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Everything posted by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead

  1. PETA will be upset - - she involved her dog in her life of crime: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2012/03/college-student-president-quits-job-robs-bank/
  2. If in Buffalo (1) it was paying players a bonus for causing injury and not just paying for stats like forcing a turnover or getting a sack, and (2) the league has sufficient proof, then: Absolutely.
  3. Just a thought - - it would be interesting to see if there was any correlation between the use of the throat-slashing gesture that the NFL outlawed a few years back and the use of any injury-based bounty system by the gesturing player's team.
  4. Buy a dictionary! I'm not offended by framed pictures of big hits being used as a motivational tool by a different team.
  5. Bucky Brooks literally says "I would like to believe" and you conclude that the people offended by this are "pretending?"
  6. Thanks for the refresher. That article is why I thought the selection was supposed to have been made by now: I don't know if "awarding the contract" (i.e., selecting and hiring a specific law firm) got delayed, or just hasn't been announced. Anybody?
  7. He had to maintain a lower profile after getting the Madden cover or he would have jeopardized his post-NFL career with the CIA (you can't make this stuff up)! http://www.cleveland.com/browns/index.ssf/2012/03/exclusive_browns_rb_peyton_hil.html I guess we don't have the dumbest coaches in the league - - Cleveland does.
  8. Some background about Merriman's claim - - reportedly involved coach-ordered retaliation by the Titans but no financial bounty: http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=nfp-20120302_merriman_questions_why_bounty_is_news_now
  9. Conrad Dobler had to be persuaded to do something dirty? Now that's man bites dog news! http://espn.go.com/page2/s/list/dirtiest/players.html
  10. Update on how MN is trying to fund a new stadium for the Vikings - - article includes mention of an idea to "flag" future MN income taxes paid by the team and its players to help cover stadium costs: http://www.kare11.com/rss/article/965216/391/Top-lawmakers-still-tentative-on-Vikings-stadium Anybody seen anything yet about which law firm Erie County picked to handle the stadium lease renewal negotiations? My recollection is that we've passed a self-imposed deadline for making that choice but I have not seen anything about which firm got picked - - maybe I just missed it.
  11. Top 10 ways to stop an asteroid - - no joke - - there's some pretty imaginative Rube Goldberg ideas here (you have to scroll over the pictures to see the explanatory text): http://news.discovery.com/space/top-10-asteroid-deflection.html
  12. http://cellphoneforums.net/verizon/t239454-how-can-i-block-specific-restricted-number-calling-me.html See especially the forum response about the "Ditchmail" service. Had not heard of it before.
  13. Just curious why you think so? People who post here at this time of year may be hard core football types, but casual NFL fans are probably following basketball and/or hockey now. Free agency starts in a few days - - it seems likely that breaking free agent signing news will get the spotlight then. If you were an NFL exec with the power to choose when this story broke, when would you release it?
  14. It's not just cheating, it's criminal. They should prosecute the sum' B word - - and while criminal prosecution probably isn't likely, existing Louisiana criminal statutes provide a basis for bringing charges if opponents were deliberately injured: http://www.nfhs.org/CoachingTodayFeature.aspx?id=6047 The NFL talks a lot about player safety - - if they mean it they should ban the guy from coaching. Pisses me off.
  15. For a description of how the players' union tries to educate them: http://www.financialfinesse.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/Whats-Working-Nov-11.pdf For details of financial classes the NFL already REQUIRES: http://financialadviserblog.dowjones.com/blog/stay-ahead-of-your-clients/off-the-field-training-for-nfl-hopefuls For a reasonably succinct summary of the problem:
  16. In the history of the NFL, has any GM ever said that he WOULD reach for a player in the draft?
  17. While taking out Brady with an asteroid the size of a football field has a certain appeal, I'm unclear about how big an asteroid it takes to create an "extinction event" for mankind. So I'd settle for taking Brady out with a mere house-sized asteroid (kind of like the wicked witch in the Wizard of Oz) - - one came pretty close yesterday: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/46578872/ns/technology_and_science-space/t/leap-day-asteroid-zooms-harmlessly-past-earth/ Yesterday's near miss was by 446,000 miles (about twice the earth-moon distance), yet generated no discussion of keyhole passage that might create a potential for striking Brady on a future orbit. The much larger asteroid mentioned in the OP won't get that close to earth when it travels through a more distant potential keyhole 1,860,000 miles from earth in 2023. Did the orbit of yesterday's smaller, closer asteroid get changed so much yesterday that it will be farther away on the next pass, while the bigger, more distant asteroid might get a smaller future orbital change that would create the possibility of an earth strike? Or is a future house-sized earth strike merely an acceptable outcome that wouldn't generate discussion of a "deflection mission?"
  18. So how should we interpret a scientist's remark that a particular field of inquiry has entered "a whole new dimension?" http://www.springer.com/physics/particle+and+nuclear+physics/journal/10050
  19. I think it's outrageous that these types of relatonships have become so common that they are starting to be viewed as acceptable: http://www.star-telegram.com/2012/02/29/3774188/lonely-teacher-involved-with-student.html
  20. We should think outside the box on this 40 yard dash thing - - worth a look IMO: http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-combine/09000d5d82745c18/Eisen-vs-the-field
  21. Howard Wolowitz also designed a robotic arm that he used to spank the monkey with humorous results. If you want details about the real life Special Purpose Dextrous Manipulator used on the International Space Station, talk to one of our Canadian scientist friends (I guess they have considerable expertise in that sort of thing in the lonely Frozen North): http://publications.gc.ca/Collection-R/LoPBdP/CIR/875-e.htm For more general info, check this out: http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/station/index.html Or just look up on a clear night: http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/realdata/sightings/index.html
  22. If you still don't believe that the US government is trying to keep underwater UFOs a secret, you need to read this: http://dailycaller.com/2012/02/21/documents-lightsquared-shaping-up-as-the-fccs-solyndra/ So the FCC props up wireless broadband company LightSquared while getting rid of competition. And when it comes time to shut down certain land-based wireless internet spectrum to prevent interference with the search for UFO wreckage - - uhh, I mean sea turtles - - the only company left in a position to complain is LightSquared. Kind of a big coincidence, don'tcha think?
  23. They say that if you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Maybe if you're Buffalo's self-reclaimed No. 1 Fan, all other Buffalo fans look like number 2.
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