over the Internet, without a Direct TV subscription, just like I've been doing. Good luck! Edit: you can sign up for Game Pass even if you are considered "in-market." See my post down-thread.
  3. NFL game broadcasts are not in the public domain. From https://troypoint.com/beetv-apk/ _______________________________________________________________________ Is BeeTV legal? Yes. BeeTV is 100% legal to install and use. However, some content provided may be illegal. To ensure you are not illegally streaming, make sure to only watch Movies and TV Shows in the public domain.
  4. I don't know the rules for in-market vs. out-of-market. I live farther away from Buffalo than you, but I have subscribed to NFL Game Pass for several years without problems and I have never had Direct TV. Maybe you live close enough to Buffalo that you are considered in-market, even if your local TV station chooses to broadcast other teams' games?
  5. If you are not "in market" can't you just subscribe directly to NFL Game Pass: https://gamepass.nfl.com/packages?campaign=sp-el-gd-bm-gg-1800020&ef_id=EAIaIQobChMI3YKn_eHZ6wIVKBitBh3klwtFEAAYASAAEgIXTPD_BwE:G:s&s_kwcid=AL!5264!3!461558908768!e!!g!!nfl game pass&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI3YKn_eHZ6wIVKBitBh3klwtFEAAYASAAEgIXTPD_BwE You can't watch the game "live," but you can start the replay as soon as the live game ends. It's pretty easy to ignore sports news broadcasts that I don't really care about anyway for three hours (so I don't hear the outcome) before I fire up the replay to watch the Bills. You get high quality video. There's a free 7 day trial if you want to check it out.
  6. As I understand it, after Foster cleared waivers, he was free to sign on to the practice squad of any team that wanted him. It's certainly possible that the Bills didn't want him. It's also possible that both the Bills and GB wanted him, but he felt he would have a better chance of being later elevated to the 53 on the Packers rather than the Bills. With 2 of this year's WR draftees kept on the Bills' 53 while he was cut, I could understand Foster thinking he would have better future opportunities elsewhere.
  7. Some of the roster discussion in this thread is interesting, but Is there some reason why a no-discussion thread can't also be pinned to simply list the cuts? Not everybody has time to read the last 34 pages of a 49 page thread to get the info (even if a full list is buried in those 34 pages somewhere).
  8. Was coming out of the closet as traumatic as people say?
  9. Foster has some good tape from a couple years ago. I could see a coach who watched Foster blow by his DBs 2 years ago offer a very late round pick for him. I suspect coaches tend to remember the WRs who hurt them. Speed kills.
  10. There are a few ski resorts in the NC mountains. I haven't visited them, but if you're looking for towns at elevation for cooler summer weather you might want to check out the areas close to the ski resorts to see if any of them are big enough to satisfy you. Proximity to a ski resort might offer winter rental opportunities when you don't plan to be there anyway if that matters to you (sounds like it probably doesn't). Good luck with the search.
  11. If QB runs are going to be a designed part of the offense this year, you've got to give Duke some credit for his blocking ability. All we know about the rookie WRs is what the media tell us, and they rarely mention blocking ability because most fans don't care about whether a WR can block (3 pages in, and nobody mentioned it). At least some coaches do. I suspect Duke won't make the 53. But knowing absolutely nothing at this point about whether the rookie WRs have the ability and willingness to block (especially Hodgin), Duke may have a better chance than some give him credit for. Duke is adequate enough as a catcher so that his entry into the game would not necessarily mean a run was coming.
  12. "I squat, broken hearted" Opposite wall of the small cave is a bit smudged - - the legible part reads: "Tried to s**t, but only farted"
  13. Would I have to give up my membership in "Big One" to use the new app?
  14. If you're just trying to get your 401K into something you may not be making the most of the opportunity.
  15. The design considerations and mission planning for NASA's upcoming attempt to fly a small helicopter on Mars are fascinating: https://www.wired.com/story/a-helicopter-ride-over-mars-nasas-about-to-give-it-a-shot/#intcid=recommendations_wired-right-rail_501b807b-3e8a-416c-ae72-16e452077286_popular4-1
  16. I'm not suggesting that you should feel sorry for them, or that they are entitiled to pandemic-related relief payments from the government. But be honest - - would you have guessed that 50% of all millionaires never paid more than $300 for a watch? Or would you have guessed that the vast majority of them paid thousands of dollars for a fancy Rolex?
  17. A lot of people have misconceptions about how most (obviously not all) millionaires live. From https://assetbuilder.com/knowledge-center/articles/the-next-millionaire-next-door-provides-a-road-map-for-us-all ". . . seventy-five percent of millionaires paid less than $1000 for their most expensive suit. Fifty percent of millionaires paid less than $300 for their most expensive watch. Three-quarters of American millionaires paid less than $300 for their most expensive pair of shoes. She also found that 65 percent of American millionaires live in homes that are currently worth less than a million dollars. Today, about 9 percent of U.S. households have a net worth that exceeds a million dollars. That’s up from 3.5 percent in 1996. Most millionaires (93 percent) have a college degree. But most millionaires didn’t go to an expensive private college."
  18. Nationwide resource re various federal courts: https://www.uscourts.gov/about-federal-courts/court-website-links/court-orders-and-updates-during-covid19-pandemic WNY federal court: https://www.nywd.uscourts.gov/sites/nywd/files/COVID-19 General Order - Extension Through September 25%2C 2020.pdf
  19. There may be opportunities next year for the Bills to pick up players that must be cut to get under next year's potentially lower salary cap: https://sports.yahoo.com/several-teams-rough-cap-shape-095959408.html
  20. The most likely options are burial or an indoor cremation, but if it's one of the Vikings, maybe it's an outdoor funeral pyre in Crestone, Colorado. I kid you not: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyre
  21. Interesting read that presents both sides of the argument re potential for finding life on Mars: From https://getpocket.com/explore/item/why-discovering-martians-could-be-disappointing?utm_source=pocket-newtab Examples: "Most life on Earth is small, dumb, and deep, and the same might be true on Mars." "We’ve sent a fleet of invading spacecraft to Mars—it’s like the inverse of 1950s space horror movies—and we can’t find anything."
  22. I thought this article presented an interesting perspective on current stock market trends/issues: https://www.vox.com/business-and-finance/2020/7/9/21314119/stock-market-day-trading-reddit-dave-portnoy-barstool-robinhood?utm_source=pocket-newtab Even if the people interviewed/mentioned represent a small share of market volume, it's a window on current market psychology among retail "investors."
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