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Everything posted by racecitybills

  1. enough is enough - sit his ass down - get focused and play ball!!! stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid
  2. Posted this elsewhere but---- Tasker specifically said the rule is that if your foot touches over the line before the kick you are offsides- they ran the replay- froze the frame showing his leg ahead of the line- when they resumed the clip his foot then hit - after the kick- if Tasker is right, he was not offsides. As an aside, what bug does Tasker have up his hiney about the Bills?
  3. Gotta be honest here- CBS genius Steve Tasker said that the foot has to touch over the line to be offsides- they showed the replay- froze it- and when it ran you saw his foot touch after the kick- I am not sure if Tasker is correct but if he is then Easley was not offsides- that of course did not fit CBS narrative of the Bills being so horrible due to penalties so they did not show again-
  4. Finally! a positive person! cheers! this season is going to be a great adventure! Go Bills!
  5. "Rent Free" Manuel say it quickly enough and it sounds like "EJ" He is living rent free in their heads!
  6. I Have a new name for EJ to be used when discussing about WGR's unbillevable obsession with this guy- "Rent Free" Manuel- he is living "rent free" in their heads so we need to call him "Rent Free" instead of 'EJ" -has a nice ring to it! I listen to WGR in down in the Carolinas on my way to and from work- they are possessed-
  7. Did Not hate Orton - Did not hate Marrone- That being said......Best Week ever!!!
  8. Can there be any other reason better than this to fire this staff? Keep the defensive staff - return no one on the offensive side-
  9. Marcus Easley has become the best special teams player we have had since Mark Pike. Had two huge plays - making a stop and downing the ball deep- very under-appreciated but this guy is doing a terrific job-
  10. Also a bar/restaurant in Mooresville/Lake Norman area- called Shoals- on Brawley School rd- ez to get to from 77= many of the regular are from Big Al's I Cornelius white is under construction
  11. Governor's office is clueless- NFL (212-450-2000) offices refuses to discuss- gave me number of NFL Network- 310-840-4635 (Pacific time zone 9-5) Bills Office closed (716-648-1800) Direct TV (800-531-5000) -- customer service pretty clueless - at this point they are not showing on Sunday Ticket. If you have Sunday Ticket max they think it will be on that or the red zone channel-
  12. If you watch the Orton replay you will see when the ball left his hand Sammy had not even made his break- not even close to grounding- "all scoring plays are reviewed"--nope--
  13. "all scoring plays are reviewed" "all scoring plays are reviewed" "all scoring plays are reviewed" Apparently not..............
  14. "Season on the Brink" -- Marrone punts- There is his legacy right there-
  15. What will the "Nattering Nabobs of Negativity" in the local media say this week? WGR? The News? This is the NFL boys- you play great players every week- no performance is perfect- YOU FIND A WAY TO WIN THE GAME!!!! GO BILLS!!
  16. Shoals Bar and Grille - Lake Norman NC- our usual Bills bar, Big Al's in Cornelius is re-opening in a few weeks- some good Bills backers put this one together- 50 cent wings- Sahleen's hot dog tailgate party-
  17. i seriously wonder if the NFL has any idea how badly the games are being officiated- Is this the CFL? are you kidding me?
  18. are you kidding me Ed? WTF is going on with this NFL ? I have seen cheerleaders get away with worse-30 yards Ed? what a Kraft kiss-ass
  19. Just wanted to give you the other side of Chris Johnson- I have sons who attend his alma mater- ECU- he came to a game last year on a bye week and could not have been more friendly - posed with one of my sons for a picture and "tweeted" him later thanking him for the picture- we also had the chance to tour the athletic facilities a couple of years ago- on the weight room wall they have charts showing the football team school records for lifting- he holds every lifitng receord for skill position players - an absolute workout fiend in the weight room- Don't know the guy from Adam but I can tell you I would not mind his work ethic in the Bills locker room!
  20. Thanks for the update- but ditto the more thanks for your service- my oldest served in the Marines also - fantastic group of Americans!
  21. We were squibbing because of the penalty
  22. simple rule of footbal for a de- hold your edge and hit the te every time- spencer johnson is failing at both
  23. Hey guys- anyone have a working link today?
  24. Here is a scary quote- Was wathcing the game with my youngest son- he is 18- at a great Bills bar in Cornelius, NC with some great Bills fans- during the last couple of drives he repeated a couple of times "THIS IS THE BIGGEST PLAY OF MY LIFE!" and it hit me- we have whole new generation of Bills fans who know very little of the great days of the 90's- he was born in 1992- and guess what - those days were a long long time ago- This was a top 10 game- Love this new team!
  25. once walked by csonka in an airport n the 90's- I was stunned how big the guy was - I could not imagine trying to tackle him -
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