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Everything posted by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead

  1. Sorry, but I'm unclear. Are you saying that: (1) your ex-wife had a very savvy divorce lawyer who drafted the divorce paperwork, and you had a separate lawyer of your own who "said you couldn't fight it unless she signed a written waiver of her right to it?" or (2) you consider your own lawyer the "very savvy divorce lawyer?" I know that sounds like an odd question, but answering it may help guide my efforts to assist you if I can (and as my time allows).
  2. I have never claimed any particular educational background or work history in my posts. I'm ignorant about a lot of things, but let's just say this sounded odd to me. So I did a little googling on the inter web tubes and found this, which appears to be a Coast Guard-authored summary last edited in 2010 describing how the Uniformed Services Spouses' Protection Act works : https://www.uscg.mil/ppc/ras/fmspouse.pdf I don't have time right now to dig deeper, but unless the law significantly changed in the last 5 years, which seems unlikely, it appears that you may have been misinformed. Based on just this one Coast Guard publication, it sounds more like a court has to establish what portion of your retirement pay (if any) your ex-spouse is entitled to get in the divorce, and AFTER a final court order establishes that entitlement, the ex-spouse can use the provisions of the FSPA to get paid that portion of your retirement pay directly. That's all I have time to investigate right now - - may not be helpful but thought you should know. Couple questions: 1. What state court issued the final divorce order? 2. When was it signed by the judge? Good luck. And thanks for your service.
  3. What, all the jumping frogs are in Calaveras County? I guess it costs less to feed and train crickets. The more I think about it, though, I can see some serious potential problems with housing your frog team and your cricket team in the same place.
  4. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/24/isis-star-wars-tunisia_n_6936188.html?cps=gravity_2687_-1468180974458704232
  5. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/market-implies-greek-devaluation-1530-drachma-versus-euro
  6. Forwarding the info was smart. John McAfee (the guy who built a cybersecurity empire at McAfee Associates) made a fortune, but got fooled by whoever was impersonating Ben of FedEx. Next thing you know, he's faking a heart attack in Guatemala to avoid being extradited to Belize because he's being investigated for the murder of his neighbor there. The Belizian authorities came for him at his island estate in Belize (I absolutely sh*t you not about any of this except the "Ben of FedEx" part). http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2015/02/10/john-mcafee-tennessee-security-legend-futuretense-alabama/21712017/ So you clearly did the right thing. But I would avoid getting into the Belizian booze business (despite the illiteration, as Darryl says). If you can't afford a security detail, you might at least want to get some guns and a pit bull. Just my 2 rupees.
  7. I wanna find the bast**d who had the nerve to impersonate "Ben of FedEx." Maybe Eleanor of Aquitaine was catfishing?
  8. I wonder if she likes squirrels?
  9. I wonder what aliens think of squirrels?
  10. Personally, I could do without squirrels.
  11. Just my opinion, but from the way you've described your situation/preferences in multiple posts, that's the wrong question. Unless you've had a change of heart (no evidence of that in this thread), the question should be: How will my prospects of getting my dream job next year be affected if I switch jobs before then? Answer may somewhat depend on the age of the person making the hiring decisions for the dream job. The older that person is, the more inclined he/she will be to look unfavorably on a history of early or frequent job changes. At a minimum, you should think about how you would explain a job change now to the hiring manager for the dream job if it opens up next year. OTOH, better to excel at a different job now than to be so bored you suck at this one for a year. Sounds like the current job isn't really that bad, though, if you feel like you're learning a lot. Just my 2 drachma. This question deserves its own thread.
  12. 1. "Ramona Refugee" or 2. "Prodigal Son" or 3. "Got A Ranch For My Ex-Wife" and put "best trade I ever made" in your signature line. or 4. "I'm Back" and make some version of this picture from The Shining your new avatar:
  13. I like the way the front office is finally spending serious money on free agents, but even a geneus like Doug Whaley probably won't be able to find enough cap loop holes to bring ALL those guys in. Especially if Miami doesn't match the offer sheet Clay just signed with the Bills. Or is there some salary cap trick I'm missing? Maybe restructure Mario, or roll some future cap space into this year?
  14. Well, teams that dominate their division and win multiple Super Bowls would certainly never try such a hair-brained scheme: http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/story/17079776/belichicks-longshot-cornerbacks-get-tough-super-bowl-draw In the 2004 season, the Patriots switched Troy Brown, already a veteran WR, to CB - - and won a Super Bowl. Brown was second on the team in interceptions that year. Do the google thing on the interweb if you don't believe me. In 2011, the Patriots had Julius Edelman (a young veteran who already had 2 years pro experience at WR) play both WR and cornerback, and lost a Super Bowl when David Tyree of the Giants made the miraculous "helmet" catch to beat them. He was not being covered by Edelman at the time. So by all means, let's bury a great athlete like Hogan on the WR depth chart - - and watch some other team play in the big dance. At least Easley gets to contribute on special teams.
  15. Wait just a minute. Break coverage, or just break the law? Was Hogan really "always open," or did he just steal Da'Rick Rogers' identity during training camp? Maybe we should trade Hogan to New England and re-sign Da'Rick to play corner. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/06/18/nyregion/us-seizes-14-7-eleven-stores-in-immigration-raids.html?_r=0
  16. Random entry AND a post on the railing:
  17. If you have that much trouble trying to assign a point to the post, maybe you should consider the possibility that it is simply informational. I only used the words "joke thread" in my very short intro because I used the phrase "Sign of the Necropolis" (rather than "sign of the apocalypse") as a "tag" in the thread title. But you caught that, right? The ACLU often represents minorities and the downtrodden or less popular parties against more powerful or more popular interests, so it is facially surprising that they sided with a billion dollar NFL franchise against the American Indian "minority" in this particular case. It's not really a sign of the apocalypse, though, because they did so based on their interpretation of free speech principles. I'm fine with that. If you need to assign a "point" to an informational post, maybe you're the one with an agenda.
  18. As "Veins" pointed out, that isn't such a bad idea. I wouldn't mind seeing Dareus at FB on the goal line knock some Patriots on their a$$, like Refrigerator Perry did in the Super Bowl:
  19. If you think this is a joke thread, you'd be wrong - - filed in federal court on 3/5/15: https://www.aclu.org/sites/default/files/assets/2015_03_05_-_doc_76-2_-_aclu_amicus_brief.pdf
  20. OK, I get the part about him being "a rookie because he really has only played 2 years in the NFL." Score 1 on "thinking outside the box" for you. But there's president for the Bills successfully moving an undrafted WR to the defensive backfield, even after he spent a few years on the practice squad working his way up as a WR. https://evonsports.wordpress.com/2011/10/12/for-bills-wilson-path-to-success-has-been-well-traveled/ George Wilson was the MAN in the Bills secondary. He almost single-handedly beat the Patriots one game when the guys actually drafted to play in the secondary gave him a little help. http://www.wgrz.com/sports/article/136185/4/Bills-Defense-Intercepts-Win http://www.titansonline.com/team/roster/George-Wilson/7b7c030f-af43-473c-bcb2-8885200ee734 It's not Wilson's fault he didn't grow up on a corner lot. But he became a very good safety - - good enough to still be on the Titans roster TODAY. Hogan could be even better at CB. I don't know about you, but I'd like to actually beat the Patriots again some day. Scoff if you want, but Hogan to CB might get us there.
  21. Well, OP does want to Bring Back [Craig] Ferguson . . .
  22. Pay attention - - "corner lot" suburbia according to my source - - not "middle of the block" suburbia. Don't shortchange the guy just cause he's not as aptly named as Reggie Corner.
  23. I have it on semi-unreliable authority that he grew up in a house on a corner lot - - so he should be a natural.
  24. I hope your real name's not Darryl. I've got enough of those! Glad the info was useful.
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