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Posts posted by DisplacedBillsFan

  1. Practice squad could be the way to go. Now, I don't know the PS backs around the country, but I know there are at least some decent backs available.


    Because I live in Colorado I know Kapri Bibbs is on Denver's practice squad. He ran for 31 TDs, over 1700 yards and a 6.2 average per carry last year at Colorado State.


    Anyone know of backs in your region of the country that may be available?



    Because they aren't playing well, and haven't pretty much all season. They have won games in ALL the previous 14 seasons, but still sucked, no?


    The previous years' teams have sucked. I agree. I do not agree the 2014 Buffalo Bills suck. This is a very good football team finding its way.



    Their toughness up front particularly defensively is always a difficult matchup for our personnel. Assuming a win over Rex's jets is never a good idea


    If Jets win tonight and then we go into their house next week and win after taking care of Minnesota at home... There may just be a few more optimistic folks on this board.

  4. The jets look pretty good and much better than a 1-5 team. if we can get by Minnesota, the road game against NYJ will say a lot about how we do this season


    Agreed. Jets are not really THAT bad. They were right there in games against Chicago, GB, and Detroit.


    They have mostly been competitive and have played tough, but just couldn't pull out a W.


    Where have I seen this before? Seems so familiar for some reason.

  5. I know many feel power rankings are worthless, and while I do not always agree with the skewed representation of the perception of the best teams in the league, I do believe they serve a purpose. Taking bias out of the equation and trying to eliminate feeling slighted by the ranking of the home town team can be difficult. That being said, power rankings are usually fairly representative of how teams currently stand around the league.


    So, for what it's worth, based on this week's ESPN PRs;


    We've beat 13, 16, and 23


    We've lost to 2, 10, and 19

  6. That's right! I Billieve we'll be 9-3 headed into the Denver game. No reason we cannot win our next 6.


    We will not face an elite QB again until Denver. With our run defense playing how it is I have confidence we'll prevail with the likes of Geno, Tannehill, Hoyer, Smith, and Bridgewater trying to carry their teams. They just don't have the skill to shoulder the complete burden of their offenses.


    Pair that with solid special teams, an above average Orton, and 21 to 31 points per game from our O, and we're in great shape!



    I hear that. Sorry to pile on. But today's performance is hard to view with "pessimism". Pessimism would be like oh we lost and that stinks and i don't think we can win these close games etc. The last two weeks have been more like... wow. This is the most incompetent display of (offensive) football I've seen at almost any level. It's really that bad.


    I'm watching a real NFL game right now. Watching the saints get down but not completely crumble. Watching them to be able to run some plays and sustain a drive here or there. The way the Bills lose is just... i mean how do you describe it? How do you describe a team (or offense rather) that always shys from the moment? Never lifts the team. Better hope the D or special teams (or fred jackson single handedly) makes a play. Otherwise, forget it. 3 and out like clockwork.


    I get the offense was bad. Especially frustrating because we could have won by running more. But, hypothetically here, say PI is called on EJ's pick at the end of the game, like it should have been. Hypothetically, say he throws a TD to win the game one play later. That's one play different than what we saw. By all accounts, still a horrible game for EJ. However, we wouldn't have nearly as much pessimism, because of the win. The missed receivers, tipped passes, late throws, etc. would be an afterthought.


    EJ is a young QB. Our coaches are a young staff. Both need to improve drastically. That being said, it does the franchise no good firing coaches or benching our 1st round QB at this point. EJ has potential. Our coaches have potential to be great. They need the opportunity to learn from mistakes and take that next step.


    Don't get me wrong. I would love to win now. Orton could maybe provide this. Maybe not. I'm more interested in finding consistency to win for years. EJ needs to play so we can determine if he is part of the future.


    Also, we'll make the playoffs this year.

  8. 12) Not sure how you're seeing this. Several times EJ should have been down in the backfield but kept the play alive with some good balance and nimble feet.


    Pertaining to when he scrambles out of the pocket and up the field, yes, he goes down easy. I believe, however, this is coached and intentional to avoid unnecessary injury for extra inches.


    The people who are blaming EJ must of watched a different game than me. The offensive line opened zero holes for the running game, there was zero pass rush, and the defense gave up long ass drives. That is why we lost.


    Right? EJ had a performance almost identical to the first two weeks, both on the field and final statistics. Yet the first two weeks, because we won, he was "really developing" and "improving greatly". Now, people are calling for Orton. I get it, we lost, but not because of EJ. Just like we didn't win the first two because of EJ.

  9. If he does this well or better I'd say maybe a .500 season, or maybe even a game above that.


    IF he lives up to my prediction, and with our D...I'd put us at 11 wins.


    EJ is throwing 30 TDs this year? On the heaviest run team in the league?



    We saw Freddy catch 7 passes last week, correct? It's using our RBs in this manner (even if it is a check down and not the first, second or third option), and their ability to run after those catches, that have me believing 30 TDs is a real possibility.

  10. Let's get a little optimism going around here (or let your hate out, haters), and get ready for the 2014 season!!


    Throw out your prediction for EJ's stats at the end of the regular season. We'll worry about his post season stats when we lock up the division at the end of November.


    What say I?


    3,700 yards, 30 TDs, 15 INTs, and a 65% completion percentage

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