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Everything posted by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead

  1. Backup Aaron Maybin vs. Jets starting defensive 11
  2. Lionel Richie vs. Tomlinson
  3. Rex Ryan vs. 6 year old Ted Kaczynski
  4. My bad - - I thought a math error was out of character. Shoulda checked with my brother Darryl.
  5. I agree with you on Nickelback, but how can you not like music with lyrics that make fun of (1) our pop-culture's hero-worship of celebrities who are famous for being famous, and (2) "jacka$$ millionaires?"
  6. News flash - - although there are exceptions, in general most of the newer posters are the ones who believe Spags is trolling, while the more experienced posters play along. When the wax-eating Sorceror posts, it's exactly the opposite. Think about that for a minute (or go ask somebody) and get back to us. Spags is essentially Ed McMahon, allowing the rest of us to try to be Johnny Carson making fun of the Jets. If you're into Madden, you'll just have to google it.
  7. I think London Fletcher calls him Scott "Where'd-he-go?" Chandler.
  8. As the mug shot in your OP shows, you're just bitter about the Buffalo Bills because when the Bishop of Bergholz's buggies rolled up on you in Bergen, the Amish mafia cut off your hair and excuse for a beard. Sometimes things just happen. As reported by your own New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/18/us/hair-cutting-attacks-stir-fear-in-amish-ohio.html?_r=1&hp Everybody knows that the Amish don't like to talk to outsiders, so the press never found out that only those who criticized the Amish Rifle were attacked. If you talk smack about the Amish Rifle, your wrench aint gonna save you when the Mullets show up on your stoop. The Mullets may be Amish, but they're more bad-a$$ than you'll ever be - - check out THEIR mug shots: http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2011/10/mugshots_of_amish_haircutting_mob_released.php Them Ohio Amish really are a little different! Go Bills!
  9. With good reason - - I'm not so sure that either of these guys could throw the deep out: I like Fitz, but use different criteria for evaluating him.
  10. Not for me to judge, but if you actually want my opinion, the bleach thing, although pretty self-deprecating, wasn't my best. See: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/137603-school-district-named-after-bills-heroes/ On the other hand, I personally find it hilarious that people who consider themselves serious football fans obsess over what COLOR uniforms their favorite team will be wearing. I have seen that topic discussed with great frequency here, however, so I have to admit that I appear to be in the distinct minority on this issue. Humor can be a very individualized thing, so as I said, it's not really for me to judge. Here's something else I find hilarious - - am I again outside the mainstream, or would you agree it's funny? (note -- skip the initial chatter and go right to the song introduction at 1:28 into the 4:36 video clip): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0I2urboaloE&feature=player_embedded
  11. How can you guys miss something so obvious - - Ralph has a secret deal to sell the team to the heir to a bleach company fortune, and the new owner demanded that Ralph do something to increase bleach sales now to sweeten the deal.
  12. If Fred's OK with his wife fantasizing about other football players, I don't see why we should have a problem with it - - as long as its just in her head.
  13. And the well-documented fact that Ralph has repeatedly complained to the other NFL owners about how difficult it is for him to make money in small market Buffalo makes me uncomfortable. Unless Ralph leaves the team to a family member (which he has said he will not do), the NFL Constitution & Bylaws give the other 31 NFL owners the right to decide who the next owner of the team will be. My concern is that Ralph has "poisoned the well." http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=ms-ownersrankingspartone072208 http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=ms-silver_al_davis_raiders_relocation_la_stadium101011 Everybody got all warm and fuzzy when Roger Goodell was in town for the Eagles game and told the press something to the effect that he would do everything in his power to ensure that the Bills remained in WNY. Problem is, nobody followed up to ask him exactly what that might be. Goodell's office investigates potential ownership groups and makes recommendations to the team owners about whether to accept or reject change of ownership deals - - but Goodell doesn't have a vote - - only the owners do. Besides, part of Goodell's job is to tell fans what they want to hear, so they feel good about the NFL in general and their favorite team in particular.
  14. For a couple of Canadians' take on the atmosphere: http://thestar.blogs.com/thespin/2011/10/gridiron-meaning.html http://www.thestar.com/sports/football/article/1078469--kelly-dominating-bills-finally-give-t-o-fans-reason-to-cheer
  15. To quote Father Guidoe Sarducci - - "If Johne ever find-a out, da Pope-a say you best watch-a you back after-a da sun goes-a down, or at-a least-a da lower regions of-a it." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuck_Underbank You can-not-a make-a dis stuff up!
  16. Firstly, (Firstly?) don't let facts get in the way of a good argument: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2010/soccer/world-cup-2010/writers/georgina_turner/06/16/fifa.regulations/index.html BTW, even today, NFL playoff games can't end in a tie, but regular season games can. I guess you and Donovan McNabb missed the memo. Second, and more importantly, act like we've been there before, because we have. Do you really think that the Pats or any of their fans are gloating and thinking they have a tactical advantage right now because they can beat us to scrubs on the waiver wire that have been cut by other teams? And if some player with talent does get released by another team in week 8, what makes you think ANY team with a 5-2 record has a realistic chance at getting him off waivers? I know it's been awhile, but you need to start getting used to the idea that we are 5-2 because we are GOOD. Just my 2 rupees.
  17. That comes off as pretty lame, although I'm sure you don't intend it to. It sounds like you have so little faith in our ability to win the division, or to beat the Pats in the rematch, that you have to grasp at chop stix to shout "WE'RE NUMBER ONE!" from now until Sunday. I think the real reason you're ticked off is because, deep down in places you don't like to talk about, you don't really think the Bills can hang with the Pats in the division race, and if you don't grasp at the technicality of the tiebreaker rules to claim superiority, the opportunity will pass you by. Have more faith Bills Nation! Quantum physics are on our side this year: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/135378-got-a-weird-feeling/page__st__40__p__2258408__hl__%2Blarge+%2Bhadron__fromsearch__1#entry2258408 The super-geek physicists who turned the power all the way up on the Large Hadron Super Collider gizmo just before we drafted Marcel Dareus predicted an "increased likelihood of collisions" and the "detection of very rare outcomes." Ask John Beck now (after the first shutout of Shanahan's career as head coach or OC), or Brady and Sanchez after the season, if the super-geeks got it right. Just my 2 lira.
  18. Nike's gonna sell a ton of shoes when the remake of this classic commercial shows Rex Ryan sniffin' Dareus' shoes: BAD THINGS MAN, BAD THINGS
  19. I haven't seen the head injury research, but Wow, I did'nt realize it was that bad! If they hit one guy really hard per game, they could die in a little over three seasons? Less if they make a deep playoff run? No wonder the players resisted the efforts to expand the regular season to 18 games.
  20. Ha ha . . . very funny, but do you have a link? Didn't think so. As I have repeatedly pointed out, the Jasper-Troupsburg Central School District is a very real place. After openin' a can o' whup-a$$ in a shutout win over the Redskins, I wouldn't be surprised if we see some more school districts named after Bills players pretty soon. I wonder if Ralph wrote a clause into the players' contracts where they can get schools named after them as a performance incentive instead of cash bonuses? Some people will say that just shows how cheap Ralph is, but I think it would be a smart move. Keeps us out of salary cap jail while we continue to build the team.
  21. From the current lease, as posted on an Erie County website: http://www.erie.gov/billslease/stadium.phtml Looks to me like Ralph controls the right to name the stadium through the end of the current lease. At that future date, the naming rights revert back to the County as the owner of the stadium - - at which time the County can again relinquish such rights in the new lease if Ralph still wants them.
  22. http://www.wilmingtontrust.com/wtcom/index.jsp?fileid=3000306 The above link has a few other details about QTIP trusts if you're interested. I have a fairly limited understanding of trusts. It is my understanding that Mary Owen, a high ranking executive on the Bills management team, is the daughter of Mary Wilson's sister. It is also my tentative understanding that a QTIP trust is one way that Ralph could make sure that even after Ralph is gone, Ralph's assets, or whatever portion of them he desires, ultimately pass to his children rather than to (1) Mary Owen or (2) Mary Wilson's next husband if she eventually remarries after Ralph's death. The Buffalo News article implies that because a QTIP trust can be used as a "bridge" to a sale of the team, a QTIP trust would cease to exist after the team is sold. I think that's wrong. As far as I know, the QTIP trust could sell the team and the proceeds of the sale could be invested by the trustee with the resulting income distributed to Mary Wilson during Mary Wilson's lifetime, and the principal distributed to Ralph's children (or anyone else Ralph specified) after Mary Wilson's eventual death. As I mentioned, though, my understanding of trusts is not extensive.
  23. Right, obviously not named after any players from the school district in Steuben County. Named after Bills players instead. Don't go getting all parochial. Jasper and Troupe both played their college ball in the South or Southeast, where Buddy Nix likes to draft from, so obviously neither of them had any connection to the school district until it changed its name. I don't have a problem with naming the school district after Bills players instead of more local heroes from Stueben County. I just think non-obese Bills starters would have been a better choice than overweight back-ups, given the epidemic of obesity among today's youth. Are you suggesting there are no fat kids in the district? That seems unlikely, but you've apparently been there, so you tell me. What's your point?
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