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Everything posted by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead

  1. Well, historically, St. John Fisher is a catholic-affiliated school, so maybe we could put a couple of these guys: in those little Shriner go cart thingies they use in parades and then have the same train the sharpshooter is riding on run them both over at a crossing. Sort of a killing two birds and one buffalo with the same train kind of thing . . :
  2. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/article/20130727/SPORTS03/307270043/Buffalo-Bills-two-bills-drive-seek-end-postseason-drought?nclick_check=1 Anybody know if St. John Fisher has a mascot? Just to be on the safe side, maybe we should off him/her/it, too.
  3. I think we should have him run along side a train and pay a sharpshooter to shoot him from the train, and then leave his corpse rotting in the sun. If other teams think we're crazy, it might give us an edge.
  4. Screw the traffic concerns - - how will it affect the bathtub races held at Kitsilano Beach? Actually stumbled by chance onto the end of one some years ago that ended in a neck-and-neck foot race up the beach. It was a hoot. Tiny little one-man skiffs with huge motors that were just flying as they bounced across the water.
  5. I'm gonna have to check with my little brother Darryl on this one.
  6. Speaking of douchiness, which group of 50%? You get that there's 2 of them, right?
  7. From the NY Times article linked in my OP: Was George Orwell a time traveler who knew Linda Vertlieb?
  8. Might not be enough: http://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2013/05/09/nordstrom-tracking-customer-smartphones-wifi-sniffing/
  9. Just wait a while . . . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WyHZ4O1KeI
  10. If it's not a shock in Hooksett, it's not a shock to me.
  11. You decide: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/15/business/attention-shopper-stores-are-tracking-your-cell.html?_r=0 If Skynet had this technology, John Connor would be a dead man.
  12. Well, if we get a new stadium, that's one thing we don't need to worry about!
  13. I happened to see this site mentioned on TV, but know nothing about it - - FWIW (use at your own risk): http://www.psacard.com/
  14. Lots of nice, conventional ideas for using their speed. None of which will surprise any of our division rivals. Let's put our speed guys in position to succeed by thinking outside the box and using them unconventionally. 2 ideas: 1. Make them both hold for field goals. Most fake field goals fail because the runner doesn't have the speed to get to the first down marker before the defense reacts. These guys can change that. If we run a fake with one and he doesn't make it, give the other one a chance the next time - - nobody will expect THAT. 2. Steal a cornerback jersey from the other team and sneak them on the field out wide at the last minute. The other team's dbs won't cover a guy they think is one of their own - - TD!!!!
  15. If anybody cares about water quality: http://news.yahoo.com/americas-most-feces-polluted-beaches-mapped-212434537.html
  16. The first time a waitress north of the Mason-Dixon line called me "hon" - - they only do that if they think you're harmless. Felt like strangling her.
  17. As Dr. J once said: "The older I get, the better I used to be."
  18. Miles (played by Curtis Armstrong) - - the guy who taught Tom Cruise in Risky Business that sometimes in life ya just gotta say WTF: http://www.forbes.com/pictures/egdh45fgeh/every-now-and-then-say-what-the-f/
  19. My youngest brother Darryl has a question - - when the Interweb crashes, what does it hit?
  20. When my server is slow I tip less, but I've never had one crash. Sometimes they go on break, though.
  21. You and I have had our differences, but there's an aspect to your situation that hasn't really been addressed in this thread. Assuming that the baby is yours, the fact that the mother is a "colleague" adds complexity to whatever you do to try to regain the trust of your long term partner. My best guess is that you periodically need to work late, as does your colleague. If you're both litigators, that really can't be avoided. If saving the relationship with your long term partner really is important to you, you might want to explore ways to manage your career so that you and the baby momma work in different places. Maybe that's not a realistic option, but your long term partner is more likely to believe that she can trust you in the future if your conduct (not just your words) shows that you will do whatever it takes to end any relationship with the baby momma. If your long term partner was my sister, I'd tell her that if you weren't willing to do whatever it took to get the baby momma out of your professional life, she should leave you. You asked for it unvarnished (which I respect). So there it is.
  22. Don't all 3 or 4 CONCACAF teams that make it to Brazil participate in a random draw that determines the other teams in their group? If so, there is no advantage to qualifying in first place (other than psychological): http://www.footballworldcup.org/finals-format.html The under 20 match against Ghana will be televised on ESPNU (not ESPN or ESPN2).
  23. Sorta sounds like you were a stranger in a strange and wonderful land . . .
  24. My oldest brother Darryl wants to know why she wanted your youngest out of the house on her birthday - - what should I tell him?
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