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Everything posted by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead

  1. If hearing horror stories about other people's tenants makes you feel better, check this out: http://realestate.msn.com/article.aspx?cp-documentid=13108360
  2. If you're gonna be there a while, and the owner is already in his 80's, you might do better to have the daughter think you're a competent non-suckup. I'd suggest simply making sure that the daughter knows what kind of opportunities at the company you would find interesting in the future. Then again, I tend to be a little on the contrarian/rebellious side in a lot of things, so my 2 lira may not be worth much in a large corporate environment. Regardless of how you play it, any comments the daughter makes to pappa about you are probably gonna carry more weight with him than anything you could write.
  3. http://www.scpr.org/blogs/news/2013/02/09/12490/lapd-manhunt-charlie-sheen-christopher-dorner-call/
  4. Seattle police dept. drone plans scuttled by mayor after FAA gives approval: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-201_162-57568325/seattle-mayor-scuttles-police-plans-to-sue-drones/ Lawmakers in 11 states trying to restrict drone use: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-201_162-57567843/some-states-seek-to-curb-use-of-drones-by-police/
  5. More military airship news (actual test of up to 3 years duration starts in DC later this year): http://news.yahoo.com/blimps-bolster-washingtons-air-shield-test-204629886--finance.html
  6. The Interweb tubes really do need a sarcasm font.
  7. http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/what-is-search-engine-poisoning-and-how-it-spreads-malware/
  8. His OTHER brother, Marty!
  9. Isn't our owner on record as saying we need a TE that doesn't get injured?
  10. Was there some sort of indentation in his skull above his ear when he took his helmet off, or do you just have X-ray vision?
  11. The good news is that our new offensive coordinator has a degree in neurobiology, and here's a direct quote from him: http://wgr550.com/Bi...NFL-OC/15360055 So for all we know, he may already be working on thickening Graham's superior temporal sulcus.
  12. http://www.weather.com/news/local/drones-spur-fierce-debate-in-20130201
  13. He's dead - - so if I was him I'd literally be asleep.
  14. Well, I don't know about kicking him in the a$$, but stimulating the posterior portion of his superior temporal sulcus might help: http://www.psych-it.com.au/Psychlopedia/article.asp?id=416
  15. It's been frustrating to watch McKelvin cover receivers well, and then fail at the "Moment of Truth" as he watches the nearby receiver catch a ball right next to him. Turns out, there may be a scientific explanation for this - - if you're curious about it, read this link: http://news.yahoo.com/athletes-minds-excel-motion-tracking-145606624.html The article explains that professional athletes excel at 3-D motion tracking (in comparison to other population groups). They also have a thicker part of the brain called the "superior temporal sulcus." While it is unclear if innate ability or experience explains the differences among people, all groups can improve their 3-D motion tracking with visual training. Seems to me like: 1. the Bills should see if McKelvin could benefit from such visual training exercises; and 2. the Bills should test DBs and receivers for this ability before drafting them.
  16. The news reaches Toronto mayor Rob Ford: http://postmediacana...60&h=330&crop=1 Seriously, though, the guy's passion for football almost got him kicked out of office: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/rob-ford-to-remain-as-toronto-mayor-lawyer-to-appeal-to-supreme-court/article7848448/
  17. Aberrently, there are some who still do. Aberrently, there are some who still do. Aberrently, there are some who still do.
  18. I don't think the OP thought this through. If we're gonna be the first to do this, why should we use the #8 overall pick? Nix has a demonstrated history of treating 7th round picks like trash - - case in points: (1) Jasper will be available as an undrafted free agent, but we decided to just go ahead and use our 7th round pick on him anyway; and (b) we trade our 7th round pick to move up two spots in the third round to take a North Carolina track sprinter who can't catch. I can see Nix figuring "What the he[[, 7th round picks aren't worth anything anyway, so let's use this year's to move up two spots in the third round and take Johnny Football" - - that way we know we get a legit #8 overall player and STILL get a shot at Manziel - - if we get slapped harder than expected for cheating at least we would have the other guy guy we picked at #8. We can pay Manziel extra and have his contract ready to go no matter what round we draft him in, so why not move up to take him in the third? You know the Pats would do it this way.
  19. The DOJ may regulate baseball trades after the Curt Flood case years ago, but it has nothing to do with football trades. Besides, I thought you wanted to draft the guy, not trade for him. Make up your mind.
  20. Isn't that the squad from our last playoff appearance?
  21. Thanks for the tip. I badly sprained an ankle recently, and although I'm finally back to walking normally, it hasn't felt strong enough to get back to playing basketball yet. I've never used an ankle brace, but based on the reviews in your link, I will definitely check this one out.
  22. I may do that if I can't find something with better ankle support.
  23. Aberrently, some people from Virginia think I have a far too cavalier attitude about the outcome of the Virginia - Chaminade game.
  24. Darlene says that if William Shatner was our GM, he could have hired Kirstie Alley to be Aaron Maybin's strength and conditioning coach. There is no doubt she could have put some meat on his bones. Just compare her svelte role with Shatner in "Wrath of Khan" with the whale who later was on "Dancing With The Stars." All she had to do was put him on her own diet, and the guy would now be able to set the edge and not just run around people. Maybe the Bengals will hire her: http://www.profootballweekly.com/2013/01/25/bengals-sign-olb-maybin
  25. Athletic footwear - - I went shopping for shoes for playing basketball last month. Went in several stores in a local mall. My choices were cheap plasticy stuff that felt like it would last a week, or super expensive neon colored stuff with some NBA player's endorsement. I don't want a fashion statement, I want something functional that will last. My play does the talking, not my shoes. Hey, somebody's on my lawn!
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