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Everything posted by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead

  1. If the Bills and Rogers Media can renegotiate the existing five year deal so that Toronto could give back a preseason game, there is no reason why the Bills can't sign a new five year deal, wait until the state puts up the money for the stadium improvements, and then renegotiate the new deal to give Toronto another regular season game. I'm not saying the Bills will do that, but it strikes me as a possibility. When the Bills asked Erie County for permission to play 1 regular season game per year in Toronto, the County said yes and got nothing in return. Given how eager Erie County is to sign a 1 year lease extension, Ralph has no reason to think that the County would resist taking it up to 2 games later. He just has to make the same "regionalization to save the franchise" argument that already worked once. If the state buys the Bills argument that the state will eventually get back the $220 million or so from the NY state income taxes that the Bills players pay, moving one more regular season game to Toronto would have very little impact on the NY state income taxes paid by those players. One extra game in Toronto only moves about 2 "duty days" outside the state each year. Just my 2 rubles.
  2. Well you asked for it straight, so here goes. Did you ever see the episode of Seinfeld where George decides to do the "opposite?" If telling her your bored(ing) and being apologetic isn't working, you might want to take a different approach. She thinks she has you wrapped around her finger and can go back to you any time she wants. Because you've decided that "she's the one," everything you do tends to reinforce that impression. My take is that you need to give her the impression that you're a good enough catch that if she puts you in the "friend" box, other women will be getting in line to take her place. Pulling that off may be tough, but it's your best shot at getting where you want to go with her. The good news is that the idea that there is only one person out there for you is a romantic myth. There are plenty of fish in the sea, and you're probably compatible and could be happy with many of them. You just need to get more creative about how you fish (if nothing else, this video link should cheer you up a bit): http://unofficialnetworks.com/carp-hunters-epic-fishing-77212/ Chin up!
  3. I haven't fished in a while, but I may need to take it up again: http://unofficialnet...-fishing-77212/ (make sure you click on the embedded video) They should show this at home games against Miami.
  4. http://abclocal.go.com/kabc/story?section=news/local/los_angeles&id=8815743
  5. Just make sure AJ gives you the tip before they nail him in the shipping crate: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/09/09/national/main572322.shtml
  6. 1. Apart from the fact that a self-described "onerous penalty" for breaking a contract is totally unenforceable in court, it's great! 2. Ralph only got the right to put his name on the stadium because the existing 15 year lease granted stadium naming rights to the Bills during its 15 year term. When the existing lease expires, those naming rights revert back to the County, which owns the stadium and land. When the parties negotiate the new 1 year lease, the County should retain the stadium naming rights, and force Wilson to take his name off the stadium. Wonder how Ralph would feel about having to visit the new wing of the football hall of fame to see his name on a football building?
  7. Just curious - - how do you envision that happening?
  8. A far less than comprehensive search effort failed to turn up the actual complaint filed by the "Play Fair ... Coalition," but I did find a few more details about the suit here: http://www.courthousenews.com/2012/09/04/49904.htm I doubt that this suit would permanently derail downtown LA stadium plans, but it could slow the timing. The fact that a law school professor who teaches constitutional law signed on as a named plaintiff indicates to me that the constitutional challenge being raised is not totally off the wall. Hard to say more without seeing the actual complaint. Just my 2 rupees.
  9. For a little more on the current status of plans for a new downtown LA stadium: http://www.latimes.c...0,4319446.story http://www.scpr.org/blogs/news/2012/09/13/9955/aeg-builds-la-new-convention-center-hall-make-way-/
  10. Given the abundance of burnt orange shirts, I'm thinking its a Longhorn lecture hall, so I'm gonna go with: "Why did the Bills cut Vince Young? I'll tell you why the Bills cut Vince Young. Nix grabbed Thigpen's balls like this and squeezed until he gave back a million bucks, that's why!"
  11. Assuming that his comments about strategy were accurately reported below, Marvin Lewis disagrees with you - - but then again he coaches the Bengals: http://fifthdown.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/12/02/the-strategy-and-consequences-of-the-n-f-l-coin-toss/
  12. Dumb question - - if we win the toss and "defer," doesn't that mean that the Jets have to make the choice about whether to kick-off or receive to start the game (and we get to make that choice at the start of the second half)? I was under the impression (could be wrong) that teams that win the toss and "defer" usually start out on defense because the other team will usually choose to start the game on offense. So if our goal is to guarantee that we start the game by playing defense, don't we have to actually choose to kickoff to start the game, rather than deferring? Given the well-publicized offensive struggles of the Jets in preseason, they might also prefer to start the game on defense, if we give them a choice by "deferring."
  13. So why even bother to study other teams' tendencies if you can just rely on "big dog" talent?
  14. Anybody know when the Bills began closing some of their practices to the media? I suspect that the "best" stuff gets installed after final cutdown day, but if Hagan particpated in any practices that were closed to the media, I would think he has at least some non-public information about the Bills' offensive plans. Otherwise, why close those practices to the public? Besides, NE has dominated the AFC East for a long time, and the Phish are going to be starting a rookie QB this season. So Chan has to figure that the games against the Jets are key to making the playoffs this year. He has a lot of incentive to be extra prepared for this season opener, and I don't know if he would want to rely solely on this week to install everything needed for the Jets game.
  15. So why did the Pats* get punished for violating league rules about videotaping opponents' signals, if talent is the only thing that matters? If talent was the only thing that mattered, there would be no reason to outlaw such videotaping.
  16. All practice squad players are "fringe players" by definition, so if a "fringe player" (to use your term) can't provide any sort of competitive advantage to a new team, why do NFL rules prohibit a team from signing a player off their next opponent's practice squad during the week before the game? The potential advantage to the Jets here is Hagan's knowledge, not his journeyman talent.
  17. If you don't think a player who knows game-planning details can provide a competitive advantage to another team, why does the NFL prohibit a team from signing a player off their next opponent's practice squad during the week before the game? http://www.ehow.com/list_6640825_nfl-practice-squad-rules-waivers.html
  18. Ralph is infected And the Ralph needs a facelift Sanchez well til sacked!
  19. Not voluntarily silent- - just muzzled. At least one such post was deleted by the mods. Seems appropriate under the circumstances.
  20. A few more details on how it works: http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000056619/article/ir-tweak-could-help-david-decastro-desmond-bishop http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000056619/article/ir-tweak-could-help-david-decastro-desmond-bishop Do we have anybody already on IR besides Troup?
  21. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but give the guy a little time, huh?
  22. Missing woman unknowingly joins search for herself: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/missing-woman-unknowingly-joins-search-herself-165249353.html Did Dick Jauron ever drive a tour bus in Iceland?
  23. Most people don't know that the big red "N" on the cornhusker football helmets stands for "Nowledge."
  24. Maybe the authors of the study that found no cognitive impairment were current or former pot users, and were therefore already cognitively impaired when designing the study and interpreting the results?
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