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Everything posted by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead

  1. How about the Pickup Line - - because they're usually really bad, even when they're hyped as being good.
  2. Embarassed on road Bills head to Arizona Pussywillow D
  3. Would it have been better as a haiku? * * * * * * * Andrew Jackson signs San Jose Bills Fan complains Made his choice today
  4. "You can gripe or complain about what you don't have or you can get excited about what you do have. You get to choose every day." Try turning your chair around and facing away from the computer.
  5. "You can gripe or complain about what you don't have or you can get excited about what you do have. You get to choose every day."
  6. Leave it to Ralph to sign a 48 year old running back to the practice squad just because he has eligibility left: http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/news.cgi?id=JackAn20
  7. Think the movie Enemy of the State was far-fetched? Think again: http://www.cnbc.com/id/49212482 The drones are coming.
  8. If you change your name to Captain Hindtouch, we'll know what happened.
  9. When you're a little older, you can get a driver's license and drive around by yourself.
  10. Maybe they are already here, and they just kinda blend, ya know? If I was an intergalactic alien robot tasked to conquer earth, I'd start my recon of earthlings by associating with the weak-minded parts of the population, because they would be less likely to notice discrepancies in my cover story while I improved by "camoflage" techniques. Seems like NFL fan websites would be an ideal place to start - - they are a haven for the weak-minded, and require no initial face-to-face contact. Over time, my on-line interactions with humans would allow me to get better at avoiding obvious discrepancies in my cover story. For example, I wouldn't want to blow my cover by claiming to be a Carolina farmer who listens to Howard Stern! P.S. I've heard that the human eye is one of the more difficult anatomical features to replicate. I think that's why Harrison Ford used eye scanners to detect replicants in Blade Runner.
  11. I figured it was Automatic Script Submission, but I couldn't figure out an appropriate arachno-hymn. Then again, my oldest brother Darryl says I'm the idiot.
  12. I agree. We re-signed White when Fred got hurt - - so the team wanted a 3rd RB on the roster. Assuming Fred can't go against NE and Spiller's injury is minor enough to avoid IR, do we have designated utility man Brad Smith take a few snaps at RB in practice this week? If he can run the wildcat, seems like he ought to be able to learn a few relatively simple plays so he could take a few snaps as a disaster RB if Choice or White get hurt against NE. Or do we let Dickerson learn that role until either Fred or CJ can play?
  13. There's some pretty funny comments at the link - - to paraphrase my favorite: The guy just liked some cushion when he was pushin'
  14. My brother Darryl says they shoulda just put it up on blocks, like everybody else.
  15. Mozart - - I'm not all that big on his music, but from the period pieces I've seen at the movies, there would have been some real babes flaunting their assets at his concerts.
  16. So . . . . if he follows your advice, and does whatever he wants to do, then he's listening to you, and he will wind up just sitting in front of his keyboard like the rest of us . . . which is not a desireable outcome for a young, single guy. So I guess logically, his best course of action must be to do the opposite (which I might add is what I suggested above that he do so he could get the same kind of results as George did on Seinfeld). Seems pretty clear that logic dictates that he do what we tell him to do - -right?
  17. If those knolls were grassy JFK would still be alive!
  18. Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting would find this "ironical."
  19. If the Bills and Rogers Media can renegotiate the existing five year deal so that Toronto could give back a preseason game, there is no reason why the Bills can't sign a new five year deal, wait until the state puts up the money for the stadium improvements, and then renegotiate the new deal to give Toronto another regular season game. I'm not saying the Bills will do that, but it strikes me as a possibility. When the Bills asked Erie County for permission to play 1 regular season game per year in Toronto, the County said yes and got nothing in return. Given how eager Erie County is to sign a 1 year lease extension, Ralph has no reason to think that the County would resist taking it up to 2 games later. He just has to make the same "regionalization to save the franchise" argument that already worked once. If the state buys the Bills argument that the state will eventually get back the $220 million or so from the NY state income taxes that the Bills players pay, moving one more regular season game to Toronto would have very little impact on the NY state income taxes paid by those players. One extra game in Toronto only moves about 2 "duty days" outside the state each year. Just my 2 rubles.
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