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Everything posted by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead

  1. OK, this is pure speculation, and it differs from what AP's "source" reported as to stadium location south of Buffalo, but how about . . . . 1. A stadium in Irondequoit to replace a vacant mall owned by Scott Congel? Don't know how big the parcel is. Irondequoit is within 75 miles of the Buffalo city limits, so it's within the Bills' existing territory in the NFL By-laws. It would be central to the Buffalo/Rochester/Syracuse corridor. If the NFL wants to eventually grant Toronto its own franchise, this would allow the Bills to rely more on the Rochester and Syracuse markets and less on the Toronto/Southern Ontario population that might be cannibalized if Toronto gets its own team. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/news/2014/03/14/scott-congel-medley-centre-irondequoit/6431965/ http://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/yp/2014/01/12/irondequoit-macys/4441997/ http://blogs.reuters.com/david-cay-johnston/2012/06/01/how-corporate-socialism-destroys/ http://www.distance-cities.com/distance-buffalo-ny-to-irondequoit-ny Again, the above is pure speculation, but it might make business sense if the NFL wants to eventually put a team in Toronto. NFL could also require the new Bills owner to give up claims to the Toronto market as a condition to being approved to buy the Bills. Edit: If you scroll down to Appendix 10 in the link below, you will see an aerial photo of the now vacant mall site. In the upper left corner of the aerial photo, it looks like there is a football field and baseball field on nearby property, which gives a sense of scale when trying to figure out whether a stadium could be built on the site: http://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/83324/medleyfeisvolumeiii.pdf This link contains a different aerial photo, and says Scott R. Congel bought the entire property in 2007: http://www.democratandchronicle.com/story/money/business/2014/01/08/medley-centre-timeline/4381747/
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Pyramid_Companies http://www2.erie.gov/ecrpts/index.php?q=real-property-parcel-search
  3. MLSE has agreed to start some renovations to BMO Field, but further modifications to allow the Argos to play there are on hold pending receipt of funding from the provincial and federal governments: https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/news/mlse-boss-leiweke-said-organization-not-closing-door-230647375--sow.html There has been speculation that the NFL might require that the Argos' CFL future be secured before Toronto can get any NFL franchise.
  4. Sometimes I need to sleep despite my screen name - - I'm not cybernetic.
  5. http://rt.com/usa/161248-bionic-particles-terminator-michigan/
  6. Looks like Parveen's father won't be allowed to buy the Clippers any time soon.
  7. Hard to pick just one, but I'd probably go with Saving Private Ryan or The Usual Suspects. Some other candidates I did not see mentioned above: The Deer Hunter American Graffiti Chariots of Fire Network Unforgiven Risky Business - - just 'cause sometimes in life ya gotta say WTF Body Heat
  8. If the Republicans retake the Senate this fall, Schumer won't be holding any hearings about anything for a while. From the US Senate's own website: https://www.senate.gov/general/common/generic/about_committees.htm Opinions vary on how likely it is that the Senate will change hands this fall.
  9. Insane Clown Posse would be apt - - they wouldn't need to clean house after buying the team. Or as I posted in another thread, how about The Offspring - - they could play all 11 of Travis Henry's kids on special teams in a few years.
  10. I think The Offspring should buy the team and field all 11 of Travis Henry's kids on special teams.
  11. Praseodymium, Iodine, Nitrogen, Carbon, Iodine, Phosphorous, Aluminum Sulfur, Uranium, Carbon, Potassium, Sulfur Molybdenum, Oxygen, Selenium Carbon, Oxygen, Carbon, Potassium
  12. Nope - - in 1997 the Bills negotiated for and received the right to name the stadium whatever they wanted in 1998 - - Ralph chose to name the stadium after himself: http://www.sportsbusinessdaily.com/Journal/Issues/2005/05/20050516/Other-News/In-Profile-Bills-Owner-Ralph-Wilson.aspx?hl=SFX&sc=0
  13. After a brief introduction, this link contains a slightly more complete "transcript" of Jones' remarks: http://blogs.canoe.ca/krykslants/nfl/jerry-jones-jon-bon-jovi-an-outstanding-candidate-to-become-an-nfl-owner-jones-take-on-future-and-buffalo-vs-toronto/
  14. Lucky you: http://arstechnica.com/business/2014/05/comcast-time-warner-cable-still-have-the-angriest-customers-survey-finds/
  15. You give Darryl too much credit - - maybe you're thinking of my other brother Darryl.
  16. Don't get to go camping as often as I'd like, and have never used a solar charger, but have wondered if it would be worthwhile - - they seem a little pricey for how infrequently I would use one: http://www.outdoorgearlab.com/Solar-Charger-Reviews/buying-advice
  17. "After retiring from the CFL, Aaron Maybin bought an odd-smelling tube of skin cream from Michael Jackson's estate, demanded that he be called 'J. Edgar,' and found his true calling." Too soon?
  18. I tried googling "rental real estate for robots," but all I could find was: http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/real-estate-investing-for-dummies-cheat-sheet.html Seriously, although I haven't read the book, the bullet points listed at the above website sound reasonable. Not sure if there are better landlord association options, but you might want to explore this website as part of your "homework" - - there must be some sort of apartment owners' association in NH that would give you access to some of the info you're probably looking for: http://aanh.pilera.com Good luck.
  19. Maybe so, but my brother Darryl says Don Esmonde ain't the only clueless one. Darryl realizes that (1) a new owner may have higher financing costs than Ralph because the new owner may have to borrow part of the purchase price as compared to Ralph, who bought the franchise for peanuts long ago, but (2) any new owner can use something called the Roster Depreciation Allowance (the "RDA") to write off 1/15th of the purchase price of the team every year for the first 15 years of ownership - - something Ralph could NOT do because he bought the franchise so long ago that Ralph's team "roster" had already become fully depreciated in Ralph's hands. For the sake of argument, let's say that your assumption that the new owner has to borrow 50% of a $1 billion purchase price, and therefore incur $40 million of financing costs is just a smidge high. Let's say the new owner's cost to finance $500 million is only slightly less, at $35 million per year (it makes the math easier for Darryl). You say that makes the new owner's annual profit zero, as opposed to $35 million during Ralph's ownership. But that doesn't take into account the RDA. If the purchase price is $1 billion, a new owner who structures the transaction and his other business ventures properly has the potential to shelter $1 billion/15 = $66.7 million of his otherwise taxable income from the IRS every year for 15 years. That's a $66.7 million annual tax shelter for the new owner, that Ralph didn't (and couldn't) have. Don't believe me? Read these links: http://www.forbes.com/sites/mikeozanian/2012/04/06/new-dodgers-investors-will-get-big-tax-breaks/ http://econ.la.psu.edu/~ecoulson/veeck.pdf http://deadspin.com/5816870/exclusive-how-and-why-an-nba-team-makes-a-7-million-profit-look-like-a-28-million-loss It's true that the RDA tax write-off is available to any new owner, whether that new owner is a local WNY guy or somebody from out-of-state. So the availability of the RDA doesn't cut one way or the other with respect to giving bidders from any particular geographic location an advantage in the bidding. That means you can still criticize Ralph's estate planning if you want - - but Darryl thinks you shouldn't go gettin' all high and mighty about "the economics of the NFL as it pertains to keeping the Bills in Buffalo." 'Course, Darryl's a moron - - Momma had him tested.
  20. Well, that explains the weight gain! Seriously though - - Congrats!
  21. My brother Darryl don't like peta bread, but he still says that ain't right (he should know).
  22. http://www.staffannouncer.com/houstoncomeback.htm
  23. Take comfort in knowing that you're making the best decision you can about what's best for Ginger. That's all you can do. If you eventually decide to get another dog, maybe you should name her Mary Ann.
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