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Everything posted by DisplacedBillsFan

  1. Once we win you know the narrative will be who didn't play and what the Texans didn't do rather than what we did.
  2. Man this feels so much different/better than the Tyrod led playoff team.
  3. Is it 4:30 yet? So pumped! When do I switch from coffee to beer? Do I put coffee in a beer? Perhaps run beer through my coffee maker? It's okay that I ate hot wings and bleu cheese at 7am for good luck, right? Hopefully this is the start of an annual thing so I can figure these things out and have traditions. Normal game day routines dont work here. It's playoffs!!!
  4. Not sure how anyone could root for this guy. Hope it's not true.
  5. Expecting a nice stress free yet exciting win. 27-10 or better.
  6. Anyone at the stadium already or know what the wind is supposed to be like on the field today?
  7. It seems like it's been at least 37 days since the last game. Man it took forever for today to get here. So pumped!
  8. Ravens (now that they've sorted out the hiccups and are in a rhythm) are the toughest team to beat in the AFC. It will be an interesting measuring stick to see if we can even hang with them.
  9. We're 6-3. Did anyone expect 16-0. We'll lose one or two we shouldn't but we'll also win one or two we shouldn't. I fully expect to be watching an 8-3 team play Dallas on Thanksgiving Day while I eat most of a pumpkin pie with two cans of extra creamy whipped cream. Sign me up for that every year.
  10. Chargers seem to always have a surplus of offensive weapons. This year, they have Mike Williams essentially as an after thought.
  11. I feel the opposite and have always rooted for Rivers, for no real reason. Perhaps because he was the other part of the trade so that whiney little doucher Eli could go to NY, and I had so much hate for him, I only had love left to give to Rivers.
  12. I mean...if they're already dead, does it really matter if they have their head?
  13. So Incognito is the best guard in the league? Wish the best guard in the league was on our team.
  14. So, these things are credited to the defense or not? Or are you saying the defense got lucky and it wasn't their talent that resulted in these game changing plays? Hey everyone, if not for the defense holding the other four teams we've beat to fewer points than us and making plays that mattered, we'd be 0-6. Man they suck making all those lucky stops. What a bunch of posers. I want them to get INTs and force fumbles only when it doesn't matter and we're up by 3 scores. Then we'll know they're a legit D!
  15. I'm fairly sure he was going to play against Tennessee if it hadn't been for the rain and wet field, or that's what was reported at least. Then we had the bye week. Sooooo....no. Not BS at all.
  16. It's been fairly apparent this year that via their ear pieces, officials on the field are receiving input from someone off the field. It's happened on multiple potential "game changing" calls that were not under review or challenged (e.g. kick catch interference in the Steelers game last night). The normal routine is the officials huddle to "discuss" it, but it's obvious they're waiting on input that's communicated to them from somewhere. Side note, I'm 100% fine with this, but feel the league should be more transparent about it.
  17. Ah. Yeah I'm not sure of the actual rules. We're not doing a great job playing 4D chess if we only put active players on the plane though.
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