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Everything posted by racecitybills

  1. Hey folks- 50+ years a Bills Fan here- Damn sick and tired of caring more about a game than the players and coaches. Utterly pathetic yesterday. No changes apparently from One Bills Drive- See ya next year Pegula's- checking out for this year again- CHECK PLEASE!
  2. Every week we have to beg for a simple call. Such incompetence
  3. I have been a total supporter of staying the course BLOW IT UP TOMORROW!!!
  4. I have been a total supporter of staying the course BLOW IT UP TOMORROW!!!
  5. Promo has it right. The nattering nabobs of negativity will keep on nattering no matter what we do Natter on Nabobs!
  6. Gonna have to keep scoring. Raiders not going away
  7. Wow how much are we down by?? This board is flipping out.
  8. Seriously I did not think it was possible to have worse officiating than the Monday night game. I was wrong
  9. Is it really this hard to get competent refs ?????
  10. You all need to really chill. I cannot carry a tune in a bucket and have zero musical talent. Aretha Franklin is a national treasure and that was an amazing rendition. Get a life
  11. He couldn't be Trump. Trump is actually right. He must work for CNN/MSNBC/cbs/Nbc/cnbc/ or any of the MSM
  12. Four straight three and out. FIRE REX!!
  13. Is that three consecutive three and outs?
  14. Two consecutive three and outs FIRE REX!!
  15. This defense stinks!! Oh sorry. Nice 3 and out
  16. Maybe a new coach every month? You be happier then? What a ray of sunshine you are
  17. Should spielman be wearing a bengals cheerleader outfit or is it my imagination?
  18. Mooresville NC. 25 miles or so north of Charlotte. At least 3 bills bars I can go to any game. Big bunch of bills backers down here
  19. Unreal how the saps in the media have spun a dirty play by an attention starved sympathy queen into a racism thing. Never get between Sherman and a reporter. He will take you out worse than he did carpenter
  20. Thug is actually the perfect word for him according your definition. Also the perfect name for josh brown. Both violent thugs. Sherman should have been penalized for unnecessary roughness not roughing the kicker. There was no play. No kick because the refs were killing the play because Sherman was unabated to the kicker. No different than unabated to the qb and you bury him you are flagged. Richie the thug wants to pretend he is a bad dude. So take responsibility
  21. Yahoo sports already started the racist nonsense because apparently they believe the nut cutting goes back to Slavery. You can't just be pissed off anymore if a thug tries to end your husbands career. You have be careful you don't offend someone. Time to go to our safe spaces
  22. ESPN now having a little pity party for Richie the thug Sherman Only on the most liberal pos network in the world could any of last night be twisted into sobbing for Richie the thug. Now turning Carps wife into a racist for her tweet after a thug who can't control his rage gets called out for not controlling his rage WOW
  23. If in fact what I am reading/hearing is true- Sherman's hit on the kicker was legal and finishing a play (clearly a "killed" play as the official has admitted) Sherman's hit on the last play of the game was a legal play- (QB out of the pocket) Then this now needs to be taught: 1. On any critical kick attempt deliberately go offsides, ignore the whistle and wreck the kicker> Just "finishing". 2. On any play where a QB leaves the pocket wreck any receiver with any cheap shot necessary. It's a whole new ball game!
  24. Not a snowballs chance in hell that either Sherman or the official 5 yds farther away could tell if Tyrod was outside the pocket They swallowed the whistles and not in our favor
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