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Everything posted by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead

  1. http://www.thepostga...ack-controversy Young did that despite signing what at the time was the richest contract in athletic history: http://news.google.c...pg=3494,5017265
  2. Today is the second time this year that I've been mystified about why the Bills did not instruct their kick-off return man to bring the ball out of the end zone just before the half. New Orleans kicked off with less than a minute to go before halftime, and only had one time out left. Ordinarily you may not want the return man to bring it out from near the back of the end zone, but that's because most times he may not reach the 20 before being tackled. But if you already know that all you will do is run out the clock when you start at the 20, why not tell the returner to bring EVERYTHING out. If he gets tackled at even the 5 or 10 yard line, there's no harm done, because you can kneel down to run the clock out from there just like you could at the 20. But with a dynamic returner, you might get a big return that gets you into position for a long FG or even a touchdown. Especially today, when Goodwin was the return man on the play. Even if he has to jump to catch the ball before it sails over the end line, tell him to bring it out! Taking a touchback in that situation just seems dumb.
  3. C'mon Drew, you led almost the entire game - - - it's my turn!
  4. The laser - - if research experiments using them to try to create controlled nuclear fusion ever succeed, you can bet the laser will be on this type of list soon after. http://www.bbc.co.uk...onment-24429621
  5. Gateway to the Hardangervidda?
  6. http://news.yahoo.co...-153852876.html You need to look at the picture in the article at the above link that Big Cat reproduced below (thanks!). If you believe that there are so many squid fishermen shining flashlights into the water that they look like this from SPACE, and create more upward shining light than South American CITIES, you'll believe anything. Ask yourself this - - why would a NASA satellite be looking for squid fisherman at night in the first place? Maybe the Baltic Sea underwater aliens are on the move . . .
  7. Billy Crystal agrees with you . . . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7as0YzOPGo
  8. Maybe the Lakers will retaliate by locking the stall doors closed in the bathrooms during Laker games.
  9. I used to work with a guy who gave the initial impression he was a good family man - - but then I got to know him better.
  10. I hope they don't let you wear Bills-themed clothing at work: http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=adjective
  11. Although it was not posted, shirley somebody was thinking - - "Any updates on this asteroid stuff?" http://www.weather.com/video/new-asteroid-threat-39672
  12. Turns out you can: http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-10-17/houston-texans-running-back-arian-foster-is-going-public?campaign_id=yhoo
  13. Either way, thanks for looking. It doesn't affect the NFL one way or the other, but there are or have been foreign owners of major league baseball and NBA teams: http://www.nytimes.c...all/24nets.html (New Jersey Nets) http://mynorthwest.c...chi-passes-away (Seattle Mariners)
  14. Shows how much you know - - - here's the real scoop: https://www.haiku-os.org/about/faq#1 Why people think that using a computer go-rhythm to "create" fluent poetry is such a great thing is beyond me - - the computer does all the work. Where's the creativity in that?
  15. Griese owned us then Seventies were lost decade Brady owns us now
  16. I haven't seen that restriction, although the NFL Bylaws document is pretty dense and I've only read parts of it. If such a restriction existed, that's where I would expect to find it. Any link or other source re the "domestic" requirement? Just curious. Hope Ralph has a nice birthday - - he can't have many left at his age.
  17. Food for thought from a 12/16/12 Toronto Sun article: http://www.torontosu...t-for-the-bills Things obviously didn't turn out the way the Rogers corporate people hoped with respect to ticket sales and fan turnout, and Ted Rogers is dead, yet they renewed, despite knowing about the 7 year lease extension in Buffalo? Makes me wonder what their "game plan" is now, and why.
  18. C'mon man! If we give Easley snaps at WR he is more likely to get hurt, and then who's gonna be the gunner in punt coverage, Hogan?
  19. For a more extensive summary of the same survey, published by the organization that conducted it, see: http://www.apnorc.org/PDFs/Working%20Longer/AP-NORC%20Center_Working%20Longer%20Report-FINAL.pdf A finding hinted at but not disclosed in the OP's useful but more cursory summary article:
  20. Too bad we didn't have three timeouts left after that play. We could have made them punt, told McKelvin to fair catch it, and given Carpenter a shot at a free kick field goal try with no rush as the first half ended.
  21. Finnish finish first in the North American wife carrying contest - - note that the female being carried doesn't need to be your wife: http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/1521777 Wonder if Juror # 8 competed, and if so, who he carried?
  22. The game is 1/3 offense, 1/3 defense and 1/3 special teams. Easley "starts" as a gunner on the punt coverage team. Given how often the Bills punt, do you really want to risk Easley getting injured at WR so that Hogan has to be the gunner in punt coverage? I think not.
  23. Me neither, but my theory is that I may not have seen enough boobs yet - - need more research!
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