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Everything posted by ICanSleepWhenI'mDead

  1. It might hit the moon instead of earth: https://www.space.com/the-universe/asteroids/city-killer-asteroid-2024-yr4-could-hit-the-moon-instead-of-us-scientists-say But here's the more troubling part of the above article: "So far, astronomers have only observed 2024 YR4 using telescopes on Earth, and they've estimated its size by measuring the amount of light that bounces off the asteroid. But this is a fairly imprecise estimate. Instead, JWST will measure the heat emitted from the asteroid itself, which will create a much clearer picture of the asteroid's size and surface composition."
  2. Further study of the asteroid's orbit has increased the calculated risk of earth impact in 2032 to 2.3 %: https://time.com/7225374/do-you-need-to-worry-about-asteroid-2024-yr4-hitting-earth/
  3. Remember when all we had to do to beat the Patriots one year was down a kickoff in the end zone, so Leodis McKelvin ran it out, fumbled the ball away, and the Patriots beat us for the umpteenth straight time? Incredibly, the genius later said that if he could do it all over again, he would STILL run out of the end zone with the ball. If he got elected to Congress, he would raise the average IQ of our current representatives: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/ufo-moving-underwater-republican-rep-tim-burchet/
  4. 2. And to prove that's not a lucky guess: If the bouncer said "57" - - the correct response would be "6" BTW, jersey numbers 12 and 6 are worn by WRs on the Baltimore Ravens practice squad: https://www.baltimoreravens.com/team/players-roster/ If they get called up for the game, Benford might have to cover them.
  5. << Sign in the prove you are not a bot most everyone I click on link >> All your base are belong to us ! ! !
  6. Captain Kirk would be proud of you - - you beat the Kobayashi Maru scenario: https://www.startrek.com/videos/watch-star-trek-ii-the-wrath-of-khan-how-kirk-passed-the-kobayashi-marus-no-win-scenario
  7. Whether or not the entire movie was any good, what opening scenes did you find most memorable? I've got 2 - both had great music that perfectly set the mood for the visuals: 1. 1st Top Gun - - fighter jets taking off at dawn - - with "Danger Zone" playing in the background; and 2. Chariots of Fire - - a British track team running barefoot on the beach to Vangelis' score. Whatcha got?
  8. Epenesa Does Good Eventually
  9. It's what the native Indians called Wisconsin before the first settlers arrived.
  10. Y'all need to take an old folks wellness exam. Something like remembering "Person, woman, man camera, TV" for a few minutes.
  11. "Outgassing" on an unmanned Russian spacecraft re-supplying the International Space Station recently had an "unusual odor:" https://www.cnn.com/2024/11/25/science/astronauts-space-station-odor-russian-module Fuel leak or the aftermath of alien bandit farts? Wonder if alien cultures say - - "He who smelt it dealt it."
  12. I never used it, but Costco used to have a new car buying service that basically did exactly that. Maybe they still do. I figured that the service would get a good but not great price - - seems likely that dealers would quote a pretty good price to get the Costco sales volume but some of the applicable savings would wind up in Costco's pocket to pay Costco for providing the service.
  13. "Don't tell Hailee, but if you draft a 1st round run stopping DT, I'll make sure you sit at Margo Robbie's table at the wedding reception."
  14. I don't even know who won the North American Wife Carrying Championship this year: https://findarace.com/us/events/north-american-wife-carrying-championship
  15. 1. Cassius Clay Wouldn't need the other 2 (because they wouldn't actually fight the most famous man on the planet at the time), but might as well have some eye candy - - the bar patrons wouldn't even know I was there: 2. Scarlett Johansson 3. Margot Robbie
  16. If you like quirky and somehow find yourself in Zagreb, Croatia, I highly recommend the Museum of Broken Relationships: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Museum_of_Broken_Relationships It's a hoot!
  17. Brian, there's no truth to the rumor that the New Jersey Giants just gave Tony Soprano our next garbage disposal contract.
  18. If I'm understanding your post (might not be because some of it was a little vague), you (1) paid him a fee or commission up front for him to handle your money, (2) paid him either a fee or a percentage of the profits when you "cashed out" after five years, (3) let him keep the quarterly dividends paid on the stocks that he bought for you rather than adding them to your account, and (4) let him use funds in your account to periodically buy extremely expensive dinner/wine for the 2 of you. Just because you never came out of pocket to pay him at any time other than day 1 when you first invested and day (365*5)= 1825 when you cashed out, doesn't necessarily mean he wasn't getting a commission every time he sold "Science and Research in Germany" and re-invested the funds in "Technology in Japan." Constantly shifting your money around every few months, if he was getting a commission for doing it, is sometimes called "churning" the account. Are you sure he didn't get a commission every few months when he sold one type of investment and re-invested the funds someplace else? If you made a bunch of money with this guy that's great (if you had "capital gains" it sounds like the investments did make money), but did you ever calculate what NET annualized rate of return you got over the 5 years and see how that compared to what the S&P 500 did over the same time frame? I'm guessing no, but I could be wrong. Free advice is worth what you pay for it, but my free advice is that anybody who only casually follows Wall Street might want to read "Where Are The Customers' Yachts?" https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/288897.Where_Are_the_Customers_Yachts_
  19. FU money is extremely satisfying, because it liberates you. You can get there more quickly if you don't spend $450/couple on dinner/wine.
  20. Ya gotta keep 'em separated:
  21. Like me, my dumps have a rebellious streak, and sometimes refuse to go with the flow.
  22. I played hookie from grad school with a couple buddies so that we could go see the Dodgers on opening day. We were looking forward to watching Jerry Reuss (sp?), then the Dodger ace, pitch. We were extremely disappointed that he had some sort of injury and some rookie we never heard of had to take the mound to start the game. It was Fernando, who went on to set some sort of record based on how he started the season. Not sure if it's been broken. Might have been most consecutive scoreless innings (over several games) for a rookie starting his major league career. Can't remember exactly, 'cause that was a long time ago. Glad I skipped classes that day.
  23. <<Tony Bennet, the amazingly successful basketball coach at the University of Virginia announced a shocking immediate retirement, effective immediately.>> Rumor has it he's taking a job at the Department of Redundancy Department.
  24. I quit following the USC women's beach volleyball team, but the injunction should never have been issued. It was a public beach, and I never touched anybody.
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