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Everything posted by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead

  1. Then again, maybe not: https://bulk.resource.org/courts.gov/c/US/488/488.US.445.87-764.html
  2. Maybe I'm underestimating the speed required to get answers that can be used to make in-game decisions, but I don't think we're talking about the level of complexity required to forecast the weather, model nuclear explosions, or model molecular dynamics: http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/122159-what-can-you-do-with-a-supercomputer/2
  3. http://www.thegoodphight.com/2014/3/17/5509330/phillies-possibly-acquire-supercomputer-to-become-awesome I don't think the Bill will shop for their analytics dept. hardware that way, 'cause Buddy Nix isn't in charge of it..
  4. That's the point - - a Cray seems like serious overkill for both jobs. It's like somebody put Buddy Nix in charge of the analytics department.
  5. Maybe the umps should get one, too, so they can more quickly determine when the count reaches 3 strikes or 4 balls. There's something to be said for getting the right tool for the job.
  6. http://ftw.usatoday.com/2014/03/an-mlb-team-spent-at-least-500000-for-a-supercomputer/ A $500k Cray supercomputer? To analyze baseball stats to make in-game decisions? I got no problem with computer-aided in-game decision making, but a Cray? Really? Are they gonna be playing in an alternate universe where things happen orders of magnitude faster than on earth? Is Buddy Nix moonlighting for some MLB team?
  7. http://www.torontosun.com/2014/03/16/mlse-plans-to-spend-big-bucks-to-upgrade-bmo-field The definition of intertwined is forthcoming? WTF does that mean?
  8. http://scratchingpost.thespec.com/2014/03/milton-making-sense-of-mlses-moves.html http://www.thestar.com/news/city_hall/2014/03/07/mlse_city_pushing_to_move_argos_to_bmo_field.html
  9. Privacy intrusions in the name of commercial data collection are a related problem, but information is power not only for the data collectors, but for consumers as well: http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/how-to-defend-your-privacy-online/ And if you don't think commercial data collection is a potential problem: http://www.cbsnews.com/videos/shocked-to-learn-how-data-brokers-are-watching-you/
  10. OK, maybe you've got a point - - I WOULD consider hiring T.J. Graham for part time work during the offseason with an option to bring him on full time later. He couldn't catch a cold, so he oughta be reliable.
  11. I suppose you could use them as human shields . . . but then who's gonna work the late shift at my Martian Mighty Taco?
  12. Tell that to the bereaved survivors of the Nahua and the Murunahua tribes in Peru: http://www.uncontactedtribes.org/articles/3106-uncontacted-tribes-the-threats
  13. Wouldn't it be ironic if the "master plan" was for Ralph to pay Parker under the table to shepherd young Pro-Bowl caliber players off the roster so that Ralph didn't have to pay them Pro-Bowl caliber salaries? But that couldn't be the case, 'cause then the Bills would just make bigger profits in a small market, Parker would take the heat from fans, and Ralph ain't cheap, right? . . . . . right?
  14. First off, Suttle's a Canadian. Second, his area of expertise is marine virology in the world's oceans, so OF COURSE he's gonna be more concerned about rising sea levels. But Pithovirus Sibericum was found in melting permafrost, not in the ocean. C'mon man - - think a little. http://www.cifar.ca/curtis-a-suttle So he's not only Canadian, he's an "expert" about something "little is known about." Yeah, and I'm an expert on how to make burritos on Mars. If I was concerned about viral effects on sperm whales or puffer fish, maybe I'd listen to Suttle.
  15. Well here's some good news: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/ancient-virus-resurrected-after-30000-years-scientists-say/
  16. Sorry - - I scanned thread titles but didn't make the connection.
  17. I guess it's OK to burn the American flag as a form of protected protest speech, just make sure you don't wear one to school on Cinco de Mayo: http://www.cnn.com/2014/02/27/justice/california-school-american-flag-shirts/
  18. I realize that it may no longer matter to you, but I happened to see a news report today that both Ford and GM are going to be offering large incentives on new pickup trucks - - seems dealer inventory is high because unusually harsh winter weather affected sales for several months in a row. Here's a news blurb about it - - I'm sure you could get more details with a little google effort: http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/business/2014/02/ford-gm-offer-big-incentives-after-flat-sales/ Sorry to be the voice of temptation, but thought you'd want to know.
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