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Everything posted by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead

  1. Peer-reviewed article published in the Proceedings of the National Acadamy of Sciences of the United States of America ("PNAS") good enough for you? http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2011/09/02/1105403108 How about a scientific article published in the Journal of Endocrinology? http://joe.endocrinology-journals.org/content/170/1/27.full.pdf As for Brady, well, Kim Kardashian and that NBA player were "married," too. Besides, if you're suggesting that Brady is gay and not really married, then aren't you making MY point if you think he's a good player? If he's not really married, then his testosterone levels wouldn't decline, even if he publicly claims he's in a truly committed relationship with a woman.
  2. We need more players who display this level of aggression. There's always an "exception that proves the rule," but I'm guessing that even if you are in a committed relationship, you are not currently intimately involved in raising any children. Your testosterone level appears acceptably high. Can you play OLB?
  3. You're entitled to your opinion - - but everybody has one. It's not research. Here's just one article describing the recent research showing that a man's testosterone levels are adversely impacted by being in a committed relationship or sharing child-rearing duties: http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/context-and-variation/2011/09/16/testosterone-fatherhood/
  4. Everybody has a pet theory for why the Bills have missed the playoffs for over a decade. Some blame the players, some blame the front office, some even blame the owner who kept the team in Buffalo when he could have gotten a better stadium deal and made more money elsewhere. But those are just uninformed opinions. Opinions are like noses (clean version) - - everybody has one. But that doesn't make them right. If you simply accept the non-controversial idea that substances like steroids that are deemed "performance-enhancing drugs" actually improve athletic performance, then you should take note of some recent scientific research. Scientists have unambiguously shown that men who are in committed relationships have lower testosterone levels than men who are not. In addition, men who assist their partners with child-raising duties suffer even greater drops in testosterone levels than men who assume the more traditional male role of being a provider and leaving child-raising duties to their partners. Why should we as Bills fans care about this you ask? Here's why: Scientists have long known that increased testosterone levels lead not only to greater virility, but to higher levels of aggression as well. Although further research may be needed to prove it, some scientists also believe that higher testosterone levels can lead to improved athletic performance. The family values crowd won't like it, but this research provides a road map for building a successful football team. For at least the last decade, the Bills have placed a premium on drafting and signing "high-character" players. The unintended consequence has been a roster with too many guys who are in committed relationships, and even worse, who are more involved in raising their kids as compared to other NFL players. So they make great neighbors and members of society, but bad football players. I'm not suggesting that we should draft or sign players who break the rules by artificially increasing their testosterone levels and risking long term adverse health affects. But c'mon, why would you intentionally draft or sign players whose off-the-field life situations make it clear that they will have lower testosterone levels than guys who aren't performing child-rearing duties and aren't in committed relationships? You simply can't credibly argue that increased aggression is an undesireable trait in a football player. It's just one example, but I've read that Fitz has kids and is a great Dad. Well that's just great for his kids and his wife, and it makes him a desireable member of society as a whole. But maybe he wouldn't perform like a career back-up if he was single, prowling the city like Jim Kelly did, and had higher testosterone levels. If we are stuck with being way under the salary cap while Ralph owns the team, let's at least be smarter and draft or sign players that we can reasonably expect to be more aggressive. Just my 2 lira (based on science).
  5. These links contain a few introductory paragraphs each about Jim Kelly's failed Buffalo restaurant/nightclub venture, but it's hard to tell very much from them: http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-22902338.html http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-22827789.html http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-22844980.html http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-22392503.html http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-22868141.html I'm not interested enough to get an online subscription to see the details.
  6. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d82526f1d/article/khan-would-pay-25m-to-exjags-owners-charity-if-team-moves http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204224604577030311626337808.html
  7. "Maybe they didn't cover this at Harvard. See them sticks on the sidelines? If you don't move the ball past them on 3rd down, we have to punt the ball to the other team!" Then Jimbo sang a song for him:
  8. In this particulate situation, I think "perverbial" might be appropriate usage - - or are you suggesting that normal, well-adjusted people beat dead horses?
  9. You don't need counseling - - you just need to slow down the killing process. You should have plenty of sunshine in FL, so I suggest buying a magnifying glass. If you take out one leg at a time, your ant supply will last much longer. You might even find it more satisfying. too.
  10. Whitner's cheap! If he would only follow the directions on the bottle - - Lather, rinse, REPEAT - - he could have great hair, too. But when you try to save a few pennies, don't follow directions, and start free-lancing Whitner is what you get. A mediocre saftey with mediocre hair. No single player is more important than the team. He should re-lather like the top DBs do. If he did that, he'd be more of a queen - - not just a rook like Aaron Williams.
  11. Most people don't know that Geico Insurance was started by Frank Geico - - Gucci Inabagel's great grandfather.
  12. "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this any more!"
  13. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000d5d82526f1d/article/khan-would-pay-25m-to-exjags-owners-charity-if-team-moves
  14. I'll probably regret this, but how so?
  16. If that includes watching the Bills games (and any other regular season NFL game of any team) on a delayed basis, a fast FIOS Internet connection should get you a high-def picture from NFL Game Rewind for about $40/yr - - a lot less than the cost of the Direct TV with Sunday Ticket. Works great if you don't absolutely have to watch the game in real time. And there's a cheap way to try it out. NFL Game Rewind offers a preseason game package, that declines in price as the regular season approaches. I paid something like $5 to get just the last preseason game, watched it online to confirm that my Internet connection gave me a high resolution uninterrupted video stream, and then bought the $40 regular season subscription. If you get unsatisfactory video quality for the preseason game, you're out a total of $5. But I've been told FIOS is really fast, so I'm guessing you'll be good to go. All depends on whether you can stand the wait to see the game. If there's a Bills game I'm especially anxious to see, I'll go to a sports bar and watch it live, but for the most part I'm OK with a short delay.
  17. I use NFL Game Rewind - - a delayed streaming service. This is from the FAQ section of their website: http://gamerewind.nfl.com/nflgr/help_en_US.htm Anybody know just how precisely an IP address can be "resolved" to a geographic location? If it's narrow enough, the NFL could black-out streaming in the vicinity of not-sold-out games (just like they already prevent accessing the NFL Game Rewind video stream from certain countries). Or would the NFL only know the location of the server most directly connected to my computer, leaving my geographic location too imprecise to enforce mileage-from-stadium based black-out restrictions?
  18. Wouldn't it be ironic if Ralph was being cheap, and "pocketing" all that money every year, so that there would be enough accumulated free cash available to pay the required estate taxes without selling the team after Ralph dies? I have no reason to believe that Ralph's "savings" are being earmarked for that purpose, but it sure would make a lot of us look silly if Ralph's cheapness created an "estate tax fund" that ultimately saved the team for the city of Buffalo. It would only make sense if Ralph's heirs collectively wanted to find a way to overcome the estate tax obstacle and continue to own the team. Seems unlikely, but with TV contracts laying ever larger golden eggs, is it possible?
  19. Only skimmed this so far - - not sure if the loan program is of any use to us because if Ralph again successfully demands that the county/state pay for all stadium renovations, he has no reason to apply for a loan from the NFL to pay for Ralph's share of the stadium renovation costs (because the team would have no stadium renovation costs). http://www.10news.com/news/30005718/detail.html http://www.startribune.com/politics/statelocal/135632458.html http://media.signonsandiego.com/news/documents/2011/12/14/NFL_on_its_new_stadium_loan_program.pdf Note that the revived loan program contains some sort of restrictions on its use relating to team "relocation" or change of "home territory."
  20. Over the years Ralph has promoted his niece Mary Owen from marketing intern to Executive VP. She has been heavily involved in efforts to "regionalize" the Bills brand into Southern Ontario, including, IIRC, some work related to the Bills-In-Toronto Series: http://www.sportsbusinessdaily.com/Journal/Issues/2011/02/28/People-and-Pop-Culture.aspx Ralph ain't gonna be around forever, and he knows which way the wind blows at NFL owners' meetings. He has publicly said (some years ago) that the team is gonna be sold when he's gone. Ask yourself, out of everyone in the Bills organization, who is Ralph most likely to throw a life jacket to when the ship goes down? Then find a way to make yourself valuable to Mary Owen, whatever she may be working on these days. Don't be a brown-noser or suck-up, but try to bring something to the table. If Ralph has her working in areas that will make her most employable by a future team owner (as seems likely), it wouldn't hurt to be considered a valuable contributor on the same projects - - no matter who eventually buys the team and whether or not it moves. You can sleep when you're dead. Good luck!
  21. Does our kicker just flat out miss an extra point, or does Tebow block it?
  22. If history is your guide, that would be JP.
  23. Everybody just "knows" that "Wilson carries no debt at all" - - it's clearly the conventional wisdom. After all, he bought the franchise for less than what many new cars cost these days. Only problem is, there is reason to believe the conventional wisdom is wrong. I don't know where Forbes magazine gets its data, but it is a pretty well respected source of business information. According to a Forbes article published this year, the Bills have an estimated 2011 franchise value of $792 million, and a debt to value ratio of 16%: http://www.forbes.com/lists/2011/30/nfl-valuations-11_Buffalo-Bills_301765.html Footnote 3 of the article explains that the debt figure used to calculate the debt to value ratio includes stadium debt. But the Bills have no stadium debt. So according to Forbes, the team has debt in 2011 of $792 million X 0.16 = $126,720,000. That's slightly more than their $121 million in estimated 2011 player expenses including benefits and bonuses (according to Forbes).
  24. JP had to transfer from UCLA to Tulane because he got caught gambling on games. When the Bills drafted him, they thought he had kicked his gambling habit, but he had just gotten better at hiding it. His head was never his best attribute, so he kept making losing bets, and getting in deeper to his bookie. When he couldn't pay up, the Mob directed the NFLPA to break his leg, figuring that as long as his arm was healthy he'd eventually be able to pay them back. So Troy Vincent "accidentally" broke JP's leg. When the Mob realized that JP wasn't going to get a lucrative contract extension, they kidnapped his Mom, and only released her after JP fumbled away that Jets game that was in the bag. Even JP wasn't dumb enough to lose that one on his own.
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