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Posts posted by DisplacedBillsFan

  1. I started thinking yesterday is Rex the "biggest star" in Buffalo sports history (at least outside of OJ)? I know that Jim Kelly's stardom has been on the rise lately and Gronk is up there with Rex. But it is possible that he is THE most recognizable person to ever be a part of Buffalo sports.

    Did he get a key to the city? Cause....I think that is the only way the city can determine who the biggest star is.

  2. I have to admit that when Coach Tuesday called the shot back in October I posted that I hated the idea of Ryan in Buffalo, calling him a buffoon and overrated and such. Its hard to see through the prism of fan-hood sometimes and the coach of the hated Jets is to be hated. After today, I am bought in. He had me hooked at "bully". Yeah!


    Some years ago I had a sales manager that worked for me who garnered a reputation in the company because of his relentless competitiveness which drove him to be demanding and relentless in getting whatever he needed to succeed. We used to say (with all respect) "he may be an ****ole, but he is our ****ole". I was reminded of that today.


    Seriously, I do not know how any Bills fan could listen to Ryan today and not be thrilled that he is ours. Have we ever had a coach with this kind of confidence, this kind of attitude, this kid of personality? I can't recall one. I know the last high profile coach we hired was probably Chuck Knox. The coaching carousel in Buffalo has not even risen above mediocre since Wade Phillips. Never have we had the combination of profile, confidence, ability, and enthusiasm that we saw displayed today.


    We will certainly debate ad nauseam over the coming months and the coming season every aspect of the team, every decision, and every aspect of the head coach's decisions. I have no idea if the Bills will be successful or not, although I am optimistic. It cannot be denied though that this is going to be fun. I think we turned a corner today and count myself among the converted. Get on board Bills fans - its going to be a hell of ride.



    I slightly overreacted, very negatively, when Rex was originally announced as coach. But as a couple days have passed, and my hatred of Rex's loud mouth and arrogance, fueled by my hatred of all things Jets, has had a chance to calm down, I'm liking this more and more.


    That arrogance and cockiness sure sounds a lot more like confidence when it's on your side.

  3. Not really a happy camper with this pick I was hoping we would take a long look at Kubiak


    With that in mind I hope is was the GM that could not find any offense for the Jets or players .


    Rex started out fast and faded after that.


    Hopefully he can start fast hear and Whaley and Co can keep us that way.


    The upside Rex has won without a quarterback, Hopefully he has a better choice than his past OC because sexy rexy has not done well there as a HC (hopefully it was the GM in NY)

    Careful. Not really a safe place to say you don't like the hire. Apparently the 50-52 record he is bringing town is really inspiring to most.

  4. And so are you.....its an opinion....like that stinky, unwashed thing you are sitting on. When you buy the team, you can ask people to leave the fan base....until then, its a discussion website where discussions take place.....god, why is that so hard to comprehend for some here.

    Hooray! There are some who understand thoughts can be discussed and you don't have to want to punch the other guy in the face just because an opinion differs.

  5. So as you trash the next head coach of the Bills and say he is destined for failure, that's what you're doing?

    Faithful and supportive indeed.


    (I've gotta stop feeding this troll, i know. Sorry all)

    Because he's a horrible person. Buy, okay, its not about the person, its about finding a quality HC. So, I'm willing to listen. What's inspiring about Rex's 50-52 record as a HC?

  6. For a team that hasn't been to the playoffs in 15 years, you make it sound awfully assumed that we're in the playoffs no matter what for the next two years.


    Can i have some of what you're smoking?

    Well, my friends do typically dislike my overly optimistic attitude when it comes to the Bills. I'm the guy who predicts 13 wins at the beginning of the season and am convinced we're going to make up 21 points in the last five minutes of a game after only scoring 3 points in the rest of the game...so yea, I'm convinced any coach could take this team to the playoffs next year.

  7. His defense requires cornerbacks. His GM refused to get him any. He was not given final say over his QBs on gameday. Rex was set up to fail, now he gets a chance to coach with full support from his organization.

    You know what good coaches do if their defense requires CBs and they don't have any? They scheme a different defense that plays to the strengths of the players they do have.

  8. Lol, wow. If we make it to the playoffs for the first time in 15 years (because that was clearly going to happen no mattet who the coach was [sarcasm]) you will be pissed about it because it would validate the coaching candidate you didn't support in the previous offseason?


    You sir, sound like a hell of a "Buffalo guy".

    Actually, yea. With the talent on this team and another year having worked together, we'd likely be in the playoffs next year with any of the twelve we interviewed. That doesn't mean they are all good hires.
  9. What?? What the hell is a Buffalo type guy anyway. Ridiculous comment

    A down-to-earth, we're in this together, the group is more important than the individual, I bust my *ss everyday just to scrape by and survive type of guy. Or, is that not the mentality you see everyday from folks in Buffalo? ... Yea, Rex doesn't have this. All he cares about is himself and running off his mouth to get attention...for himself.

  10. Looks like it will be Greg Roman as the OC: "The popular rumor floating around the NFL was that Ryan would bring Marc Trestman with him as his offensive coordinator. It appears that is not the case, according to Schefter, as Greg Roman, the 49ers OC, will be coming along with Rex.

    "The offensive coordinator Rex Ryan is most likely to bring with him to Buffalo is 49ers OC Greg Roman, per source."


    Oh good! Can't wait to have an offense that can't get the WRs the ball, doesn't know how to use a stud TE, and needs either the QB or RB to get 150 yards on the ground to be successful.

  11. The thing that bothers me the most is we have a really talented team that was likely going to make the playoffs next year anyway. Now this worthless sack of crap is gonna get credit for it.


    Can't wait to hear this fat POS run his mouth off all the time.


    Sorry, but he's not a Buffalo type of guy who's humble with working class roots/mentality. He's a "I'm better than everyone else" type of guy.

  12. Dream Coach: Dabo Swinney: Great offensive mind who played WR and coached on the offensive side of the ball before becoming a HC. Has also built, or made the right hires to build, a really good D. Great personality as well to handle our overwhelming media, and seems to be a guy players buy into. Oh yea, can use guys like Sammy and CJ (if back) effectively and in unique ways.

    Eh: Schwartz and Reich both fall here for me. Good minds, specific specialty areas for each, the ability to comprehensively oversee a successful team, yet to be decided.

    HELL NO: Hue Jackson...just NO.

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