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Everything posted by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead

  1. Odds of him beating the rap may be slim, but he hasn't been convicted of anything yet. Nor has he admitted to violating the law, AFAIK. So there is some slim hope that he can avoid any league discipline.
  2. I thought Rob Johnson was an NFL QB for a little while, so I can't throw stones.
  3. My all time favorite was the claim that we had a "fast paste offense" - - given the number of points we were scoring at the time, it was pretty accurate, but I think it was unintentional. Hard to tail some times.
  4. Prior to this game I viewed Easley as big and relatively fast, but not very elusive. On a couple replays where they had a camera isolated on him, I was surprised at his short area quickness. I know it was against scrubs, but he looked quick and elusive coming off the line of scrimmage. It was encouraging. Wonder how much credit Ike Hilliard should get for the overall good showing by the WRs in this game?
  5. Here's a link to the full text of the Washington Post article in which Cohen's quote (the one in your sig) first appeared, and a relevant excerpt: http://articles.washingtonpost.com/2013-02-15/national/37115717_1_high-risk-pools-insurance-oversight-health-insurance It may be a little ambiguous, but it sure looks to me like the author of the Washington Post article placed that quote where it is because, based on the entirety of the interview with HHS director Cohen, he/she believed Cohen's quote was referencing high risk pools. Fortunately for me, I've always been fairly healthy so I'm no expert on health care, but I do know that high risk pools pre-dated Obamacare. People can read the article and make up their own minds whether the director of HHS was likely to have been openly criticizing the wisdom of Obamacare - - seems unlikely to me. I'm neither defending nor attacking Obamacare, just trying to parse the wording of the Washington Post article. Cue snarky response with no analysis of the source article's structure . . . .
  6. 15371 text messages in 3 months? 15371/92 = 167 text messages/day When did they have time to get busy?
  7. Saw a good one yesterday (technically it was on a license plate bracket, but it still counts): I Still Miss My Ex But My Aim's Improving
  8. Well at least she has a good grasp of how long it takes to die from a hunger strike - - NOT!
  9. Slightly off topic, but I have the same credit card, and use it the same way. I was a little disappointed when Rapid Rewards switched from flight credits to points, because I used to be able to take cheap short hops on my dime and then use the reward flights for longer, more expensive flights. It worked out to about a 2% return on all my credit card purchases. After they switched to a points-based system, I lost that option. I'm using my "transition award" under the old system for a long flight this fall. Since my return will now be less than 2%, I really should look around to see if I can get a better credit card deal elsewhere.
  10. OK, I get that that's the context in which your response arose - - to me it doesn't matter how big the store is. I also get that the timing issue was your reason for starting the thread, but it quickly moved in the direction of right/wrong issues with your willing participation. I think it's pretty accurate to say that we frame the issue differently. I think that it "begs the question" to say that the question is whether you should pay again (because in my view until you are out the money you haven't paid at all, you have only honestly tried to pay). My guess is that you are correct that you have no legal responsibility to help others fix the problem, but if you can fix the problem with a simple phone call, I come out differently on the moral and ethical responsibility. It's your choice, but if it's me, I pick up the phone and try to make sure the final outcome involves funds being transferred the way everyone intended at the time the transaction was first made. Thanks - - I'm curious if there's a generational gap on this issue - - I'm older than you.
  11. Just saw this thread - - and I'm firmly in the camp that you received goods for which you have not paid (despite trying to), and the right thing to do is pay up. It's not a close call for me. When you say things that imply that it's OK to screw a big grocery store company out of the money because they're big, I don't need to know anything else about your moral compass. If you don't mind me asking (it's OK if you do mind cause I'm a bit of a privacy freak myself), how old are you?
  12. I think your memory or the article are wrong. See article IV of the NFL Constitution & Bylaws at: http://static.nfl.com/static/content//public/static/html/careers/pdf/co_.pdf The way "Home Territory" is defined, Toronto is in the Bills home territory. If the NFL wants to put a team other than the Bills in Toronto, Ralph gets paid.
  13. Ezekiel Ogawbundi. I have not heard even a whisper about him.
  14. "Whaddayamean it was my turn to bring the balls? - - we're just taking mental reps today. Why do you think there's nobody here to catch 'em?"
  15. I found 2 for ya - - is it OK if they're both named Darryl?
  16. Aaron Hernandez just shot Tom Brady!!!!
  17. It's just a computer model - - "garbage in garbage out."
  18. Try punkin chunkin - - you could take out squirrels from about a mile away with one of the air cannons: http://www.punkinchunkin.com/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/67840039@N08/6329293844 I saw one of the annual "world championship" punkin chunkin competitions on the Discovery Channel a while back - - looked like a hoot. I'd like to see one in person some day.
  19. Oops, make that "found in Gondwana:" http://www.weather.com/news/science/nature/bizarre-500-million-year-old-creature-unearthed-20130626 Bizarre echinoderm my a$$ - - sounds like all they found was an ancient pants-snake. Everybody knows even Gowanda has plenty of those.
  20. Couple thoughts: 1. Think about what kind of questions you can ask that will show that you are already thinking like someone in the regional manager position. Can't tell you exactly what to ask - - but you want to give the impression that you've already thought about how to switch from (1) managing worker bees, to (2) managing other managers. It could be as simple as asking the interviewer how he/she made that same transition. 2. Afterwards, send a simple, direct, non-brown nosing email to the person(s) who interviewed you thanking them for answering your questions and re-affirming that you want the new position. In this thank you email, less is more. Anyway, that's my 2 drachma - - Good Luck!
  21. A similar story in Las Vegas from early 2010: http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2010/jan/02/they-forclosed-wrong-house/ I hope Ohio law is at least as favorable to the homeowner.
  22. If her account of the bank president's remarks is accurate, he is incredibly stupid. It would be interesting to know how the dispute eventually gets resolved - - but if the bank has competent legal counsel any settlement will almost certainly have a strict confidentiality clause.
  23. I'm unclear - - are you saying that (1) the people who actually received the overpaid money will eventually pay it back to the federal government in the form of estate taxes when they eventually die, or (2) the farmers who already died paid more in federal estate taxes upon their deaths than what they were improperly paid later after their death, or (3) the government will track down the people who actually received the improper cash and make them pay it all back before they die?
  24. http://www.askthecommish.com/salarycap/FAQ.aspx Or if you want the exceedingly turgid and dense version: http://images.nflplayers.com/mediaResources/files/2011CBA.pdf
  25. If you want to take the time to understand if the penalty is correct, read about the "safe harbor" provisions based on your prior year's adjusted gross income. It's my undestanding that it basically works like this: No matter how much you made in 2011, and even if you made millions more in 2012 than in 2011, if your combination of 2012 withholding and any estimated tax payments made in 2012 equals at least 110% of the total income taxes you paid for 2011, then you owe absolutely NO penalty or interest at all [assuming that you (1) timely paid all of the remaining tax owed by April 15, 2013, and (2) your withholding and any estimated tax payments were evenly spread out each quarter]. More details here: http://www.irs.gov/p...040es--2012.pdf If you have another banner consulting income year in 2013, your "safe harbor" will have a much larger base (because it will be based on the very good financial year you had in 2012). So failure to pay estimated taxes in 2013 would have greater consequences.
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