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Everything posted by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead

  1. At this point of the season, Nix probably has some ability to predict which teams are likely to have the worst final record and be in position to draft a franchise QB. He recently went on record saying we need one. Does Silva play FS, SS or both? If it's FS, would Byrd be trade bait (along with some of our picks) to move up in the draft if Silva is adequate? I like Byrd a lot, but if we are serious about getting a franchise QB Nix will have to give up something. Do any of this year's crap teams that recently drafted a QB high have a strong need for a FS?
  2. Maybe if Brady switched back and forth between hitting him in the face and hitting him in the gut, so that it was sort of syclicle.
  3. It's common knowledge that Brady doesn't like pressure, and a fierce pass rush is the way to beat him. That's why the Giants beat him in the Super Bowl, and why Nix did his best to upgrade our pass rush this year. But it's also common knowledge that the league protects Brady even more than most QBs, and hitting him after the whistle will draw penalties that hurt our team. So what to do? Think outside the box, people. It's only a penalty if we knock the snot out of Brady AFTER the whistle. So if we mess with the whistles so they won't make a noise, how are they gonna flag us? If we can put a man on the moon, somebody can make a hi-tech whistle that looks authentic but has a wireless V-chip or something that lets Gailey control when it makes a sound. We temporarily disable the whistle at the snap, pound the snot out of Brady and get away with it. If we're smart, and do it intermiteontably (sp?), nobody will catch on. If we're gonna hit him late, let's be smart about it. I'm ICanSleepWhenI'mDead, and my middle brother Darryl approved this message.
  4. After the nuclear apocalypse, I hope any surviving anthropologist finds TSW. His/her theories on what type of clocks we had would be entertaining.
  5. Happy Birthday - - you should celebrate with a trip to the Robot Hall of Fame in Pittsburgh. If we could figure out how to get you nominated for 2014, we might be able to get you inducted because there's an on-line vote involved! http://www.robothalloffame.org/
  6. Well, North Dakota maybe: http://www.cooperstownnd.com/index.php
  7. If you are alone at your post long enough, you can dance with wolves, but you gotta watch out for injuns.
  8. There are exceptions to every rule, but I've lived in several places, including the South - - if a Southern man tells a room full of Yankees in a heavy drawl that he ain't the smartest guy in the room - - odds are he is. At least, that's what my middle brother Darryl thinks.
  9. 68 replies, and I'm the 1st person to mention that OP forgot to add that winning is now assured because Marcus Easley is finally on the active roster? C'MON MAN!
  10. WTF? But if you think Northwest Regional airport's design is nuts, check out the airport in Gibraltar (bordering Spain): http://www.hoax-slayer.com/gibraltar-airport-runway.shtml
  11. One of my Darryl brothers plays chess, but I always thought he was too uppity to be a good coach.
  12. Ralph will be gone and ownership will change well before the NFL is ready to put a franchise in London. The NFL VP of International Business since 2008 is Chris Parsons, originally from Manchester, England. Here's a recent article where he talks at some length about the NFL and London: http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000084365/printable/www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000063419/article/uscs-matt-barkley-still-best-college-qb-despite-recent-struggles
  13. If he was unconscious, how would he know whether or not he was feeling guilty?
  14. Lots of jerky experts on a sports website - - big surprise!
  15. My Dish network program guide shows that the SOA episode that originally aired on 10/16/12 will re-air on FX on the evening of 10/23. Doesn't that solve your problem? P.S. Google is your friend, but so is your program guide.
  16. It may not change your opinion about what decision should have been made, but you might want a do-over on the math.
  17. Seems like it would depend on the emergency. I have no doubt that often binoculars would be useless. But I can imagine a scenario where the plane's glide path exceeds daytime visual range of the naked eye, and binoculars would help one pilot to more quickly identify the best distant emergency landing site (e.g., a road, a meadow, any relatively flat place with the fewest obstructions) while the other one actually flies the plane. If you know you're going down and still have useful control surfaces, picking the best available emergency landing site is job #1, no? OTOH, I agree with you that if the plane is so crippled or so low that it can't fly beyond daytime visual range of the naked eye, the binoculars are just excess weight.
  18. Commercial jet pilots don't have binoculars in the cockpit? Seems like it would be a handy thing to have in an emergency.
  19. The Akron, the Macon and R-101 all crashed by the mid-1930s: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_airship_accidents We can't change the weather, but we are a heck of a lot better at predicting it in 2012 than we were 77 years ago. I don't know how the economics work out, but we can also build much lighter high-strength materials now than we could in the 1930s. The original article points out that the prototype airship will have an aluminum and carbon-fiber skeleton. That's pretty vague, but would seem to indicate at least the possibility of greatly improved material strength to avoid structural failure, despite the need for lightweight construction. I'm no expert on airships, but the original article prompted me to do some googling. Here's a couple more links about their more recent use and/or design. Apparently, the military favors them for use as airborne intelligence gathering platforms. http://theaviationist.com/2012/05/06/spy-blimps/ http://gizmodo.com/5907265/heres-the-plan-to-fly-missile+packed-blimps-over-your-home I just find the effort to revive airship use kind of interesting. I wonder if the CA prototype in the original article will ever fly or find commercial uses, or if weather dependency will doom it to failure.
  20. Thought this was thought-provoking - - they are building a prototype of this thing in CA: http://www.popsci.com/technology/article/2012-06/plan-airships-might-finally-take "The looming aluminum and carbon-fiber skeleton, not entirely unlike a half-completed Death Star, is the prototype for what Pasternak says will be a new and better kind of flying machine: one that can carry substantial cargo to any place on Earth."
  21. Powell kicked off the war in Iraq by making that speech to the UN about weapons of mass destruction - - look where that got us. Those that don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Powell should stick to punting.
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