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Everything posted by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead

  1. I'm confused and my head hurts - - if the girl isn't dead, then she must be alive (assuming you don't believe in zombies). But if she's alive, then Manti may be secretly laughing somewhere that the joke is on all of us, 'cause we think she's fake, when she's really not. So which is it? As a non-caring, unbiased, neutral observer maybe you can point me in the right direction on this.
  2. You knew it was coming: http://www.theonion.com/articles/i-just-want-to-apologize-to-manti-teo-for-what-i-p,30948/ The reality of the news story is more strange than The Onion stuff - - how messed up is that?
  3. I figure Ray Lewis' mom already volunteered to do this years ago.
  4. Wonder how long it will take to get a Samoan head coach in the NFL?
  5. Hard to keep up with this thread, but haven't seen this posted: http://rumorfix.com/...s-diane-omeara/ Link shows a picture of a woman, and below it states: Also separately saw my local TV news identify Diane O'Meara tonight as the woman in the hoax picture. Edit: The "rumorfix" link got one of the details wrong - - Diane went to school in CA with Ronaiah Tuiasosopo, not with Manti Te'o. But Diane O'Meara is the woman in the hoax picture.
  6. The TV reporter I saw wasn't specific, but it's at least possible that he's no longer a student at all, much less a "FULL TIME STUDENT."Edit: Saw another TV news story that showed a short video of him in a golf cart at IMG Academy in Bradenton, FL where some athletes go to prepare for the combine - - didn't say one way or the other whether he was still enrolled at Notre Dame.
  7. Maybe not - - I saw a local TV sports reporter tonight say that Manti is already in Florida now at one of those outfits that helps guys prepare for the NFL combine.
  8. http://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/ncaaf/2013/01/17/the-questions-that-manti-teo-needs-to-answer/1842141/
  9. Can't wait to see the onion's take on this - - nothing up yet. If the Bills draft him, he'll probably be asked to go get Bob Kalsu's shoulder pads before practice.
  10. From a purely football perspective, let's hope that Fitz doesn't help with child-raising duties around the house - - it will hurt his on the field performance: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/140143-the-hidden-reason-for-the-lost-decade/page__hl__%2Bhidden+%2Breason
  11. Nah, he was just really happy to see her.
  12. Karma or koincidence? http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/college/tough-break-college-kid-scored-138-breaks-wrist-article-1.1237729
  13. Here's a CNN video about an asteroid that will come close enough to earth in February that it will fly UNDER some weather satellites: http://lightyears.blogs.cnn.com/2013/01/04/asteroid-to-fly-between-earth-moon/?iref=obinsite The video says it's 150-160 feet "long" [?], so a hit could have produced a Tunguska-type event. And oh yeah, they don't know yet how the near-earth pass in February will alter its orbit for its next visit - - it comes by twice a year.
  14. Shanahan's most recent update on RG3's status: http://www.theonion.com/articles/rgiii-to-have-more-tests-done-on-thing-that-used-t,30825/
  15. Based on recent history, backwards!
  16. I shoulda been more specific - - I was referring to my middle brother Darryl. Do you want to know what my oldest brother Darryl thinks or what my youngest brother Darryl thinks?
  17. I hear banjo music. Wonder if he asked her out for Mexican food, or just ordered Doritos Locos Tacos to go? https://plus.google.com/117156155760422806224/photos?hl=en#117156155760422806224/about
  18. The first rocket carryin' people ain't leavin 'til 2022, so you'll need someplace to hang out for 9 years that has no extradition treaty with the US of A.
  19. http://www.gizmodo.com.au/2013/01/mars-colonists-wanted-apply-here/ They say they are looking for people with: I was gonna suggest that one of us might get selected, but after thinking about it, I realized that none of us have a "willingness to build and maintain healthy relationships." Oh well, it's a Dutch organization. When they went looking for the West Indies they wound up in North America, so who knows what planet their astronauts will land on.
  20. I watched the last regular season game against the Jets on NFL Rewind. Very late in the game, it looked to me like Brooks clutched at his leg while on the ground at the end of a play. Anybody know if he got injured? I never saw anything reported about it, the TV announcers never even mentioned it, and the broadcast cut away from the shot pretty quickly. Coulda just been a fairly minor ding, but the way he grabbed at it worried me a little. I'm not sure how much incentive the media had to check on his post-game health in the off-season.
  21. My brother Darryl thinks it's TOO respectful. Since Williams has had the same injury on both legs, he calls him Boo Boo FEET!
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