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Posts posted by DisplacedBillsFan

  1. If you are near, There's a bar in Divide, CO where the manager is from Buffalo. They have wings and fish fry.

    Nice! I'm in Fort Collins, but get down to Colorado Springs a couple times a year. It'd be worth the extra drive out to Divide. What's the name of the bar?

    Wearing my Manuel jersey but I'm on the Tyrod train. Let's go boys!!!!


    Genny Light. Wanted to get the new Southern Tier OneBuffalo but hasn't made it to Rochester yet.


    Genny is my normal beer for gameday.

    I always try to get a Genny when I'm back that way, simply for nastolgic reasons! I'm in Colorado now and can't find it here, so have to take advantage when possible. There are some craft breweries making some good cream ales these days though.

  3. Taylor was electric again but for the third week in a row I saw EJ make top tier, NFL caliber throws, that I still don't believe TT or Cassel can make. Perhaps they CAN, but they haven't. Meanwhile EJ has demonstrated he can and has made the same/similar throws to what the other two are making.


    I'd accept and support TT as the starter, but definitely strongly pulling for EJ. If Cassell starts I'll just be straight up ticked off.

  4. Here's to hoping EJ ends up with numbers somewhat like this;


    1st Drive - 4/4, 45 yards passing, 0 rushing yards, Carpenter FG

    2nd Drive - 5/6, 55 yards passsing, 8 rushing yards, 23 yard TD pass to Thompson

    3rd Drive - 5/7, 50 yards passing, 12 rushing yards, 12 yard TD run by EJ


    As he exits, he has a final line of 14/17, 150 yards passing, 20 rushing yards, 2 TDs (1 rushing)

    Would this win him the job?

  5. EJ was 2-2, but played so bad he was basically responsible for loses in week 3 and 4. One good thing Marrone did was have the balls to cut the cord on EJ, for the franchise, immediately and not let the train wreck waste more years ....

    Week 3 against the Chargers, EJ was 23/39 for 238 and a TD. He took 3 sacks and fumbled once, but did not lost that fumble. He also ran 5 times for 24 yards.


    Please, help me understand how he was "responsible" for the SD loss.


    That doesn't sound like a lot, which is a limitation of statistics/hard data in a subjective discipline like sports.


    There is a LOT that separates Peyton Manning and Aaron Rogers type players from the Josh McCowns that never shows up on a stat sheet anywhere.


    If there wasn't there would be more great QBs.


    As to the # of games point: if he was any good he would have played all of last season. The team pulled the plug because he was in the way of them winning games.


    Anyone who says "well, Marrone just wanted to win so he played Orton" makes the point for me.

    It's actually more so that Marrone did not know what he was doing. If he had, he would have played EJ and the team would have likely won more games than they did with Orton. With a competent coach, he would have played all of last season.

  7. Again, so what? Tebow has size and arm strength and was a 1st round pick. Gronk has size and I bet his arm is strong too. It doesn't make them a good quarterback. If the Bills drafted EJ in the 6th round, would you still want him to start? I dont see why him being a 1st rounder matters at all.


    The Dougs got into a shouting match in TC last year because Marrone thought EJ stunk and we brought in Orton. We get a new staff with proven Offensive minds and EJ goes straight to 3rd string behind a journeyman and a guy with 0 starts. The leaked pictures of the Dallas draft board from that draft year show Dallas had EJ as a 4th round prospect.


    His accuracy is still poor and I think its time the posters on this board accept that EJ just doesnt have it.

    I'm not saying everyone with size and strength makes a good QB, but I think we can agree those are desirable qualities for QB.


    And yes, based on what I see from EJ right now, even as a UDFA, I would want him to be starting.

  8. I love this site for Bills news and rumors and never get in on the conversations but i must say I am so confused why this board is always filled with EJ talk. He's our 3rd string qb at best and yet he's all everyone on here talks about. There is a reason he is with the 3s in practice and in preseason games. All your bickering and stupid 4th quarter stat lines mean nothing and will never help him start for any team in the NFL. He's had more than enough chances to prove himself and he has yet to do so. I wanted him to be the franchise when went drafted him as well. But he's not and never will be. I just don't get the support for him. We're you all supportive of all of our 1st round busts also? Again he's been 3rd the whole time and always will be time to start discussing Tyrod or Cassell and just drop EJ. Just trust the coaches who obviously see he doesn't have it. That is all. I'm sure there will be 100 keyboard Warriors attacking me for this, my picture which I set when wr drafted him and don't know how to change, the amount of my posts and dumb stuff like that so flame away. And go Bills.

    More than enough chances?


    Right as he was beginning to look good, albeit still a rookie, he got hurt.


    Meanwhile, despite being completely handcuffed by incompetent coaching, he starts 2-2 year two, after not having even played a full season, yet gets benched.


    EJ never had a fair chance with the old staff. When given a chance to actually play his game, he looked to be on the right track. Then Moron and Hackett made him timid and ruined what confidence he had.


    When given an opportunity to perform this preseason he has. He needs the start with the 1s next week to prove he can be the guy.

  9. We already tried the safe quarterback who "isn't going to win you many games but won't lose you many either" approach, and I for one am tired of it. I have zero desire to see Matt Cassel start. He should be on the bench for leadership and mentoring, but really should have never even been in the starting QB discussion.


    TT brings energy and a spark, and with this team, I think we could win as many as 12 games with him as our starting QB. The problem is I think if he is good, it lasts for two years or so, maybe three. I just do not see a sustained career there, and then we're back in QB purgatory.


    I think it is apparent EJ's confidence is on the rise. He has the size and arm strength to be a starting NFL QB, and he has done nothing in game situations this year but prove he's fixed at least some of his accuracy issues. This is a first round pick, who now has proper coaching, and continues to mature and develop. If we are looking for a franchise QB, we can can count on for the next 8 or 10 years... I think EJ is our guy. It is foolish if he is not our starting QB.

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