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Everything posted by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead

  1. I know nothing about the "bimbo wannabe actress" he's dating, and I'm no fan of the guy. But unless his marriage vows included something about what he promised to do for the first year after "death do us part," or he started getting involved with the bimbo while his wife was still alive, his current dating habits may say something about his judgment, but they don't reflect poorly on his character. His kids should be happy he has a life, cause their mom was the one who died, not him.
  2. If she was Paulina Columbia from Vega she'd have a more credible claim to being Miss Universe. I could get behind her as Miss Earth, however.
  3. If I could bring just one back today? Bob Kalsu
  4. How about March 14 in 159 AD?
  5. I always liked "Love On a Real Train" by Tangerine Dream in the late night train scene in Risky Business: and I also thought "Humans Being" by Van Halen in the competitive storm chasing scene in Twister was pretty good, too:
  6. January 20th, Dear diary, People are so mean. They tease me because they think that coaching the Bills to a winning record for the first time in like forever isn't really a miracle, so I haven't earned the right to be called Saint Doug. Well I've got news for all the haters. If I can't perform miracles, how did I get my dog to author his own video diary? 'Splain that to me, Mr. Whaley. When the Pope visits Philadelphia, I'm gonna give his whole Ynez this link, and we'll see about who deserves sainthood: I miss my testicles, too, Saint Doug
  7. January 19th Dear Diary, Thought I had the Fireman Ed Doug gig with the Jets, but the helmet was too small. I tried to persuade them that the small helmet made my hose look bigger, but to no a veil. Go figure. I've still got coach of the Orange on my resume. Maybe I'll look for a team named the Lime or the Tangerines or maybe even generic Citrus. Fruit teams always love me, Doug
  8. January 18th, like really late at night (or is it early in the morning - - who cares, I can sleep when I'm employed) Dear Diary, Things are looking up. Remember Fireman Ed, that Jets so-called "fan" who quit on his team? Woody says I'm the perfect guy to replace him - - they've still got the fireman's helmet for me to wear. I've got a private interview for the job soon (I wonder why they called it an audition?) Don't know if I'll have to bring my own hose to the games - - mine's pretty short so maybe Hack-it can hold it for me. XOXO to me, Doug
  9. Liffey Skender is complaining about the school name? Liffey?
  10. You ever see Tom Brady play the real world Bills in a game that mattered?
  11. Well assuming that's all true, the solution is pretty simple. For every kamikaze songbird that splats against the stadium, the following year you put a domestic cat wearing a video cam in each hedgerow infested with killer cowbirds. You pay one guy to monitor the video feeds, and when the cats have killed just the right number of brown-headed cowbirds the guy stops watching the video feed and herds all the cats back into the stadium. But you need to start with an accurate count of the number of kamikaze songbirds that splat into the stadium each year. So you have a fan promotion - - any fan who brings a dead kamikaze songbird to a home game gets to pick out a free kitten from the cat quarters. Net impact of the new stadium on the songbird population is zero, you create a video monitoring job to help the local economy, brown-headed cowbirds get what's coming to them, and fans get free kittens! Everybody wins (except the cowbirds).
  12. A little more info about what happened: http://www.foxsports.com/buzzer/story/arroyo-valley-coach-michael-anderson-suspended-after-beating-bloomington-high-161-2-011515
  13. Disagree. The NFLPA approved a collective bargaining agreement that contains a standard form player contract that gives each team the contractual right to cut a player (even if he has a multi-year contract). Exercising a contractual right to terminate a multi-year contract does not amount to "failing to honor it." Here's a link to the 2011 collective bargaining agreement: https://nflpaweb.blob.core.windows.net/media/Default/PDFs/General/2011_Final_CBA_Searchable_Bookmarked.pdf It's really long, but the standard player contract starts at page 256. Section 11 of the contract, at page 260, reads:
  14. You have about as much imagination as Doug Marrone.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJhjf7KUyko
  16. Fish love you - - women fear you.
  17. Hey, we've got nothing better to do during the playoffs for the last decade and a half, so I'll start with: Whaley gets Watkins Egotistical Marrone Coaching carrousel I'm sure y'all can do better!
  18. That's not obvious to me. You can at least make an entirely rational argument that despite having a bad offense, you should take risks on 4th and 1 if your defense is so good that failure is not likely to result in points for your opponent. Especially if your offense is in a situation where one more first down puts you within FG range for a kicker as reliable as Carpenter has been. Because you can make rational arguments to support either decision, it would be interesting to see what the analytics department would recommend based on actual in-game data (say for teams with a similar overall defensive and offensive ranking). My sense is that NFL coaches in general are far too conservative, but that's a hunch based on no real data analysis.
  19. If I pick the home playoff game, Brandon won't have my name or number, and I won't have to deal with the endless calls asking me to come back.
  20. My brother Darryl says the Bills should use the Coors "blue mountain" technology to make white uniforms that turn a little more blue every time Orton throws a pick: http://money.cnn.com/2009/07/13/smallbusiness/chromatic_color_changing_ink.fsb/
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