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Everything posted by racecitybills

  1. Eddie O is an absolute menace to society. Just wrecking things for the opposition every week. Fantastic year
  2. Was Sean Hochuli not available?
  3. The bills tush push? The Shnow Plow?
  4. Ed Oliver is a Menace to Society this year- fantastic- Thats his new nickname-
  5. This was a poorly managed sequence- Wasted 30 seconds on the first play - should have called time out and gotten organized with a couple of calls-
  6. I do worry about Josh taking hits- not the hits he creates- he is a beast and seems to always be delivering the blows. What worries me is the hit he will take someday that he does not see coming - When the ran "student body" left late in the game yesterday he cut up through the inside hole and was tripped (illegally-not called), that leg whip could have been really dangerous because he never saw it coming- Those are the hits that are going to cost him-
  7. Angry Josh gets the team going!
  8. I watched him several drives. He was really good yesterday. Pulled for two running tds. Pass pro very good. Penalty only bad spot but he had a good day.
  9. I would like to be the first person to congratulate coach Frazier on his new job. Anywhere Any team Tomorrow Good bye
  10. Great atmosphere including tailgating. All bills fans. Great Buffalo chicken pizza. Appearances by a couple of former bills on the regular.
  11. Als in Cornelius. See you there
  12. Nothing screams unity more than separate national anthems for races. Stick to football nfl.
  13. "Mac" of the the Mac Attack on WFNZ decided weeks ago he would bet his producer "Preppy" on whether or not the Bills or the Panthers would make the playoffs- Not a great bet for him- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yiTqHtWMlA&feature=emb_title
  14. Face to face. Horrible call
  15. Maybe it is just me but I think the NE clock operator, Bobby Kraft, needs more training. How is it even possible that in the most important drive of an nfl game The clock keeps running TWICE and has to be corrected? High school clock operators don’t make those errors. deliberate. They cheat at everything.
  16. Dear Pats fans: GO. POUND. SAND. Sincerely- The world.
  17. Or not. Bills denying.
  18. Well well well. Bills at the workout?
  19. Let the hounds of bills mafia be released on teddy the cheater bruschi. His biased hate of the bills in full force today!
  20. Tony dungy now making excuses for the helmet to helmet. Wow.
  21. Listening to steve Torre show on Xm. Guy with him says josh Allen brings the head shot on himself. Seriously.
  22. Amen to this thread. Why bother even having these two do the game. Completely out of touch.
  23. The kid from Rochester pulled on the last running play of the game. Absolutely blasted a guy. May have been the hit of the game.
  24. The nattering nabobs of negativity. They make every day a bad day.
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