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Posts posted by DisplacedBillsFan

  1. I didn't find a more recent draft thread, so figured this was as good a place as any to post my thoughts.


    One area we need to improve next year is our group of WRs as a whole. Yes, we have some talent, but we are not nearly talented enough after Sammy and Woods (I know some debate Woods' talent, I feel he is a solid 2 or 3 who should be on the field a lot and utilized more).


    Anyway, we should take a WR in the draft, and I think it should be Rashard Higgins from CSU.


    Last year, with an experienced QB he had 17 TD grabs and led the nation with 1,750 receiving yard. Entering this year, he was considered by some to be the best WR in the nation, and was a consensus first round selection.


    Unfortunately for him, he had a few injury issues early in the season (which are now in the past and he finished the season strong) and played with a QB who was making his first college starts. Despite missing some time he still finished with 75 catches for over 1000 yards and 8 TDs. He had 9 catches for 129 yards in the Rams bowl game last night.


    Higgins is listed at 6-2, 190 and has had his 40 time clocked at 4.4. Because of his down year, draft predictions now have him in the 3rd or 4th round.


    I feel as this would be an exception pick in the 3rd, and an even better value in the 4th, especially since he has 1st round talent. Imagine a guy like this playing opposite Sammy. Our offense would automatically become more dangerous.

  2. I'll go with none. Here's a few reasons why.


    1. College coaches get to hand pick every single player on their roster to fit their scheme. They have what is it, 80, scholarships to dole out to players they want. The find the right players for their system and team culture. The so-called college genius are, shockingly, all at major schools whose historic past and reputation help in recruiting. Saban bombed in the NFL, but he's a great college coach right? Kelly was great in college but sucked in the NFL, I'd argue he made his team worse over this three seasons. In the NFL, you get a roster handed to you and you don't get to go out and use the Alabama name, great facilities, and scholarships to recruit the best free agents. You get a small amount of free agent money to go plug a few holes.


    2. As Kelly has proven and others like Marrone did too, you can't treat pros like college kids. A millionaire is a professional, and treating them as a true underling doesn't work. Many of these coaches just don't know how to treat a man like a man when they can't control them like a 19 year old sophomore on scholarship.


    3. NFL coaching experience matters. I'd never ever hire a college coach. Give me a coordinator or former coach who has been around NFL players, locker room, front offices, and the entire culture.


    4. Scheme, mainly offensive. These college coaches with great teams have great athletic talent all the skill positions. They simply out play the defensive talent with speed. But many of these outstanding college skill players suck in the NFL, because of my main point about a lot of NFL players... they're not intelligent enough, they've gotten by their whole lives on pure skill. That works in college where things are simpler and talent matchups can be lopsided. In the NFL, not so much because the NFL is a filter... the talent and brains are at every position. When you used to be a WR who just ran by everyone, now you need to be a WR who runs precise routes and you simply can't learn it because you're too dumb or don't have the work ethic.


    Where's all the Kevin Sumlin talk this year. He was supposed to be great NFL candidate and now he's rumored to be on thin ice. Would he have lasted had he been hired after Manziel's last season? Nope, just another college coach who should stay there,

    Very thoughtful post. I agree it is always a huge risk and rarely works out. However, it seems when it does work it it works out big time for the NFL club. So well it may be a 1 in 100 type scenario, that 1 is out there somewhere.

    And by the way, I don't think it's fair to say that Chip Kelly failed as a coach--it was his GM performance that got him fired. There is still a good chance he will be coaching in the NFL next year.

    Agreed that Kelly will be coaching in the NFL next year, and I also believe he can be successful in the NFL if he focuses more on coaching and less on shipping all the good players out of town. With a talented roster (assembled by someone else) he used his scheme while implementing his culture on his way to back-to-back 10 win seasons. It was after he got full control over personnel that he screwed things up.

  3. With the news of Chip Kelly being fired, I started to think about which current college HC could have long term success in the NFL.


    Jim Harbaugh is an obvious choice, should he ever choose to return to the NFL/have the opportunity to do so.


    That said, Dabo Swinney would be my choice. I have wanted Buffalo to make a run at him each of the last two coaching searches, but it has not happened. Perhaps if he gets a national title this year he'll be ready to listen to NFL offers, should there be any.

  4. Just having fun here with not much left of substantial importance this year for us, so try not to get too out of shape if you think this thread is nonsense.


    Say AJ McCarron plays really well with his opportunity these next couple games (looking good against a good Denver D) and Bengals have a QB controversy forcing them to feel as though they have to trade one of them.


    Regardless of who you think they would keep, who would you rather have the chance or trading for? The older guy who seems to have finally elevated his game to the upper tier but can't win a playoff game or the young guy who played awesome and has a ton of upside?


    For the sake of this thread say AJ finishes with 250 ypg passing and 25 rushing along with a 3:1 TD to INT ratio, and Dalton doesn't get back quickly enough and AJ wins a playoff game.


    Dalton was a little over 3200 yards through 13 games with a 66% completion percentage with 25 TDS and 7 picks. Let's say Dalton comes back and loses his only playoff game.


    Who would you rather have?

  5. Not sure I understand the multiple messages (not just in this thread) about Leodis needing to go. If I recall correctly, he was playing at a very high level last year when he got injured, and it was a major loss. This year so far, there has been a bit of rust, as expected after his extended leave, but it appears the guy can still contribute, and after a few more games in this system, likely at a very high level again.


    Someone please explain to me why we want to give away good players? Who would have filled in last weekend for Gilmore without Leodis around? What is wrong with having three high quality CBs on the roster?

  6. So I'm thinking the Johnny Manziel era is starting exactly at the right time, as he brings a little late season magic to that team.


    Our path to the playoffs is still quite easy, even if it is unlikely. If nothing else, a loss by Pittsburgh to the Broncos next weeks keeps us one game and an exciting week 17 away from the playoffs.


    Pittsburgh loses to Denver week 15


    Bills win week 15 and 16


    Jets lose to Patriots (as they should)


    If these three scenarios happen, we are playing Jets week 17 with playoffs on the line, rooting for Johnny to upset the Steelers, and we're in!

  7. Statistically speaking, over the last 25 years the Bills have made it to the Super Bowl 57% of the time after qualifying for the playoffs. That's basically a coin toss. Call the OP a crazy jackass if you must, but the numbers support him.


    I appreciate the support!


    And, some of these responses have been hilarious, so thanks for the laughs.


    That said, and with a night to think this over... I'm even more confident in my prediction and buy-in.


    Super Bowl here we come!

  8. If we make it to the playoffs, we'll make it to the Super Bowl.


    The only reason playoffs are in doubt is because we do not control other teams' performances. But, make no mistake, we will win out.


    Why do I believe this?


    The defense is slowly but surely getting Rex's scheme, terminology, assignments ,etc. It has taken time, but this group should be clicking the rest of the year, even with the injuries factoring in. The performance against NE*, sacks against Houston, and holding a receiver like Hopkins to a below average day are just some of the signs of where this defense is headed.


    What about the offense? Well, they've already been pretty decent all year. The X factor now though is that TT is really stepping up, and is exactly what this team needs. Telling Hughes to get his head in the game after KC, making sure Carpenter was supported, and my favorite, telling, no yelling at, a veteran to hurry up and get on the line are just a few examples of the leadership characteristic TT has to offer. His play on the field has been better than anyone expected. Now, he's about to take that next step and nobody will mistake the Bills for anything other than Tyrod Taylor's team.


    It's about to get fun ladies and gemtlemen. Enjoy the ride.

  9. it's because there's little time left to the season that alot of injuries won't be healed in time to make it back by the end of the year. You might as well put the player on IR and bring in someone you can take a look at and help instead of wasting a roster spot on someone who won't be able to play the rest of the season.


    Also with it being near the end of the yeT and teams still in the hunt with banged up players already, lots of teams need a body to play now and take snaps while others are banged up so they go with IR so they can bring someone else in. Usually on the last few weeks, most role player guys have to either play hurt or go on IR if they get banged up cause teams don't have the space to hold them if they aren't going to be on the field.

    but you don't know if Spikes can contribute without knowing the defence. If this was the same defence as last year then yes he could step in and probably contribute,but with Rex's defence it doesn't appear to be easy enough that they can just get anyone and plug them in and contribute. And if they won't change and adjust the defence to suit their own players who are having trouble or issues with it, why would they change and adjust it for a guy who's been on the couch all season who they could have had earlier on their roster learning it? Obviously the front office or coaching staff aren't as big on Spikes as the fans are

    Agreed. This was the point. Whether someone is in a position to where they could contribute or not, they are not even going to get a look unless they have previous experience with a Rex Ryan defense.

  10. I would love to see Spikes back. However, if Rex's defense is as complex as reported, and confirmed by ex players, we likely are not getting anyone who hasn't been exposed to it before. This means we are limited to practice squad guys, guys we had in camp, or Rex's former players.


    This means a guy like Tarpley, who has been nothing but horrible so far, is in, and a guy like Spikes who can likely still contribute at least at a decent level, stays at home on the couch.

  11. I wonder how much Rex being familiar with many of these players at the next level plays in. Sure, all coaches have tape to watch, but you would think after coaching them he may know things like if a DT has a slow first step one way or another or if a certain LB struggles with dropping in coverage on the weak side. Small weaknesses, perhaps even that he schemed to cover up when there, may become opportunities when coaching from the other side of the field.

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