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Everything posted by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead

  1. Maybe: http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20131218/14533925607/intelligence-task-force-hints-nsa-manipulating-financial-systems-changing-amounts-bank-accounts.shtml
  2. You're pretty close. According to Forbes, it's $176M - $206M (for a single winner), depending on where you live: http://www.forbes.co...illion-or-less/
  3. "Extraterrestrial neutrinos" found in Antarctic ice: http://articles.latimes.com/2013/nov/21/science/la-sci-neutrinos-20131122 Coincidence? I think not.
  4. Goodwin has great speed. He's almost always gonna be faster than the db trying to cover him. If you're gonna throw it to him deep, the longer the ball is in the air, the more separation Goodwin will usually get (assuming the ball is not under thrown). Laser would be appropriate if you were trying to hit him in the window behind the corner but in front of the safety, but Goodwin is fast enough to get behind a lot of safeties, too, because they will underestimate his speed.
  5. Goodwin doesn't have any crackers named after him - - 'nuff said.
  6. http://www.kristv.com/news/passenger-left-alone-inside-locked-united-jet/#_
  7. North Korea's leaders have been whacko for some time now. Wonder if Dennis Rodman's flamboyant NBA career was just a deep cover for his real CIA job?
  8. One of the comments in the OP's link is about a kid who chopped up his imaginary friend and put him in the fridge. Sounds like a young TBD member to me. Somebody 'fess up . . .
  9. Sure I'll have a beer - - bottoms' up! Wait . . . . . . . What?
  10. 1. Team uninspired by cost-saving Cessna flyover at home opener; 2. Marrone adopted new motivational philosophy - - put Wide Right and Music City Miracle on a continuous video loop in weight room; 3. Excess speculation caused by movie sequel to Weekend at Bernies' being titled "Summer at Ralph's;" 4. Whaley forgot to test potential draftees for superior temporal sulcus thickness; 5. Team shouldn't have hired Maybin as strength and conditioning coach; 6. Experimental ESPN drone camera crash injured Jeff Toole and prevented him from getting crucial experience in second half of final preseason game; 7. TBD re-instated "Last Post Wins" thread causing world-wide Internet crash and onset of new Dark Ages; 8. Shouldn't have hired Conrad Murray as team doctor; 9. Kiko Alonso sought greater individual challenge by leaving sissy team and trained at the North Pole for the Iditarod - - the legend grows; 10. Letting Bon Jovi hold for field goals if he promised not to buy the team seemed like a good idea at the time.
  11. something nice about the previous poster (y'all can't follow directions)
  12. General Daniel E. Sickles (he wasn't in Orchard Park, but he was in the Peach Orchard).
  13. Now we can launch them from submerged submarines: http://www.cnn.com/2013/12/06/us/submarine-drone-launch/
  14. AC/DC was laboring in obscurity as merely "AC" until this "thunderstruck" groupie named DC Tom showed up and taught them the value of including players from all teams.
  15. Uconn taught his nephew LeBron how to take it to the hole.
  16. "Are You Ready For Some Football " - - because by Christmas time it's always crystal clear that we weren't.
  17. Frank, don't you know ANYTHING about pop culture? Sure, they're takin' pictures, but if we're gonna be as famous as Robin Thicke and Miley Cyrus, ya gotta get off your lazy arse and get behind me!
  18. The brown tree snakes are fighting back with Operation Spank The Monkey - - they coated nude photos of Katy Perry with venom, slithered them to the Air Force base, and left them at the barracks.
  19. I knew my smartphone could spy on me, but my TV, too? I gotta get more tinfoil: 1. http://www.fiercebigdata.com/story/lg-caught-red-handed-spying-viewers-smart-tvs/2013-11-25 2. http://www.fiercebigdata.com/story/google-beta-testing-tracking-mobile-users-everywhere-they-go-even-when-not/2013-11-13?utm_campaign=AddThis&utm_medium=AddThis&utm_source=twitter#.UpTmr4AoyZ4.twitter
  20. After the Oakland loss to Dallas, we now know that if there is a 2-way tie between Oakland and the Bills, Oakland will win the tiebreaker based on conference record. By what you call the "reverse engineering" method upthread, it goes like this: Oakland is already 0-4 against the NFC, while Buffalo has already beat NFC team Carolina. So no matter what the Bills do in their remaining 2 NFC games, Buffalo will finish with a better record against the NFC than the Raiders. That means that the only way the Bills and Raiders can possibly finish the season with the same overall record for all 16 games is if the Raiders finish with a better record in the 12 games against AFC opponents than the Bills. You may find this analysis overly complicated, but it allows you to know the outcome of some potential two-way ties long before the season ends.
  21. What's your source? I had never heard this before and found it surprising, so I decided to check it out and found this article published in the last month: http://sportslawnews...lfing-expenses/ If you read the whole article, the deduction in Canada is for 50% of the cost, not 100% of the cost. I also found this 1996 Interpretation Bulletin published by the Canada Revenue Agency: http://sbinfocanada....r/it518r-e.html The "private box" and "hospitality suite" that can be deducted sound a lot like "luxury box" and "club seating" to me. But they are only 50% deductible, so unless you have a better source, I think you are half right.
  22. The Bills and their owner, like any other NFL team, are bound by the terms of the NFL Constitution & Bylaws. It can be amended from time to time by vote of the owners, but the 2006 version is the most recent that I have been able to find. You can read it here (if you have a few days): http://static.nfl.co...ers/pdf/co_.pdf Figuring out what it says is made slightly easier by the fact that it has a table of contents at the beginning, and like any other pdf document, you can use a search box that will jump you to particular words used anywhere in the document. The NFL Constitution & Bylaws are relevant to several issues being discussed in this thread. First, there was no need for Wilson to "stake a claim" to the Toronto market by playing games there. The NFL Constitution defines the Home Territory for each team and makes Toronto part of the Bills' "Home Territory" without Wilson lifting a finger. I don't have time to reproduce the language in this post (I'm traveling soon for Thanksgiving), but it is spelled out in Article IV - "Territorial Rights." You can read exactly what it says starting at page 12 (it's page 14 in the pdf search box because the pdf search box assigns page numbers to the table of contents but the internal document page numbering doesn't). Second, because Toronto is already included within the existing "Home Territory" of the Bills, I think it is unlikely that any owner of the Bills would need to pay a relocation fee even if he eventually started playing all of the team's games in Toronto. The Giants didn't need to pay a relocation fee when they moved their stadium across a state border from NY to NJ - - why should the Bills have to pay a relocation fee just because they cross an international border rather than a state border? You may consider them to be the "Buffalo" Bills. The NFL Constitution defines them, in effect, as the "Anywhere Within 75 Miles of The Buffalo City Limits" Bills. Third, as Buftex pointed out, the other NFL owners have to approve any new owners of the Bills. See Article III, section 3.5, entitled "Transfer of Membership," starting at document page 6 (pdf page 8). Wilson and his heirs can't sell the team to anybody without approval of the other owners. Finally, the way the NFL Constitution & Bylaws defines "Home Territory" gives the Toronto folks a powerful incentive to bid higher for the Bills than they might for any other NFL team. If the Toronto people buy say the Jags or Rams and want to move them to Toronto, there would be a relocation fee, and the Bills would need to be compensated for another team moving into the Bills' existing "Home Territory." The Toronto people arguably avoid those expenses entirely if they buy the Bills and eventually build them a new stadium anywhere in the Toronto area that is within 75 miles (as the crow flies) of the nearest point of the Buffalo city limits. Gotta run - - hope everybody has a nice Thanksgiving.
  23. Huy Fong is the name of the Taiwanese freighter that the company founder left Viet Nam on: http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-02-21/sriracha-hot-sauce-catches-fire-with-only-one-rooster
  24. Other: http://www.theonion.com/articles/area-man-can-remember-exactly-where-he-was-what-he,34647/?ref=auto
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