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Everything posted by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead

  1. Nickell Robey has already been nominated as the most correctly rated Bill in this very thread, and you can't say that about him.
  2. Well I guess that means there were at least a few non-nollidgible posters who liked the Maybin pick when it was made, which would certainly make Maybin uncommonly incorrectly rated. But if Jim Kelly was even less uncommonly incorrectly rated, wouldn't that make Kelly more correctly rated than Maybin? At least that's how my brother Darryl sees it.
  3. You may be right, but personally I'm gonna wait and see how he responds if he ever takes a huge hit in the Pro Bowl from some all-world guard or tackle. If he responds to the big hit like Moorman did, that would make me think that Alonso's over-rated. If you're gonna be correctly rated as a Pro Bowler, ya gotta be able to shake off a big hit, regardless of how much the Japanese TV announcers talk about it.
  4. Scott or Bobby? Maybe Beerball's right about the time aspect of the question.
  5. Sorry if I missed quoting you. But maybe you missed the part where I said I agreed with you about Cordy Glenn. Gotta admit, though, that now I'm having second thoughts. I don't think most nollidgible posters believe Maybin was correctly rated, but do you think Cordy Glenn is more correctly rated than Jim Kelly?
  6. Cordy Glenn is pretty good, but he isn't the same caliper player as either Lawrence Taylor or LaDainian Tomlinson. So regardless of which one you consider the ultimate LT, I have to agree with you there.
  7. He was playing for the NFC at the time. Guess which conference the Cardinals are in? It's not my fault there's so much confusion about the hit the Amish Rifle took.
  8. Only in the Northern Hemisphere, because of the Cory Olis heat index effect.
  9. Who has time for research? But just to satisfy you, here's proof that it was Moorman who took the big hit in the Pro Bowl. If you watch the clip to the end, you'll see that the hit was so big, they even talked about it on Japanese TV. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTtOaDvf8co
  10. There are widely varying opinions about Manuel on this board, so if you're saying that it makes no sense to consider Manuel correctly rated, that's bound to be true for some posters, but not for others. I would have preferred a little more thought about whose correctly rated and whose not.
  11. Trent Cole of the Eagles did go to the Pro Bowl in 07: http://www.pro-football-reference.com/years/2007/probowl.htm But even if he was correctly rated as a Pro Bowl caliper player, he was never a Bill as far as I know. Can't say whether he ever lived with his sister, though. By the way, that 2007 Pro Bowl roster lists Fitzgerald as a Pro Bowl receiver from AZ, so maybe that's where the confusion arises about Fitz taking a shot in AZ. Lots of people got the Fitzpatrick name wrong and called him Fitzgerald even though he played in Buffalo for quite a while. I always preferred just using his nickname - - the "Amish Rifle" - - didn't matter to me that he wasn't a techno-geek.
  12. Pretty much everybody now agrees that Trent was over-rated by Bill Walsh, so if you want to nominate Trent, you should do it in the "over-rated" thread. Besides, they play the Pro Bowl in Hawaii, not AZ.
  13. Trent never made the Pro Bowl, so I'm pretty sure it was Moorman.
  14. There just seemed to be a logical hole in the threads about how Bills players are rated, so I thought I'd fill it. My vote is for Brian Moorman. He seems to be accurately rated as a washed up punter. He's never been the same since he took that big shot in the Pro Bowl. Kinda like when Fitz took that big shot from the Arizona safety after a promising start to a season one year. Which Bill do you think is most correctly rated, and why?
  15. Re midterm Senate races: http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2014/politics/key-races/
  16. October Sky. Not sure how it did at the box office but I had never heard of it before a friend recommended renting it.
  17. Why do people always talk about angels dancing on the head of a pin? I'd be more interested in how many can dance on the pointy end. Rumba? Waltz? Hip-hop? Polka?
  18. Well, I suppose going blind could be a problem for a Rooskie cop, so they had to do something . . .
  19. Here's one, but the athlete died, so it's not your average sprint as punishment situation: http://www.athleticbusiness.com/athlete-safety/legislation-stemming-from-high-school-football-player-s-death-affects-kentucky-coaches.html
  20. He's been immoralized by Carrie Underwood:
  21. Hey Bandit: This isn't my brother Darryl's main area of incompetence, but he tells me that because Ralph lived in Michigan (and reportedly named Littman and another Michigan lawyer as 2 of the 4 trustees), Ralph's trust is probably governed by Michigan law. FWIW, here's a Michigan law firm's online description of some of the duties of a trustee of an irrevocable trust under Michigan law. Some of it is actually readable - - Darryl culled out a few sentences of interest, but read the rest of the link if you want to know more: http://www.macombcriminalattorney.com/duties-of-trustee Darryl thinks we should hope that the trust document clearly spells out ways in which the trustees would NOT be required to sell the team to the highest bidder. If that isn't clearly spelled out, the trustees risk potentially huge liability if they somehow favor a local buyer over other potential bidders willing to pay more. Absent clear authorizing language in the trust document, if there is even a remote possibility that some beneficiary of the trust would later complain that the team should have been sold to some other bidder for a higher price, Darryl expects that Littman and the other Michigan lawyer (if reports that they are 2 of the 4 trustees are accurate) will veto any sale "discount" for a local bidder. Unless some reporter/journalist/blogger can identify and locate a cooperative beneficiary willing to request and turn over a copy of the trust document, we may never know what the trust document says, if anything, about Ralph's objectives for the disposition of the team. It won't matter what Mary wants if there is any ambiguity at all about whether the trust document allows a sale to someone other than the highest bidder. And even if the trust selects a local bidder at a discount, seems to Darryl that the NFL could veto the sale if more than 1/4 of the other owners would prefer a different owner at a higher price. Then again, Darryl's an incontinent moron, so take this with a grain of salsa.
  22. 1. Can't remember specific titles, but when I come across an old low budget sci-fi movie where you can see the wires holding up the spaceships, I'm hooked. 2. Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.
  23. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x316ke_the-beatles-hello-goodbye_news
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