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Everything posted by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead

  1. Good year - - yes. Career year -- no http://www.profootballhof.com/planyourvisit/2010/9/13/a-piece-of-history-handed-off/
  2. The Bills decided to refurbish the stadium, and then former Pro-Bowler Moorman re-appeared, so: Field of Dreams
  3. Traveled forward in time - - maybe - - but how'd you get back? http://news.discovery.com/space/brian-cox-time-travel-is-easy-kinda-130911.htm
  4. Assuming that most posters here are American, this thread proves the validity of the story. You all missed the fact that it was written by Kimberly Hefling, who happens to be an AP writer who went to Kansas State University, which, being in the middle of the country, is about as American as you can get: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/kimberly-hefling/9/2b3/38b So as a dumb American, she probably did not interpret the data correctly. Which means that when she concludes that Americans are dumb, she's likely wrong about that. Which means that in all likelihood, Americans are actually smarter than everybody else. Get it now?
  5. And getting paid for it - - nice work if you can get it.
  6. http://www.skyvalleychronicle.com/FEATURE-NEWS/STORE-CLERK-FIGHTS-OFF-ARMED-ROBBER-WITH-MACHETE-br-Lives-to-tell-the-tale-1500756 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDO9tVU078o
  7. I saw a TV news reporter interview a former member of the same motorcycle "club." He said that the stretch of road where the incident started was straight and flat, and therefore the type of road where club members liked to do tricks on their bikes. He also said that it was common for some of the "club" members to block any following traffic to make the road safer for the guys doing the tricks. It's only speculation, because the guy being interviewed wasn't there - - but it might have started when one of the bikers tried to slow the RR so his buddies would have a clear stretch of road to do tricks.
  8. Sooner or later, somebody's gonna wind up dead: http://www.nbclosangeles.com/video/#!/on-air/as-seen-on/Motorcyclists-Shut-Down-Freeway-for-Marriage-Proposal/188954571
  9. That's the one CNN mentioned. Because he wrote it "with" somebody (just like the one that sucked - - can't remember the co-author's name on that one), I won't buy it absent glowing reviews. Really liked all the stuff he actually wrote by himself, though.
  10. CNN says he has an unpublished novel that will go on sale in a couple months. Hope it's one he actually wrote. I've read nearly all his books, but got snookered into buying one that he "co-wrote" with somebody else. It sucked - - I think he just licensed the use of his name for that one.
  11. From Forbes about 6 months ago: http://www.forbes.co...f-u-s-tax-code/
  12. Couldn't agree more. If we can nip that sort of conduct in the bud by tossing a few people out, this will be a much better place. I'm glad somebody understands that. If you let people get away with starting a few small fires they will grow and get out of control, and pretty soon even a truck full of firemen won't be able to put out the flames: Thanks for making this a better place for Bills fans. A lot of folks have been here longer than me, so it's not really my place to make suggestions about how to run the place. But I think this is a great community and I appreciate your efforts to keep it that way. Can't wait for tomorrow's game! Go Bills!
  13. I think he was pretty loose already. Maybe not loose as a goose, but gettin' there.
  14. I would suggest who the upright cow represents, but I don't want any warning points - - let's just say the fans are on the far right:
  15. Hernandez was # 1 on the Patriots death chart when Gronkowski went down, and look what happened to him. The death chart is a pity me of irrelevance on game day.
  16. I like a lot of different kinds of music, some popular and some not. I find it amusing when self-appointed music afficionados consistently believe that their musical tastes are more refined than everybody else's, and therefore as the enlightened ones, they can judge what groups/songs are somehow "worthy." Get over yourselves.
  17. She was a fox, but she's color blind. My SUV is not green.
  18. I sure hope Jeff Tuel doesn't read this.
  19. Well if they're going to blend in with the real fans, they're gonna have to have sex in the restrooms at least every now and then, just like those teachers did.
  20. There is no "perfect" power ranking. But if we win the Super Bowl, and after winning the first regular season game the next year Kate Upton announces the rankings and goes topless just before saying we're at # 1, that would be close enough for practical purposes.
  21. If you want to time travel into the future to see next week's Jets game, you just need to move really, really fast. But if you want to go back and watch the Carolina game again, you'll need a wormhole: http://gadgets.ndtv.com/others/news/time-travel-possible-but-only-to-the-future-english-physicist-419370
  22. Maybe this is why it seems strange: It's 1% based on current market value for new owners, but there are lots of people who bought CA homes that have seen their property taxes go up 2% per year since purchase, but their long term appreciation rate go up by far more than 2% per year. So anybody that bought a CA home before or at the early stages of the bubble now pays annual property tax at a rate of significantly less than 1% of current market value. That brings the average rate for all taxpayers (including recent buyers and people who bought long ago) down below 1%.
  23. For a state by state comparison of average property tax rates as a % of market value, based on 2007-2009 data, see: http://local.dexknows.com/property-tax-rates-by-state-find-out-where-you-rank/
  24. I think Buddy was napping in the back of one of the wagons. Ralph was too cheap to buy him a cot for his office.
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