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Everything posted by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead

  1. Most people here don't know it, but TSW is actually a "decoy website" (like Outkube.com) that is designed solely to allow intelligent discussion elsewhere on the Internet: http://www.theonion.com/articles/new-decoy-website-launched-to-lure-away-all-moroni,26393/
  2. http://m.theglobeandmail.com/globe-investor/rogers-bce-on-verge-of-deal-for-mlse/article2265448/?service=mobile
  3. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d8085ee3e/article/even-in-the-offseason-nfl-education-never-ends
  4. While looking for something else, I stumbled across an interesting 1994 quote (pre-Donahoe) by Ralph himself about some of his gm selections: http://www.nytimes.com/1994/01/28/sports/super-bowl-xxviii-papa-wilson-34-years-and-still-counting.html?ref=ralphwilsonjr
  5. Here's some good news. It looks like Tanenbaum may remain locked in as a minority owner of MLSE rather than being bought out by another bidder or exercising his right of first refusal to buy the company himself (at least for now): http://www.thestar.com/sports/hockey/nhl/mapleleafs/article/1092448--teachers-takes-for-sale-sign-off-leafs
  6. Maybe Chan can give the Khan death speech at the rematch with the Patriots in the last game of the season - - we could use a little fire in the belly even if the playoffs are a lost cause this year: "From Hell's heart I stab at thee. For Hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee."
  7. US pivate equity firm Providence Equity Partners is now reportedly interested in buying MLSE: http://www.thestar.com/mobile/NEWS/article/1087627 The comment about the NHL and NBA being unable to do anything to stop a public stock listing makes no sense to me - - if the NFL Constitution & Bylaws can prohibit publicly traded companies from owning an NFL team, why can't the current owners of NBA and NHL teams vote to amend their governing documents (if necessary) to include such a prohibition? Other articles about Providence and its interest in MLSE: http://www.benefitscanada.com/news/u-s-investor-interested-in-teachers%E2%80%99-mlse-stake-22840 http://www.cbc.ca/m/rich/sports/nba/story/2011/11/16/sp-mlse-mapleleafs-teacherspension.html And more pessimistic about Teachers' getting its desired price (which supposedly includes an "ego premium") from any corporate bidder: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/sports/hockey/mlse-unlikely-to-end-up-in-hands-of-us-equity-fund/article2238025/?utm_medium=Feeds%3A%20RSS%2FAtom&utm_source=Hockey&utm_content=2238025 Let's hope Tanenbaum ultimately buys MLSE, so that he doesn't get bought out by some other bidder and convert his existing equity stake in MLSE to cash.
  8. Florida loves Fish Brazilians love Dolphins too Coincidence NOT http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/138582-fish-week-facts-horses-donkeys-mules-goats/
  9. The Miami Dolphins have always been popular in Brazil. My Portuguese needs a little work, but here's proof: http://undefeatteam.blogspot.com/ I could never figure out why. I've met a lot of Dolphins fans, and never thought much of most of them. But as far as I could tell, they didn't really have much in common with Brazilians. Turns out I was wrong - - I just didn't know enough about the habits of Brazilians: real-Los-Angeles-Times-story Now I understand, I think, but CHICKENS? And if you think this is just a coincidence, ask yourself why the authors of a medical study described in the link below specifically sought out men from Florida and Brazil for research: http://www.circinfo.org/cervical.html Chickens?
  10. Dead! folz is right. Psychotic... but absolutely right. We gotta take these bastards. Now we could do it with conventional weapons, but that could take years and cost millions of lives. No, I think we have to go all out. I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part! Let's re-sign TO!
  11. There is reason to believe that Buffalo Bills, Inc. (a NY corporation that Ralph owns, which in turn owns the team) had about $128 million in debt in 2009: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/130751-conventional-wisdom-bills-have-no-debt-service/page__p__2173076__hl__%2Bconventional+%2Bwisdom__fromsearch__1#entry2173076 Admittedly a new owner might have to incur an even higher amount of debt to buy the team, but Ralph is making a profit each year despite having acquired that $128 million in debt somewhere along the way.
  12. There are several proposed theoretical explanations for the observed phenomenon of 83% rooster turnover: 1. The earth's inner core is tens of kilometers off-center; http://www.technologyreview.com/blog/arxiv/27321/ 2. The future has resumed its efforts to sabotage experiments being conducted at the Large Hadron Super Collider (you can't make this stuff up); http://io9.com/5380647/is-the-large-hadron-collider-being-sabotaged-from-the-future 3. Chicken Little (a well-known expert on rooster demographics) was right! 4. Ralph is cheep. 5. It's hard to keep your rooster upright in the NFL.
  13. This article is from 2007, but I thought it gave some interesting details about what NFL officiating crews do: http://www.usatoday.com/sports/football/nfl/2007-10-09-officials_N.htm
  14. I had a dream where Roger Goodell said that the Ralph was old and dilapidated and could not support modern technology like HD video, so the Bills would have to move unless the County and state shelled out millions of dollars for stadium improvements. But then I went to the Jets game, and just before kickoff Fireman Ed got electrocuted doing something in a bathroom, which knocked out all the power. The scoreboard went dark, the headset radios wouldn't work, Maybin's personal barber had to use scissors and a straight razor to shave the word "bust" into his hairdo, the TV cameras wouldn't work, and there were only buggies in the parking lot. Then Fred Jackson went all old-school mid-evil on the Jets a$$, and the Bills won big. After the game, everybody went to the Amish Rifle's house to party like it was 1699, but everybody sounded like chipmunks. It looked and sounded something like this: THEN it got weird.
  15. I think Fitz should wear the over-sized "Kelso helmet," as a way to spread fear, intimidate defenses and remind them of what is about to happen to them.
  16. I wasn't in the room and I assume you were, so I appreciate that you took the time to review your notes to provide an exact quote about what Goodell said before the Eagles game. Because we're talking about things that happened more than 3 weeks ago, and that you presumably observed in person while I merely read about them, I went back and re-read a couple reports of what happened that day. I read this report first: http://niagara-gazette.com/sports/x1038034921/Commish-inspires-Buffalo-fans-to-keep-Bill-lievin I realize that in order to make a story more readable, reporters don't merely quote questions and answers verbatim, and write articles that provide the info in a way that may be different from the exact chronological order of questions and answers they heard. But the above quote from the NG seems to imply that Goodell's statement about his inability to offer "assurance" was made in response to reporter questions seeking details about (1) why Goodell was confident that the Bills would stay in WNY, rather than (2) exactly what Goodell himself has the power to do. Goodell certainly implied that he would personally play a major role in whether the Bills would move post-Ralph, because Goodell told the boy "I promise you - - I'll do everything I can to make sure it doesn't happen." The closest thing I could find to an actual transcript of everyone's questions and Goodell's answers was a blog entry by Chris Brown. I don't consider Brown a journalist because he's paid by the team he writes about, but I have no reason to think he misconstrued anything here (where although he uses no quotation marks, he seems to state Goodell's words exactly, thereby justifying Brown's description of the piece as a "transcript"): http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-2/NFL-Commissioner-Roger-Goodell-transcript/090e01f4-821f-4a74-aef3-cc74caebe73d Once again, this report seems to indicate that Goodell's comments about Goodell's inability to provide "assurance" were made with respect to Goodell's "confidence" that the team will stay put. That's not the same thing as asking Goodell to be specific about what Goodell actually has the power to do after he told the boy - - "I promise you - - I'll do everything I can to make sure it doesn't happen." Do you recall if anyone ever asked Goodell to specifically explain what the commissioner has the power to do himself to prevent a move? I don't recall seeing that mentioned in any of the articles I've read. But since you were there and I wasn't, I'm asking. Because Goodell made that comment to the boy during the fan Q & A, and the press presumably only got to ask their own questions later, I can understand how Goodell might not have been asked to be more specific about what Goodell actually has the power to do to prevent a team move.
  17. Computer-Security-Paranoia-Is-A-Good-Thing
  18. Welcome to the board. Penn State does a white-out sometimes, and they can be awesomely sick! But you have to get absolutely EVERYONE to participate. It's great when that happens - - I don't have a video camera, but here's a still picture I took at the last one:
  19. Sione Pouha vs. Taylor Wily (Kamekona on Hawaii Five O):
  20. I like the idea of shooting the Phish anywhere, barrel or no barrel!
  21. Backup Aaron Maybin vs. Jets starting defensive 11
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