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Everything posted by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead

  1. 1. I always wondered why the punting team didn't tell one of its linemen to intentionally false start, rather than just having the punter stand there without any urgency to get the ball snapped. When the punter just stands there and is obviously not trying to get the ball snapped, everybody in the stadium knows that the punting team wants the 5 yard penalty. If you have an O-lineman false start, look disgusted with himself or better yet point at a D-lineman, and get yelled at by a coach, maybe the receiving team accepts the penalty. 2. I also wonder why coaches don't have the punter commit the obvious delay of game penalty, wait for the receiving team to predictably decline it, and THEN run a fake punt. Seems like it would increase the deception about your intentions to fake the punt with very little chance that the 5 yards would be walked off before the fake.
  2. https://www.yahoo.com/tech/s/european-probe-plants-thermometer-comet-090840001.html
  3. "Leave the chewing gum home, and next time you can have a shiny chest pin, too."
  4. FWIW: http://www.lauferknapp.com/Articles/Divorced-Parents-Responsibility-And-Financial-Obligation-Towards-Their-Children-s-College-Expenses.shtml
  5. http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/11/13/philae-sends-earth-the-first-ever-photo-taken-on-the-surface-of-a-comet/
  6. Never served, but I'm well aware that freedom isn't free, and I'm grateful for those who risk their lives defending it.
  7. ​Alien version of a Trojan horse? After all, how dangerous could something shaped like a rubber duck be?
  8. Jump to conclusions much?
  9. We should not allow Pegula and his wife to fly on the same plane.
  10. Just make sure you disclose your own prior internet posts identifying idiots (i.e., those having "unrealizable intellectual capacity") as prior art, because if you don't, the idiots might band together and file a "Walker Process" type antitrust class action suit against you. I sh*t you not: http://www.law360.co...iction-question
  11. http://time.com/3551651/virgin-galactic-crash/ I'm thinking that all 18 of Them hadn't left yet. The human co-pilot died, and the alien pilot's superior biology allowed him to survive.
  12. Had to laugh at one of the comments: "The Jets just found their next QB."
  13. Keep in mind Achmed's Razor - - if the solution sounds crazy you can hide it in plain sight (in the Middle East, anyway). The Reagan era "Star Wars" space-based missile defense system was designed to shoot DOWN at objects rising from the earth's surface - - not exactly what we need in this situation, so from the perspective of putting your head in hind site it's not surprising that the "Star Wars" program was killed. The bigger question is what we had to give up in negotiations to get the Lockheed Martin truck-sized fusion reactor. Follow the money (or in this case the planet's natural resources, which amounts to the same thing).
  14. Turns out, there is already an update on this - - the CIA/N$A want you to think the mission failed and their story is that the satellite might crash into the moon: http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-satellite-reboot-fail-20140710-story.html So why is the McDonald's still abandoned?
  15. Apologies if previously posted, because the story isn't very recent, but I found the idea of commandeering an old NASA satellite and establishing mission control for it with used parts in an abandoned McDonald's kind of intriguing: http://betabeat.com/2014/08/civilians-in-abandoned-mcdonalds-seize-control-of-wandering-space-satellite/ Any conspiracy theories about how the CIA/N$A are really using this now that the space shuttle program is kaput?
  16. Back to Jose Canseco - - I think he got eliminated from this competition in an early heat - - the final event and medal stand scene at the end crack me up:
  17. Wonder if they would consider a slightly used Antares rocket?
  18. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/27/tesco-penis_n_6056414.html
  19. Spontaneous combustion, or alien abduction?
  20. I get laughed at for the foot thing and you get to play pocket pool in public? What's up with that?
  21. The Electric Company turned on the Juice back in the day, but if Wood opens a hole I bet Boobie also gets excited.
  22. you and your teeth don't sleep together.
  23. If we start cloning and re-naming dictators, I want Adolph Williams to be our offensive coordinator, and Idi Williams at guard: http://content.time.com/time/covers/0,16641,19770307,00.html In his prime, I bet Idi could pancake Wilfork.
  24. If so, you probably don't post here much, but you meet one of the requirements to be hired as an "accounts payable coordinator" for the Bills: http://footballjobs.teamworkonline.com/teamwork/jobs/jobskey.cfm?s=Bills But don't lose hope if you're a jerk. A pleasant attitude is NOT listed as a requirement to be the team's "accounting manager" or its "payroll manager." Was there an accounting department purge?
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