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Everything posted by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead

  1. Scientific American article about a study that examined which exoplanets around distant stars could detect earth as an exoplanet orbiting our sun, if you assumed that an alien civilization on the distant exoplanet used the same exoplanet detection methods that our own civilization has recently developed. Basically, it figures out which distant planets were positioned in such a way that they could observe earth transiting across the face of our sun. That ability changes over time because stars and planets are constantly moving through space, so they picked a 10,000 year window for their study - - from 5,000 years ago through 5,000 years in the future. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/aliens-might-already-be-watching-us/?utm_source=pocket-newtab
  2. Doesn't hurt to plan ahead: https://spy.com/articles/health-wellness/stress-relief/how-to-prepare-for-an-alien-invasion-1202773602/ I know a guy who isn't planning for an alien invasion, but has concerns about society breaking down in some fashion. He stocked up on doomsday prepper supplies, including food and ammo. How do I know this? I watched him turn pale as he tried to figure out how to muzzle his wife, who was all too happy to blab to a group of social acquaintances (not family) about all the detailed preparations her hubby had made. I figure he probably upped the weapons inventory after his wife let a bunch of people know where they could find food and shelter when doomsday arrives.
  3. From https://www.wired.com/story/what-the-pentagons-new-ufo-report-tells-us-about-ourselves/?utm_source=pocket-newtab "The new report is less a major turning point in our understanding of life in the universe and more a product of our current cultural climate, a time when expertise and authority are increasingly being called into question. The debate over UFOs instead highlights the limits of knowledge and humanity’s continued need to believe in something beyond our mundane experience of the world."
  4. Having the information that will allow you to decide where you will spend eternity IS more important than an orderly bicycle race, but perhaps the guy could have found a safer way to pass the information along.
  5. I need to know what the sign said before passing judgment on what happened. I mean, if the guy was trying to let us know that the world was about to end, or that aliens had landed, that might be more important than having an orderly bicycle race. Anybody know what the sign said?
  6. Ed Rutkowski? Nope. Davis Webb? Nope. Fromm Georgia? Noppe. The Seeker? Yup. Lots of college offense concepts migrate to the NFL, and there aren't many college programs more successful than LSU (just ask Tre White). The Seeker can't get Covid, won't ever be late for practice, and won't eat itself off the roster like JaMarcus Russell (so OK, not all LSU QBs pan out at the NFL level - -but the Seeker don't eat - - it just throws). https://sports.yahoo.com/robotic-quarterback-used-lsu-could-155955181.html
  7. Michael Jasper. The current Bills coaches love position versatility and Jasper played both offensive guard and defensive tackle in college. He has a losing record as Bethel's football coach, so he will be motivated to return to playing, and is still in his 30's. Everybody thinks we need a run stopper who can tie up blockers, and with Star opting out last year who knows if Star will return to form. Besides, I don't know about "dark," but Jasper's was always as big as a horse. And the capper - - Jasper's most recent NFL stint was with the Carolina Panthers - - 'nuff said.
  8. Websites that require you to disable your ad blocker to see their content - - not happening.
  9. Athletes pay state income taxes to the states where they play their games. When schedule was 16 games, Diggs and every other Bills player would pay NY state income taxes for 8 home games out of 16 total games = half their salary. If structured properly, signing bonuses are taxed by the player's state of residence, not where the athlete plays games. I don't know which state Diggs claims as his residence, but converting salary to a signing bonus gives the player the opportunity to have the bonus money (1) taxed by a lower tax state if the player maintains his permanent residence in a state with lower income tax rates than NY, or (2) taxed by no state if the player resides in FL, NV or a few others. From https://awmcap.com/blog/how-your-mlb-signing-bonus-is-taxed "The first critical piece of information you must understand is how your signing bonus will be taxed. What constitutes a true “signing” bonus has often been a matter of disagreement between taxpayers and taxing authorities. Taxing authorities routinely challenge taxpayer “signing bonus” assertions, often prevailing under the ruling that the bonus relates to all provisions in the contract, not just the act of signing. If not a “signing bonus,” the income is apportioned as part of regular wages. “Signing” bonuses are not subject to state apportionment if they meet all of the following conditions: the bonus is not conditional on playing any games for the team; is payable separately from any other compensation; and is not refundable. A true signing bonus is not apportioned as part of wages and is generally taxed to the athlete’s state of residence, which in many cases results in a more favorable outcome."
  10. The McKelvin kickoff return fumble gets extra credit because when McKelvin was interviewed about the play after the game, he said he would definitely bring the ball out of the end zone if he had it to do over again. Incredibly poor situational awareness. Down the ball in the end zone, kneel on it a few times at the 20, and win the game against a divisional opponent that has owned you for years.
  11. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/article251340128.html https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/local/state/2021/05/11/florida-gas-state-of-emergency-ron-desantis-pipeline-hacking-national-guard-price-gouging/5046374001/ https://www.clickorlando.com/news/local/2021/05/11/gov-ron-desantis-issues-emergency-order-in-response-to-colonial-pipeline-closure-gas-shortage/
  12. My significant other frequently gets annoyed at how far I make her walk because I refuse to put change in a parking meter if there is any possible way to avoid it.
  13. I plan to keep my clothes on, whether or not there are any mirrors around. I'm big on personal liberty, though, so as long as you aren't hurting anybody, and you don't post any pictures - - have at it. If I change my mind, and decide to disrobe, can I keep my tinfoil hat on?
  14. Beerball, Thought there might be some info you would find useful in this fairly recent article: https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2021/04/immunocompromised-vaccine/618596/
  15. An ultra-reliable news source like Tucker Carlson on Fox talks about underwater UFOs and not one person posts about it in this thread for almost 4 months (see thread title)? https://www.thewrap.com/tucker-carlson-talks-underwater-ufos-weve-never-imagined-something-like-that-video/ How uninformed can you people be? If this continues, I just may have to go elsewhere for my underwater UFO news.
  16. I would choose to keep one eye (half my sight), one ear (half my hearing), my sense of touch below the waist (that's another half), and the sense to come in out of the rain 50% of the time (I'm OK getting soaked the other 50% of the time). That adds up to keeping only two full senses.
  17. This article is more about predictions of how life originating on earth might evolve over extremely long time spans, but has some discussion of the Fermi paradox if you assume hypothetical alien life evolves in the same manner that the authors hypothesize for life that originated on earth (written by two astrophysicists): https://nautil.us/issue/97/wonder/if-aliens-exist-heres-how-well-find-them?utm_source=pocket-newtab
  18. And some things do. If I had a fake ID showing that I'm 70 I could get a Covid vaccination now.
  19. I somehow missed this thread initially, but it's the type of mind-expanding stuff that keeps me coming back to "Off the Wall." I pride myself on unconventional thinking, but must admit, I had never even considered this particular question. Upon reflection, I think I might prefer "Wilson" (the volleyball) from Castaway. Otherwise, I would always have "buyer's remorse" about which anatomical parts were missing in whatever mermaid type I chose. Food for thought - - there's a lot of truth in the classic video that explains the hot/crazy matrix: If scientists eventually determine that the "crazy" correlates with either a hot female top half, or a hot female bottom half, but not both - - I'd say goodbye to Wilson and hello to a "unicorn" mermaid.
  20. Thought provoking new article that touches on a number of topics discussed in this thread: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2021/01/25/have-we-already-been-visited-by-aliens?utm_source=pocket-newtab A sample excerpt with an interesting take on the Fermi paradox: _______________________ "Thus, not long after humanity became capable of signalling to other planets, it also became capable of wiping itself out. Since the invention of nuclear weapons, we’ve continued to come up with new ways to do ourselves in; these include unchecked climate change and manufactured microbes. 'It is quite conceivable that if we are not careful, our civilization’s next few centuries will be its last,' Loeb warns. Alien civilizations 'with the technological prowess to explore the universe' are, he infers, similarly 'vulnerable to annihilation by self-inflicted wounds.' Perhaps the reason no one has shown up is that there’s no one left to make the trip." _______________________ Maybe the natural progression of scientific research inevitably leads to turning the knobs on the Large Hadron Collider (or some as yet unimagined scientific experiment) to 11, and instead of Spinal Tap, we get Judgment Day.
  21. We'll beat them so bad Pegulas change the team name Buffalo Orcas !!!
  22. I suppose you were just focused on other things last March 25th.
  23. I haven't been following this thread, but even if previously posted, the blonde at 24 seconds in and again at 1:23 in is worth a second go round (and a third, and a fourth, and . . .) https://www.ispot.tv/ad/ZNrX/gotham-steel-hammered-collection-free-egg-pan-2999
  24. If I recall correctly, when the saying arose long ago, the US had no federal income tax. These days, the saying is BS, but for a different reason. Today, a penny saved is worth more than a penny earned, because you have to pay income taxes on the penny earned, but don't have to pay taxes on the penny saved (at least until Congress passes a yearly wealth tax or until you invest the accumulated pennies well enough to become subject to estate taxes upon your death). Whether the saved pennies ultimately make you rich depends on if and how you choose to invest them. If you want to know how most (not all) rich people in the US actually got that way, read the most recent edition of "The Millionaire Next Door."
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