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Everything posted by racecitybills

  1. Is he suspended from Beer pong or Cornhole? No need to suspend him from football- he no longer plays-
  2. LOL- so true----where is the grainy video? Has Rex been blamed yet? He has been to Dallas before-- Has Whaley been blamed yet? I will bet he scouted there- What about Seantrell- was he MIA at that nightclub?
  3. Maybe I have missed it but did Henderson report on Thursday? Can one of the CRACK staff at TBN stop bashing EJ long enough to let us know?
  4. What??? The boot off this soon??? How did TBN not know about this? Has Rex made contact with Sammy? How many times has he reached out? TBN please please make up some stories!!
  5. So you write a complete BS story? Create the AWOL player story? Are you serious? So he supposedly reached out and the agent did not return his call right away so now he is AWOL? Turn anything you can into the most negative story possible-
  6. Wait. Let me get this straight. Our source for Rex's actions or non-actions is the Buffalo news? really? That's our source?
  7. How many times have the Nabob's from the news trashed the front office at One Bills Drive? How many times? How many different writers? Henderson's agent had to reach out to Tyler Dunne? are you kidding me? A supposedly professional writer at a supposed big city newspaper did not even call his agent before classifying him as AWOL? What utter incompetence- somehow this will be Rex or Whaley's fault though-
  8. Another stellar example of a nattering nabobs of negativity. Just plain make up some BS story- of course making it a negative doom and gloom story - rather than doing your job and actually checking something out. Should be fired for the "moving on" article.
  9. Amen brother Old Vic has morphed into the Never write anything positive if you can spin the negativity.
  10. Found another definition: na·bob ˈnābäb/ nounhistorical plural noun: nabobs --A Moronic individual who constantly complains. Invents conspiracy theories where none exist. Finds the most evil answer to any subject. Sometimes disguised as radio talk show hosts, sportswriters or posters on fan sites in the Buffalo NY area. Believes Rex Ryan and Doug Whaley were time travelers on the grassy knoll in Dallas. Appearance resembles Jerry Sullivan.
  11. The leading Nabob- Jerry Sullivan- apparently did an interview on CBS radio - his glowing assessments of Rex and the Lawson deal are exactly what a nattering nabob of negativity is- Jerry could see a rainbow over the Falls and would B word about the mist-
  12. I am on the positive side- have lived in several parts of the country (including LA area) as a Bills fan and the negativity that our "fans" sometimes exhibit is awful-
  13. The next few days will be why I sometimes hate being a Bills fan- The negative BS about to start spewing on this site and on WGR will be monumentally ugly- Let the negativity begin!!!!
  14. "Can't make it rain without the 'Pagne"
  15. Well- lets see the Prezzie of the FOP is defending his guys- apparently at this club while in a Bible study- "his guys got the brunt of it" "Maybe McCoy should stay in Buffalo" or some such- not a chance we will ever get the true story here- witnesses will become amnesiacs- The FOP will twist this into an attack and whoever is involved on the other side will be held responsible for it all-
  16. I amazed how this board takes bits of disjointed information and runs with it- Holy Cow can we wait until a report is issued?
  17. Is there anything that can get this guy "retired" ? - Bills fans have been putting up with this "Nattering Nabob of Negativity" for decades. Now he embarrasses his employer and his region on a national scale- Time to go Jerry- you are stealing your employers money-
  18. Had the chance to meet this coaches family this fall while watching a Bills game - it is sometimes amazing to read the backgrounds of the people in this sport- great "pedigree" - comes from a football family and has great experience-
  19. I just love the intelligent discussions here- is this Jerry?
  20. Totally agree- bring in anyone you can to help improve the D- excellent experience- has had up years and down years - Somewhat ashamed at times to read the rantings on this board-
  21. Is this Jerry Sullivan's secret TBD poster name? Wow- what a killjoy-
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